Bayes Factor Tutorial
Bayes factors are a key concept in Bayesian model comparison, allowing us to compare the relative likelihood of different models given the data. They are computed using the marginal likelihoods (or evidence) of the models. This tutorial will cover various methods for computing marginal likelihoods.
You find an introduction and extensive review here: Llorente et al. (2023).
Marginal Likelihood
The marginal likelihood (or evidence) of a model \(\mathcal{M}\) given data \(\mathcal{D}\) is defined as:
where \(\theta\) are the parameters of the model. This integral averages the likelihood over the prior distribution of the parameters, providing a measure of how well the model explains the data, considering all possible parameter values.
Bayes Factor
The Bayes factor comparing two models \(\mathcal{M}_1\) and \(\mathcal{M}_2\) given data \(\mathcal{D}\) is the ratio of their marginal likelihoods:
A \(\operatorname{BF}_{12} > 1\) indicates that the data favors model \(\mathcal{M}_1\) over model \(\mathcal{M}_2\), while \(\operatorname{BF}_{12} < 1\) indicates the opposite.
Jeffreys (1961) suggested interpreting Bayes factors in half-units on the log10 scale (this was further simplified in Kass and Raftery (1995)):
Not worth more than a bare mention: \(0 < \log_{10} \operatorname{BF}_{12} \leq 0.5\)
Substantial: \(0.5 < \log_{10}\operatorname{BF}_{12} \leq 1\)
Strong: \(1 < \log_{10}\operatorname{BF}_{12} \leq 2\)
Decisive: \(2 < \log_{10}\operatorname{BF}_{12}\)
To illustrate different methods to compute marginal likelihoods, we introduce two toy models, for which we can compute the marginal likelihoods analytically:
Mixture of Two Gaussians (True Data Generator): Composed of two Gaussian distributions, \(\mathcal{N}(\mu_1, \sigma_1^2)\) and \(\mathcal{N}(\mu_2, \sigma_2^2)\), with mixing coefficient \(\pi=0.7\).
Single Gaussian (Alternative Model): A single Gaussian distribution, \(\mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma^2)\).
We sample synthetic data from the first model and create pypesto problems for both models with the same data. The free parameters are the means of both models. For this example, we assume that the standard deviation is known and fixed to the true value. As priors, we assume normal distributions.
from functools import partial
from typing import Union
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from scipy.special import logsumexp
from pypesto import sample, optimize, visualize, variational
from pypesto.objective import (
from pypesto.problem import Problem
# For testing purposes. Remove if not running the exact example.
# model hyperparameters
N = 10
N2_1 = 3
N2_2 = N - N2_1
sigma2 = 2.
true_params = np.array([-2., 2.])
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=0)
# Alternative Model
Y1 = rng.normal(loc=0., scale=1., size=N)
# True Model
Y2_1 = rng.normal(loc=true_params[0], scale=sigma2, size=N2_1)
Y2_2 = rng.normal(loc=true_params[1], scale=sigma2, size=N2_2)
Y2 = np.concatenate([Y2_1, Y2_2])
mixture_data, sigma = Y2, sigma2
n_obs = len(mixture_data)
# plot the alternative model distribution as a normal distribution
x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 100)
plt.plot(x, stats.norm.pdf(x, loc=0., scale=1.), label='Alternative Model', color='red')
plt.plot(x, stats.norm.pdf(x, loc=true_params[0], scale=sigma2), label='True Model Y2_1', color='blue')
plt.plot(x, stats.norm.pdf(x, loc=true_params[1], scale=sigma2), label='True Model Y2_2', color='green')
