Source code for pypesto.problem.hierarchical

import logging
from import Iterable
from typing import Optional, SupportsFloat, SupportsInt, Union

import numpy as np

from .base import Problem

SupportsFloatIterableOrValue = Union[Iterable[SupportsFloat], SupportsFloat]
SupportsIntIterableOrValue = Union[Iterable[SupportsInt], SupportsInt]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class HierarchicalProblem(Problem): """ The Hierarchical Problem. A hierarchical problem is a problem with a nested structure: One or multiple inner problems are nested inside the outer problem. The inner problems are optimized for each evaluation of the outer problem. The objective's calculator is used to collect the inner problems' objective values. Parameters ---------- hierarchical: A flag indicating the problem is hierarchical. inner_x_names: Names of the inner optimization parameters. Only relevant if hierarchical is True. Contains the names of easily interpretable inner parameters only, e.g. noise parameters, scaling factors, offsets. inner_lb, inner_ub: The lower and upper bounds for the inner optimization parameters. Only relevant if hierarchical is True. Contains the bounds of easily interpretable inner parameters only, e.g. noise parameters, scaling factors, offsets. semiquant_observable_ids: The ids of semiquantitative observables. Only relevant if hierarchical is True. If not None, the optimization result's `spline_knots` will be a list of lists of spline knots for each semiquantitative observable in the order of these ids. """
[docs] def __init__( self, inner_x_names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, inner_lb: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, list[float]]] = None, inner_ub: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, list[float]]] = None, **problem_kwargs: dict, ): super().__init__(**problem_kwargs) if inner_x_names is None: inner_x_names = ( self.objective.calculator.get_interpretable_inner_par_ids() ) if len(set(inner_x_names)) != len(inner_x_names): raise ValueError("Parameter names inner_x_names must be unique") self.inner_x_names = inner_x_names if inner_lb is None or inner_ub is None: ( default_inner_lb, default_inner_ub, ) = self.objective.calculator.get_interpretable_inner_par_bounds() inner_lb = default_inner_lb if inner_lb is None else inner_lb inner_ub = default_inner_ub if inner_ub is None else inner_ub if len(inner_lb) != len(inner_ub): raise ValueError("Parameter bounds must have same length") if len(inner_lb) != len(inner_x_names): raise ValueError( "Parameter bounds must have same length as parameter names" ) self.inner_lb = np.array(inner_lb) self.inner_ub = np.array(inner_ub) self.semiquant_observable_ids = ( self.objective.calculator.semiquant_observable_ids )