We provide a collection of example notebooks to get a better idea of how to use pyPESTO, and illustrate core features.
The notebooks can be run locally with an installation of jupyter
(pip install jupyter
), or online on Google Colab or nbviewer, following
the links at the top of each notebook.
At least an installation of pyPESTO is required, which can be performed by
# install if not done yet
!pip install pypesto --quiet
Potentially, further dependencies may be required.
Getting started
PEtab and AMICI
Algorithms and features
- Fixed parameters
- Prior definition
- A sampler study
- MCMC sampling diagnostics
- Result Storage
- Optimizer Convergence and Comparison
- Model Selection
- Bayes Factor Tutorial
- Julia objectives
- Hierarchical optimization with relative data
- Parameter estimation using ordinal data
- Parameter estimation using censored data
- Parameter estimation using non-linear semi-quantitative data
- RoadRunner in pyPESTO