# Plot the data of the alternative and true model as dots on the x-axis for each model
plt.scatter(Y1, np.zeros_like(Y1), label='Y1 samples', color='red')
plt.scatter(Y2_1, np.full(len(Y2_1), 0.05), label='Y2_1 samples', color='blue')
plt.scatter(Y2_2, np.full(len(Y2_2), 0.1), label='Y2_2 samples', color='green')
# evidence
def log_evidence_alt(data: np.ndarray, std: float):
n = int(data.size)
y_sum = np.sum(data)
y_sq_sum = np.sum(data**2)
term1 = 1 / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * std)
log_term2 = -0.5 * np.log(n + 1)
inside_exp = -0.5 / (std**2) * (y_sq_sum - (y_sum**2) / (n + 1))
return n * np.log(term1) + log_term2 + inside_exp
def log_evidence_true(data: np.ndarray, std: float):
y1 = data[:N2_1]
y2 = data[N2_1:]
n = N2_1 + N2_2
y_mean_1 = np.mean(y1)
y_mean_2 = np.mean(y2)
y_sq_sum = np.sum(y1**2) + np.sum(y2**2)
term1 = (1 / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * std)) ** n
term2 = 1 / (np.sqrt(N2_1 + 1) * np.sqrt(N2_2 + 1))
inside_exp = (
/ (2 * std**2)
* (
+ 8
- (N2_1 * y_mean_1 - 2) ** 2 / (N2_1 + 1)
- (N2_2 * y_mean_2 + 2) ** 2 / (N2_2 + 1)
return np.log(term1) + np.log(term2) + inside_exp
true_log_evidence_alt = log_evidence_alt(mixture_data, sigma)
true_log_evidence_true = log_evidence_true(mixture_data, sigma)
print("True log evidence, true model:", true_log_evidence_true)
print("True log evidence, alternative model:", true_log_evidence_alt)
True log evidence, true model: -21.42916318626999
True log evidence, alternative model: -28.403991105695493
# define likelihood for each model, and build the objective functions for the pyPESTO problem
def neg_log_likelihood(params: Union[np.ndarray, list], data: np.ndarray):
# normal distribution
mu, std = params
n = int(data.size)
return (
0.5 * n * np.log(2 * np.pi)
+ n * np.log(std)
+ np.sum((data - mu) ** 2) / (2 * std**2)
def neg_log_likelihood_grad(params: Union[np.ndarray, list], data: np.ndarray):
mu, std = params
n = int(data.size)
grad_mu = -np.sum(data - mu) / (std**2)
grad_std = n / std - np.sum((data - mu) ** 2) / (std**3)
return np.array([grad_mu, grad_std])
def neg_log_likelihood_hess(params: Union[np.ndarray, list], data: np.ndarray):
mu, std = params
n = int(data.size)
hess_mu_mu = n / (std**2)
hess_mu_std = 2 * np.sum(data - mu) / (std**3)
hess_std_std = -n / (std**2) + 3 * np.sum((data - mu) ** 2) / (std**4)
return np.array([[hess_mu_mu, hess_mu_std], [hess_mu_std, hess_std_std]])
def neg_log_likelihood_m2(
params: Union[np.ndarray, list], data: np.ndarray, n_mix: int
# normal distribution
y1 = data[:n_mix]
y2 = data[n_mix:]
m1, m2, std = params
neg_log_likelihood([m1, std], y1)
term1 = neg_log_likelihood([m1, std], y1)
term2 = neg_log_likelihood([m2, std], y2)
return term1 + term2
def neg_log_likelihood_m2_grad(params: np.ndarray, data: np.ndarray, n_mix: int):
m1, m2, std = params
y1 = data[:n_mix]
y2 = data[n_mix:]
grad_m1, grad_std1 = neg_log_likelihood_grad([m1, std], y1)
grad_m2, grad_std2 = neg_log_likelihood_grad([m2, std], y2)
return np.array([grad_m1, grad_m2, grad_std1 + grad_std2])
def neg_log_likelihood_m2_hess(params: np.ndarray, data: np.ndarray, n_mix: int):
m1, m2, std = params
y1 = data[:n_mix]
y2 = data[n_mix:]
[[hess_m1_m1, hess_m1_std], [_, hess_std_std1]] = neg_log_likelihood_hess(
[m1, std], y1
[[hess_m2_m2, hess_m2_std], [_, hess_std_std2]] = neg_log_likelihood_hess(
[m2, std], y2
hess_m1_m2 = 0
return np.array(
[hess_m1_m1, hess_m1_m2, hess_m1_std],
[hess_m1_m2, hess_m2_m2, hess_m2_std],
[hess_m1_std, hess_m2_std, hess_std_std1 + hess_std_std2],
nllh_true = Objective(
fun=partial(neg_log_likelihood_m2, data=mixture_data, n_mix=N2_1),
