Source code for pypesto.hierarchical.inner_calculator_collector

"""Module for the InnerCalculatorCollector class.

In case of semi-quantitative or qualitative measurements, this class is used
to collect hierarchical inner calculators for each data type and merge their results.

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
from import Sequence
from typing import Union

import numpy as np

from ..C import (
from ..objective.amici.amici_calculator import AmiciCalculator
from ..objective.amici.amici_util import (

    import amici
    import petab
    from amici.parameter_mapping import ParameterMapping
except ImportError:
    petab = None
    ParameterMapping = None

from .ordinal import OrdinalCalculator, OrdinalInnerSolver, OrdinalProblem
from .relative import RelativeAmiciCalculator, RelativeInnerProblem
from .semiquantitative import (

AmiciModel = Union["amici.Model", "amici.ModelPtr"]
AmiciSolver = Union["amici.Solver", "amici.SolverPtr"]

[docs] class InnerCalculatorCollector(AmiciCalculator): """Class to collect inner calculators in case of non-quantitative data types. Upon import of a petab problem, the PEtab importer checks whether there are non-quantitative data types. If so, it creates an instance of this class instead of an AmiciCalculator. This class then collects the inner calculators for each data type and merges their results with the quantitative results. Parameters ---------- data_types: List of non-quantitative data types in the problem. petab_problem: The PEtab problem. model: The AMICI model. edatas: The experimental data. inner_options: Options for the inner problems and solvers. """
[docs] def __init__( self, data_types: set[str], petab_problem: petab.Problem, model: AmiciModel, edatas: list[amici.ExpData], inner_options: dict, ): super().__init__() self.validate_options(inner_options) self.data_types = data_types self.inner_calculators: list[ AmiciCalculator ] = [] # TODO make into a dictionary (future PR, together with .hierarchical of Problem) self.construct_inner_calculators( petab_problem, model, edatas, inner_options ) self.quantitative_data_mask = self._get_quantitative_data_mask(edatas) self._known_least_squares_safe = False self.semiquant_observable_ids = None
[docs] def initialize(self): """Initialize.""" for calculator in self.inner_calculators: calculator.initialize()
[docs] def construct_inner_calculators( self, petab_problem: petab.Problem, model: AmiciModel, edatas: list[amici.ExpData], inner_options: dict, ): """Construct inner calculators for each data type.""" self.necessary_par_dummy_values = {} if RELATIVE in self.data_types: relative_inner_problem = RelativeInnerProblem.from_petab_amici( petab_problem, model, edatas ) self.necessary_par_dummy_values.update( relative_inner_problem.get_dummy_values(scaled=True) ) relative_inner_solver = RelativeAmiciCalculator( inner_problem=relative_inner_problem ) self.inner_calculators.append(relative_inner_solver) if ORDINAL in self.data_types or CENSORED in self.data_types: optimal_scaling_inner_options = { key: value for key, value in inner_options.items() if key in ORDINAL_OPTIONS } inner_problem_method = optimal_scaling_inner_options.get( METHOD, None ) ordinal_inner_problem = OrdinalProblem.from_petab_amici( petab_problem, model, edatas, inner_problem_method ) ordinal_inner_solver = OrdinalInnerSolver( options=optimal_scaling_inner_options ) ordinal_calculator = OrdinalCalculator( ordinal_inner_problem, ordinal_inner_solver ) self.inner_calculators.append(ordinal_calculator) if SEMIQUANTITATIVE in self.data_types: spline_inner_options = { key: value for key, value in inner_options.items() if key in SPLINE_APPROXIMATION_OPTIONS } spline_ratio = spline_inner_options.pop(SPLINE_RATIO, None) semiquant_problem = SemiquantProblem.from_petab_amici( petab_problem, model, edatas, spline_ratio ) semiquant_inner_solver = SemiquantInnerSolver( options=spline_inner_options ) semiquant_calculator = SemiquantCalculator( semiquant_problem, semiquant_inner_solver ) self.necessary_par_dummy_values.update( semiquant_problem.get_noise_dummy_values(scaled=True) ) self.inner_calculators.append(semiquant_calculator) self.semiquant_observable_ids = [ model.getObservableIds()[group - 1] for group in semiquant_problem.get_groups_for_xs( InnerParameterType.SPLINE ) ] if self.data_types - { RELATIVE, ORDINAL, CENSORED, SEMIQUANTITATIVE, }: unsupported_data_types = self.data_types - { RELATIVE, ORDINAL, CENSORED, SEMIQUANTITATIVE, } raise NotImplementedError( f"Data types {unsupported_data_types} are not supported." )
