Source code for pypesto.profile.profile_next_guess

from typing import Callable, Literal

import numpy as np

from ..problem import Problem
from ..result import ProfilerResult
from .options import ProfileOptions

__all__ = ["next_guess", "fixed_step", "adaptive_step"]

[docs] def next_guess( x: np.ndarray, par_index: int, par_direction: Literal[1, -1], profile_options: ProfileOptions, update_type: Literal[ "fixed_step", "adaptive_step_order_0", "adaptive_step_order_1", "adaptive_step_regression", ], current_profile: ProfilerResult, problem: Problem, global_opt: float, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Create the next initial guess for the optimizer. Used in order to compute the next profile point. Different proposal methods are available. Parameters ---------- x: The current position of the profiler. par_index: The index of the parameter of the current profile. par_direction: The direction, in which the profiling is done (``1`` or ``-1``). profile_options: Various options applied to the profile optimization. update_type: Type of update for next profile point. Available options are: * ``fixed_step`` (see :func:`fixed_step`) * ``adaptive_step_order_0`` (see :func:`adaptive_step`). * ``adaptive_step_order_1`` (see :func:`adaptive_step`). * ``adaptive_step_regression`` (see :func:`adaptive_step`). current_profile: The profile which should be computed. problem: The problem to be solved. global_opt: Log-posterior value of the global optimum. Returns ------- The next initial guess as base for the next profile point. """ if update_type == "fixed_step": return fixed_step( x, par_index, par_direction, profile_options, problem ) if update_type == "adaptive_step_order_0": order = 0 elif update_type == "adaptive_step_order_1": order = 1 elif update_type == "adaptive_step_regression": order = np.nan else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported `update_type` {update_type} for `next_guess`." ) return adaptive_step( x, par_index, par_direction, profile_options, current_profile, problem, global_opt, order, )
[docs] def fixed_step( x: np.ndarray, par_index: int, par_direction: Literal[1, -1], options: ProfileOptions, problem: Problem, ) -> np.ndarray: """Most simple method to create the next guess. Computes the next point based on the fixed step size given by :attr:`pypesto.profile.ProfileOptions.default_step_size`. Parameters ---------- x: The current position of the profiler, size `dim_full`. par_index: The index of the parameter of the current profile. par_direction: The direction, in which the profiling is done (``1`` or ``-1``). options: Various options applied to the profile optimization. problem: The problem to be solved. Returns ------- The updated parameter vector, of size `dim_full`. """ delta_x = np.zeros(len(x)) delta_x[par_index] = par_direction * options.default_step_size # check whether the next point is maybe outside the bounds # and correct it next_x_par = x[par_index] + delta_x[par_index] if par_direction == -1 and next_x_par < problem.lb_full[par_index]: delta_x[par_index] = problem.lb_full[par_index] - x[par_index] elif par_direction == 1 and next_x_par > problem.ub_full[par_index]: delta_x[par_index] = problem.ub_full[par_index] - x[par_index] return x + delta_x
[docs] def adaptive_step( x: np.ndarray, par_index: int, par_direction: Literal[1, -1], options: ProfileOptions, current_profile: ProfilerResult, problem: Problem, global_opt: float, order: int = 1, ) -> np.ndarray: """Group of more complex methods for point proposal. Step size is automatically computed by a line search algorithm (hence: adaptive). Parameters ---------- x: The current position of the profiler, size `dim_full`. par_index: The index of the parameter of the current profile. par_direction: The direction, in which the profiling is done (``1`` or ``-1``). options: Various options applied to the profile optimization. current_profile: The profile which should be computed. problem: The problem to be solved. global_opt: Log-posterior value of the global optimum. order: Specifies the precise algorithm for extrapolation. Available options are: * ``0``: just one parameter is updated * ``1``: the last two points are used to extrapolate