grad=partial(neg_log_likelihood_m2_grad, data=mixture_data, n_mix=N2_1),
hess=partial(neg_log_likelihood_m2_hess, data=mixture_data, n_mix=N2_1),
nllh_alt = Objective(
fun=partial(neg_log_likelihood, data=mixture_data),
grad=partial(neg_log_likelihood_grad, data=mixture_data),
hess=partial(neg_log_likelihood_hess, data=mixture_data),
def log_normal_density(x: float, mu: float, std: float):
return (
-1 / 2 * np.log(2 * np.pi)
- 1 / 2 * np.log(std**2)
- (x - mu) ** 2 / (2 * std**2)
def log_normal_density_grad(x: float, mu: float, std: float):
return -(x - mu) / (std**2)
def log_normal_density_hess(x: float, mu: float, std: float):
return -1 / (std**2)
prior_true = NegLogParameterPriors(
"index": 0,
"density_fun": partial(log_normal_density, mu=true_params[0], std=sigma2),
"density_dx": partial(
log_normal_density_grad, mu=true_params[0], std=sigma2
"density_ddx": partial(
log_normal_density_hess, mu=true_params[0], std=sigma2
"index": 1,
"density_fun": partial(log_normal_density, mu=true_params[1], std=sigma2),
"density_dx": partial(
log_normal_density_grad, mu=true_params[1], std=sigma2
"density_ddx": partial(
log_normal_density_hess, mu=true_params[1], std=sigma2
prior_alt = NegLogParameterPriors(
"index": 0,
"density_fun": partial(log_normal_density, mu=0., std=1.),
"density_dx": partial(log_normal_density_grad, mu=0., std=1.),
"density_ddx": partial(
log_normal_density_hess, mu=0., std=1.
mixture_problem_true = Problem(
objective=AggregatedObjective(objectives=[nllh_true, prior_true]),
lb=[-10, -10, 0],
ub=[10, 10, 10],
x_names=["mu1", "mu2", "sigma"],
x_scales=["lin", "lin", "lin"],
mixture_problem_alt = Problem(
objective=AggregatedObjective(objectives=[nllh_alt, prior_alt]),
lb=[-10, 0],
ub=[10, 10],
x_names=["mu", "sigma"],
x_scales=["lin", "lin"],
# to make the code more readable, we define a dictionary with all models
# from here on, we use the pyPESTO problem objects, so the code can be reused for any other problem
models = {
'mixture_model1': {
'name': 'True-Model',
'true_log_evidence': true_log_evidence_true,
'prior_mean': np.array([-2, 2]),
'prior_std': np.array([2, 2]),
'prior_cov': np.diag([4, 4]),
'true_params': true_params,
'problem': mixture_problem_true,
'mixture_model2': {
'name': 'Alternative-Model',
'true_log_evidence': true_log_evidence_alt,
'prior_mean': np.array([0]),
'prior_std': np.array([1]),
'prior_cov': np.diag([1]),
'problem': mixture_problem_alt,
for m in models.values():
# neg_log_likelihood is called with full vector, parameters might be still in log space
m['neg_log_likelihood'] = lambda x: m['problem'].objective._objectives[0](
m['problem'].get_full_vector(x=x, x_fixed_vals=m['problem'].x_fixed_vals)
Methods for Computing Marginal Likelihoods
# run optimization for each model
for m in models.values():
m['results'] = optimize.minimize(problem=m['problem'], n_starts=100)
if 'true_params' in m.keys():
results=m['results'], reference={'x': m["true_params"], 'fval': m['problem'].objective(m["true_params"])})
CPU times: user 688 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 688 ms
Wall time: 687 ms
1. Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)
The BIC is a simple and widely-used approximation to the marginal likelihood. It is computed as:
where \(k\) is the number of parameters, \(n\) is the number of data points, and \(\hat{L}\) is the maximum likelihood estimate. \(-\frac12 \operatorname{BIC}\) approximates the marginal likelihood under the assumption that the prior is non-informative and the sample size is large.
BIC is easy to compute and converges to the marginal likelihood, but it may not capture the full complexity of model selection, especially for complex models or significant prior information as the prior is completely ignored.
for m in models.values():
m['BIC'] = len(m['problem'].x_free_indices) * np.log(n_obs) + 2 * m['neg_log_likelihood'](m['results'].optimize_result.x[0])
print(m['name'], 'BIC marginal likelihood approximation:', -1/2*m['BIC'])
True-Model BIC marginal likelihood approximation: -21.714716595671106
Alternative-Model BIC marginal likelihood approximation: -28.356215203233447
2. Laplace Approximation
The Laplace approximation estimates the marginal likelihood by approximating the posterior distribution as a Gaussian centered at the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate \(\hat{\theta}\) using the Hessian of the posterior distribution. The marginal likelihood is then approximated as:
where \(\Sigma\) is the covariance matrix of the posterior distribution (unnormalized, so likelihood \(\times\) prior).
The Laplace approximation is accurate if the posterior is unimodal and roughly Gaussian.
for m in models.values():
laplace_evidences = []
for x in m['results'].optimize_result.x:
log_evidence = sample.evidence.laplace_approximation_log_evidence(m['problem'], x)
m['laplace_evidences'] = np.array(laplace_evidences)
print(m['name'], f'laplace approximation: {m["laplace_evidences"][0]}')
True-Model laplace approximation: -21.42916318626999
Alternative-Model laplace approximation: -27.833962017301445
CPU times: user 97 ms, sys: 8.14 ms, total: 105 ms
Wall time: 102 ms
3. Sampling-Based Methods
Sampling-based methods, such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) or nested sampling, do not make assumptions about the shape of the posterior and can provide more accurate estimates of the marginal likelihood. However, they can be computationally very intensive.
Arithmetic Mean Estimator
The arithmetic mean estimator also uses samples from the prior evaluated at the likelihood function to approximate the marginal likelihood:
The arithmetic mean estimator requires a large number of samples and is very inefficient. It approximates the marginal likelihood from below.
for m in models.values():
prior_sample = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=m['prior_mean'],
log_likelihoods = np.array([-m['neg_log_likelihood'](x) for x in prior_sample])
m['arithmetic_log_evidence'] = logsumexp(log_likelihoods) - np.log(log_likelihoods.size)
print(m['name'], f'arithmetic mean: {m["arithmetic_log_evidence"]}')
True-Model arithmetic mean: -21.507140380915295
Alternative-Model arithmetic mean: -27.843177207216065
CPU times: user 186 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 186 ms
Wall time: 186 ms
Harmonic Mean
The harmonic mean estimator uses posterior samples to estimate the marginal likelihood:
where \(\theta_i\) are samples from the posterior distribution.
The harmonic mean estimator approximates the evidence from above since it tends to ignore low likelihood regions, such as those comprising the prior, leading to overestimates of the marginal likelihoods, even when asymptotically unbiased. Moreover, the estimator can have a high variance due to evaluating the likelihood at low probability regions and inverting it. Hence, it can be very unstable and even fail catastrophically. A more stable version, the stabilized harmonic mean, also uses samples from the prior (see Newton and Raftery (1994)). However, there are more efficient methods available.