all parameters * ``np.nan``: indicates that a more complex regression should be used as determined by :attr:`pypesto.profile.ProfileOptions.reg_order`. Returns ------- The updated parameter vector, of size `dim_full`. """ # restrict step proposal to minimum and maximum step size def clip_to_minmax(step_size_proposal): return np.clip( step_size_proposal, options.min_step_size, options.max_step_size ) # restrict step proposal to bounds def clip_to_bounds(step_proposal): return np.clip(step_proposal, problem.lb_full, problem.ub_full) problem.fix_parameters(par_index, x[par_index]) # Get update directions and first step size guesses ( step_size_guess, delta_x_dir, reg_par, delta_obj_value, ) = handle_profile_history( x, par_index, par_direction, global_opt, order, current_profile, problem, options, ) # check whether we must make a minimum step anyway, since we're close to # the next bound min_delta_x = x[par_index] + par_direction * options.min_step_size if par_direction == -1 and (min_delta_x < problem.lb_full[par_index]): step_length = problem.lb_full[par_index] - x[par_index] return x + step_length * delta_x_dir if par_direction == 1 and (min_delta_x > problem.ub_full[par_index]): step_length = problem.ub_full[par_index] - x[par_index] return x + step_length * delta_x_dir # parameter extrapolation function n_profile_points = len(current_profile.fval_path) # Do we have enough points to do a regression? if np.isnan(order) and n_profile_points > 2: def par_extrapol(step_length): x_step = [] # loop over parameters, extrapolate each one for i_par in range(problem.dim_full): if i_par == par_index: # if we meet the profiling parameter, just increase, # don't extrapolate x_step.append(x[par_index] + step_length * par_direction) elif i_par in problem.x_fixed_indices: # common fixed parameter: will be ignored anyway later x_step.append(np.nan) else: # extrapolate cur_par_extrapol = np.poly1d(reg_par[i_par]) x_step.append( cur_par_extrapol( x[par_index] + step_length * par_direction ) ) return clip_to_bounds(x_step) else: # if not, we do simple extrapolation def par_extrapol(step_length): x_step = x + step_length * delta_x_dir return clip_to_bounds(x_step) # compute proposal next_x = par_extrapol(step_size_guess) # next start point has to be searched # compute the next objective value which we aim for next_obj_target = ( -np.log(1.0 - options.delta_ratio_max) + options.magic_factor_obj_value * delta_obj_value + current_profile.fval_path[-1] ) # compute objective at the guessed point problem.fix_parameters(par_index, next_x[par_index]) next_obj = problem.objective(problem.get_reduced_vector(next_x)) # iterate until good step size is found return do_line_search( next_x, step_size_guess, par_extrapol, next_obj, next_obj_target, clip_to_minmax, clip_to_bounds, par_index, problem, options, )
def handle_profile_history( x: np.ndarray, par_index: int, par_direction: Literal[1, -1], global_opt: float, order: int, current_profile: ProfilerResult, problem: Problem, options: ProfileOptions, ) -> tuple[float, np.array, list[float], float]: """Compute the very first step direction update guesses. Check whether enough steps have been taken for applying regression, computes regression or simple extrapolation. Returns ------- step_size_guess: Guess for the step size. delta_x_dir: Parameter update direction. reg_par: The regression polynomial for profile extrapolation. delta_obj_value: The difference of the objective function value between the last point and `global_opt`. """ n_profile_points = len(current_profile.fval_path) # set the update direction delta_x_dir = np.zeros(len(x)) delta_x_dir[par_index] = par_direction reg_par = None # Is this the first step along this profile? If so, try a simple step if n_profile_points == 1: # try to use the default step size step_size_guess = options.default_step_size delta_obj_value = 0.0 else: # try to reuse the previous step size step_size_guess = np.abs( current_profile.x_path[par_index, -1] - current_profile.x_path[par_index, -2] ) delta_obj_value = current_profile.fval_path[-1] - global_opt if order == 1 or (np.isnan(order) and n_profile_points < 3): # set the update direction (extrapolate with order 1) last_delta_x = ( current_profile.x_path[:, -1] - current_profile.x_path[:, -2] ) delta_x_dir = last_delta_x / step_size_guess elif np.isnan(order): # compute the regression polynomial for parameter extrapolation reg_par = get_reg_polynomial( par_index, current_profile, problem, options ) return step_size_guess, delta_x_dir, reg_par, delta_obj_value def get_reg_polynomial( par_index: int, current_profile: ProfilerResult, problem: Problem, options: ProfileOptions, ) -> list[float]: """Compute the regression polynomial. Used to step proposal extrapolation from the last profile points. """ # determine interpolation order n_profile_points = len(current_profile.fval_path) reg_max_order = np.floor(n_profile_points / 2) reg_order = min(reg_max_order, options.reg_order) reg_points = min(n_profile_points, options.reg_points) # set up matrix of regression parameters reg_par = [] for i_par in range(problem.dim_full): if i_par in problem.x_fixed_indices: # if we meet the current profiling parameter or a fixed parameter, # there is nothing to do, so pass a np.nan reg_par.append(np.nan) else: # Do polynomial interpolation of profile path # Determine rank of polynomial interpolation regression_tmp = np.polyfit( current_profile.x_path[par_index, -reg_points:], current_profile.x_path[i_par, -reg_points:], reg_order, full=True, ) # Decrease rank if interpolation problem is ill-conditioned if regression_tmp[2] < reg_order: reg_order = regression_tmp[2] regression_tmp = np.polyfit( current_profile.x_path[par_index, -reg_points:], current_profile.x_path[i_par, -reg_points:], int(reg_order), full=True, ) # add to regression parameters reg_par.append(regression_tmp[0]) return reg_par def do_line_search( next_x: np.ndarray, step_size_guess: float, par_extrapol: Callable, next_obj: float, next_obj_target: float, clip_to_minmax: Callable, clip_to_bounds: Callable, par_index: int, problem: Problem, options: ProfileOptions, ) -> np.ndarray: """Perform the line search. Based on the objective function we want to reach, based on the current position in parameter space and on the first guess for the proposal. Parameters ---------- next_x: Starting parameters for the line search. step_size_guess: First guess for the step size. par_extrapol: Parameter extrapolation function. next_obj: Objective function value at `next_x`. next_obj_target: Objective function value we want to reach. clip_to_minmax: Function to clip the step size to minimum and maximum step size. clip_to_bounds: Function to clip the parameters to the bounds. par_index: Index of the parameter we are profiling. problem: The parameter estimation problem. options: Profile likelihood options. Returns ------- Parameter vector that is expected to yield the objective function value closest to `next_obj_target`. """ # Was the initial step too big or too small? direction = "decrease" if next_obj_target < next_obj else "increase" if direction == "increase": adapt_factor = options.step_size_factor else: adapt_factor = 1 / options.step_size_factor # Loop until correct step size was found while True: # Adapt step size of guess last_x = next_x step_size_guess = clip_to_minmax(step_size_guess * adapt_factor) next_x = clip_to_bounds(par_extrapol(step_size_guess)) # Check if we hit the bounds if ( direction == "decrease" and step_size_guess == options.min_step_size ): return next_x if ( direction == "increase" and step_size_guess == options.max_step_size ): return next_x # compute new objective value problem.fix_parameters(par_index, next_x[par_index]) last_obj = next_obj next_obj = problem.objective(problem.get_reduced_vector(next_x)) # check for root crossing and compute correct step size in case if (direction == "decrease" and next_obj_target >= next_obj) or ( direction == "increase" and next_obj_target <= next_obj ): return next_x_interpolate( next_obj, last_obj, next_x, last_x, next_obj_target ) def next_x_interpolate( next_obj: float, last_obj: float, next_x: np.ndarray, last_x: np.ndarray, next_obj_target: float, ) -> np.ndarray: """Interpolate between the last two steps.""" delta_obj = np.abs(next_obj - last_obj) add_x = np.abs(last_obj - next_obj_target) * (next_x - last_x) / delta_obj # fix final guess and return return last_x + add_x