A reliable sampling method is bridge sampling (see “A Tutorial on Bridge Sampling” by Gronau et al. (2017) for a nice introduction). It uses samples from a proposal and the posterior to estimate the marginal likelihood. The proposal distribution should be chosen to have a high overlap with the posterior (we construct it from half of the posterior samples by fitting a Gaussian distribution with the same mean and covariance). This method is more stable than the harmonic mean estimator. However, its accuracy may depend on the choice of the proposal distribution.
A different approach, the learnt harmonic mean estimator, was proposed by McEwen et al. (2021). The estimator solves the large variance problem by interpreting the harmonic mean estimator as importance sampling and introducing a new target distribution, which is learned from the posterior samples. The method can be applied just using samples from the posterior and is implemented in the software package accompanying the paper.
for m in models.values():
results = sample.sample(
# compute harmonic mean
m['harmonic_log_evidence'] = sample.evidence.harmonic_mean_log_evidence(results)
print(m['name'], f'harmonic mean: {m["harmonic_log_evidence"]}')
Elapsed time: 0.5161981619999993
Geweke burn-in index: 50
True-Model harmonic mean: -21.13583729945387
Elapsed time: 0.47210229199999976
Geweke burn-in index: 200
Alternative-Model harmonic mean: -27.92268631973482
CPU times: user 1.02 s, sys: 11.3 ms, total: 1.03 s
Wall time: 1.02 s
for m in models.values():
results = sample.sample(
# compute stabilized harmonic mean
prior_samples = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=m['prior_mean'],
m['harmonic_stabilized_log_evidence'] = sample.evidence.harmonic_mean_log_evidence(
print(m['name'], f'stabilized harmonic mean: {m["harmonic_stabilized_log_evidence"]}')
Elapsed time: 0.4079706889999999
Geweke burn-in index: 40
True-Model stabilized harmonic mean: -21.417226214235292
Elapsed time: 0.3640428379999996
Geweke burn-in index: 0
Alternative-Model stabilized harmonic mean: -27.945649747980912
CPU times: user 872 ms, sys: 7.5 ms, total: 879 ms
Wall time: 874 ms
for m in models.values():
results = sample.sample(
m['bridge_log_evidence'] = sample.evidence.bridge_sampling_log_evidence(results)
print(m['name'], f'bridge sampling: {m["bridge_log_evidence"]}')
Elapsed time: 0.5128435260000002
Geweke burn-in index: 0
True-Model bridge sampling: -21.525562032858403
Elapsed time: 0.4586632169999998
Geweke burn-in index: 300
Alternative-Model bridge sampling: -27.708331741333016
CPU times: user 1.33 s, sys: 7.42 ms, total: 1.34 s
Wall time: 1.33 s
Nested Sampling
Nested sampling is specifically designed for estimating marginal likelihoods. The static nested sampler is optimized for evidence computation and provides accurate estimates but may give less accurate posterior samples unless dynamic nested sampling is used.
Dynamic nested sampling can improve the accuracy of posterior samples. The package dynesty offers a lot of hyperparameters to tune accuracy and efficiency of computing samples from the posterior vs. estimating the marginal likelihood.
for m in models.values():
# define prior transformation needed for nested sampling
def prior_transform(u):
"""Transform prior sample from unit cube to normal prior."""
t = stats.norm.ppf(u) # convert to standard normal
c_sqrt = np.linalg.cholesky(m['prior_cov']) # Cholesky decomposition
u_new =, t) # correlate with appropriate covariance
u_new += m['prior_mean'] # add mean
return u_new
# initialize nested sampler
nested_sampler = sample.DynestySampler(
#sampler_args={'nlive': 250},
run_args={'maxcall': 1000},
dynamic=False, # static nested sampler is optimized for evidence computation
# run nested sampling
result_dynesty_sample = sample.sample(
# extract log evidence
m[f'nested_log_evidence'] = nested_sampler.sampler.results.logz[-1]
print(m['name'], f'nested sampling: {m["nested_log_evidence"]}')
Elapsed time: 0.7048668810000009
True-Model nested sampling: -21.421233341681788
Elapsed time: 0.6211339699999989
Alternative-Model nested sampling: -27.853826388233
CPU times: user 1.73 s, sys: 3.49 ms, total: 1.73 s
Wall time: 1.72 s
Thermodynamic Integration and Steppingstone Sampling
These methods are based on the power posterior, where the posterior is raised to a power \(t\) and integrated over \(t\):
Parallel tempering is a sampling algorithm that improves accuracy for multimodal posteriors by sampling from different temperatures simultaneously and exchanging samples between parallel chains. It can be used to sample from all power posteriors simultaneously allowing for thermodynamic integration and steppingstone sampling (Annis et al., 2019). These methods can be seen as path sampling methods, hence related to bridge sampling.
These methods can be more accurate for complex posteriors but are computationally intensive. Thermodynamic integration (TI) relies on integrating the integral over the temperature \(t\), while steppingstone sampling approximates the integral with a sum over a finite number of temperatures using an importance sampling estimator. Accuracy can be improved by using more temperatures. Errors in the estimator might come from the MCMC sampler in both cases and from numerical integration when applying TI. Steppingstone sampling can be a biased estimator for a small number of temperatures (Annis et al., 2019).
for m in models.values():
# initialize parallel tempering sampler
ti_sampler = sample.ParallelTemperingSampler( # not adaptive, since we want fixed temperatures
# run mcmc with parallel tempering
result_ti = sample.sample(
# compute log evidence via thermodynamic integration
m['thermodynamic_log_evidence'] = sample.evidence.parallel_tempering_log_evidence(result_ti, use_all_chains=False)
print(m['name'], f'thermodynamic integration: {m["thermodynamic_log_evidence"]}')
# compute log evidence via steppingstone sampling
m['steppingstone_log_evidence'] = sample.evidence.parallel_tempering_log_evidence(result_ti, method='steppingstone', use_all_chains=False)
print(m['name'], f'steppingstone sampling: {m["steppingstone_log_evidence"]}')
Initializing betas with "beta decay".
Elapsed time: 5.656215320000001
Geweke burn-in index: 0
Burn-in index (0) already calculated. Skipping Geweke test.
Initializing betas with "beta decay".
True-Model thermodynamic integration: -21.417067376860174
True-Model steppingstone sampling: -21.405482691309974
Elapsed time: 5.2622714360000025
Geweke burn-in index: 450
Burn-in index (450) already calculated. Skipping Geweke test.
Alternative-Model thermodynamic integration: -27.805146369154272
Alternative-Model steppingstone sampling: -27.80624334619405
CPU times: user 11.6 s, sys: 10.8 ms, total: 11.6 s
Wall time: 11.6 s
Variational Inference
Variational inference approximates the posterior with a simpler distribution and can be faster than sampling methods for large problems. The marginal likelihood can be estimated using similar approaches as before, but the accuracy is limited by the choice of the variational family.
Variational inference optimization is based on the Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO), providing an additional check for the estimator.
for m in models.values():
# one could define callbacks to check convergence during optimization
# import pymc as pm
# cb = [
# pm.callbacks.CheckParametersConvergence(
# tolerance=1e-3, diff='absolute'),
# pm.callbacks.CheckParametersConvergence(
# tolerance=1e-3, diff='relative'),
# ]
pypesto_variational_result = variational.variational_fit(
# negative elbo, this is bound to the evidence (optimization criterion)
vi_lower_bound = np.max(
# compute harmonic mean from posterior samples
approx_sample = pypesto_variational_result.variational_result.sample(1000)['trace_x'][0]
neg_log_likelihoods = np.array([m['neg_log_likelihood'](ps) for ps in approx_sample])
m['vi_harmonic_log_evidences'] = -logsumexp(neg_log_likelihoods) + np.log(
print(m['name'], f'harmonic mean with variational inference: {m["vi_harmonic_log_evidences"]}')
print("Evidence lower bound:", vi_lower_bound)
# evidence cannot be smaller than the lower bound
m["vi_harmonic_log_evidences"] = max(m["vi_harmonic_log_evidences"], vi_lower_bound)
Finished [100%]: Average Loss = 27.526
Elapsed time: 11.072513449999999
True-Model harmonic mean with variational inference: -26.3336621266398
Evidence lower bound: -24.855106124949838
Finished [100%]: Average Loss = 31.029
Elapsed time: 9.057647328999998
Alternative-Model harmonic mean with variational inference: -29.536705062288313
Evidence lower bound: -28.972008607053578
CPU times: user 20.6 s, sys: 1.43 s, total: 22 s
Wall time: 1min 46s
labels = [
'-1/2 BIC',
'Arithmetic Mean',
'Harmonic Mean',
'Stabilized\nHarmonic Mean',
'Bridge Sampling',
'Nested Sampling',
'Variational Inference\nHarmonic Mean'
bayes_factors = [
true_bf = models['mixture_model1']['true_log_evidence'] - models['mixture_model2']['true_log_evidence']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, tight_layout=True, sharex=True, figsize=(6, 6))
colors = ['blue', 'orange']
for i, m in enumerate(models.values()):
m['log_evidences'] = np.array([
ax[0].scatter(x=np.arange(m['log_evidences'].size), y=m['log_evidences'], color=colors[i], label=m['name'])
ax[0].axhline(m['true_log_evidence'], color=colors[i], alpha=0.75, label=f'True evidence of {m["name"]}')
m['error'] = (np.exp(m['log_evidences']) - np.exp(m['true_log_evidence']))**2
mean_error = np.sum(np.array([m['error'] for m in models.values()]), axis=0)
ax[1].scatter(x=np.arange(len(labels)), y=mean_error)
ax[0].set_title(f'Comparison of different evidence estimators')
ax[0].set_ylabel('Ln Evidence')
ax[1].set_ylabel('Squared Error of Evidence\nsum of both models')
ax[1].set_xticks(ticks=np.arange(len(labels)), labels=labels, rotation=60)
fig.legend(ncols=1, loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.5, 0.7))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, tight_layout=True, figsize=(6, 5))
ax.axhline(true_bf, linestyle='-', color='r', label='True Bayes Factor')
plt.scatter(x=np.arange(len(bayes_factors)), y=bayes_factors, label='Estimates')
# add decision thresholds
c = lambda x: np.log(np.power(10, x)) # usually defined in log10, convert to ln
ax.axhline(c(0), color='red', linestyle='--', label='"Not worth more than a bare mention"')
ax.axhline(c(0.5), color='orange', linestyle='--', label='"Substantial"')
ax.axhline(c(1), color='yellow', linestyle='--', label='"Strong"')
ax.axhline(c(2), color='green', linestyle='--', label='"Decisive"')
ax.set_ylabel('ln Bayes Factor')
ax.set_title(f'Bayes Factor of {models["mixture_model1"]["name"]} vs. {models["mixture_model2"]["name"]}')
plt.xticks(ticks=np.arange(len(bayes_factors)), labels=labels, rotation=60)
fig.legend(ncols=1, loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.5, 0.7))
We recommend using either bridge sampling, nested sampling or one of the methods using power posteriors depending on the computational resources available.
Bayes factors and marginal likelihoods are powerful tools for Bayesian model comparison. While there are various methods to compute marginal likelihoods, each has its strengths and weaknesses. Choosing the appropriate method depends on the specific context, the complexity of the models, and the computational resources available.