[docs] def validate_options(self, inner_options: dict): """Validate the inner options. Parameters ---------- inner_options: Options for the inner problems and solvers. """ for key in inner_options: if ( key not in ORDINAL_OPTIONS and key not in SPLINE_APPROXIMATION_OPTIONS ): raise ValueError(f"Unknown inner option {key}.")
def _get_quantitative_data_mask( self, edatas: list[amici.ExpData], ) -> list[np.ndarray]: # transform experimental data edatas = [ amici.numpy.ExpDataView(edata)["observedData"] for edata in edatas ] quantitative_data_mask = [ np.ones_like(edata, dtype=bool) for edata in edatas ] # iterate over inner problems for calculator in self.inner_calculators: inner_parameters = calculator.inner_problem.xs.values() # Remove inner parameter masks from quantitative data mask for inner_par in inner_parameters: for cond_idx, condition_mask in enumerate( quantitative_data_mask ): condition_mask[inner_par.ixs[cond_idx]] = False # Put to False all entries that have a nan value in the edata for condition_mask, edata in zip(quantitative_data_mask, edatas): condition_mask[np.isnan(edata)] = False # If there is no quantitative data, return None if not all(mask.any() for mask in quantitative_data_mask): return None return quantitative_data_mask
[docs] def get_inner_par_ids(self) -> list[str]: """Return the ids of inner parameters of all inner problems.""" return [ parameter_id for inner_calculator in self.inner_calculators for parameter_id in inner_calculator.inner_problem.get_x_ids() ]
[docs] def get_interpretable_inner_par_ids(self) -> list[str]: """Return the ids of interpretable inner parameters of all inner problems. See :func:`InnerProblem.get_interpretable_x_ids`. """ return [ parameter_id for inner_calculator in self.inner_calculators for parameter_id in inner_calculator.inner_problem.get_interpretable_x_ids() ]
[docs] def get_interpretable_inner_par_bounds( self, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Return the bounds of interpretable inner parameters of all inner problems.""" lb = [] ub = [] for inner_calculator in self.inner_calculators: ( lb_i, ub_i, ) = inner_calculator.inner_problem.get_interpretable_x_bounds() lb.extend(lb_i) ub.extend(ub_i) return np.asarray(lb), np.asarray(ub)
[docs] def __call__( self, x_dct: dict, sensi_orders: tuple[int], mode: ModeType, amici_model: AmiciModel, amici_solver: AmiciSolver, edatas: list[amici.ExpData], n_threads: int, x_ids: Sequence[str], parameter_mapping: ParameterMapping, fim_for_hess: bool, ): """Perform the actual AMICI call. Called within the :func:`AmiciObjective.__call__` method. Calls all the inner calculators and combines the results. Parameters ---------- x_dct: Parameters for which to compute function value and derivatives. sensi_orders: Tuple of requested sensitivity orders. mode: Call mode (function value or residual based). amici_model: The AMICI model. amici_solver: The AMICI solver. edatas: The experimental data. n_threads: Number of threads for AMICI call. x_ids: Ids of optimization parameters. parameter_mapping: Mapping of optimization to simulation parameters. fim_for_hess: Whether to use the FIM (if available) instead of the Hessian (if requested). """ import amici.parameter_mapping if mode == MODE_RES and any( data_type in self.data_types for data_type in [ORDINAL, CENSORED, SEMIQUANTITATIVE] ): raise NotImplementedError( f"Mode {mode} is not implemented for ordinal, censored or semi-quantitative data. " "However, it can be used if the only non-quantitative data type is relative data." ) if 2 in sensi_orders and any( data_type in self.data_types for data_type in [ORDINAL, CENSORED, SEMIQUANTITATIVE] ): raise ValueError( "Hessian and FIM are not implemented for ordinal, censored or semi-quantitative data. " "However, they can be used if the only non-quantitative data type is relative data." ) if ( amici_solver.getSensitivityMethod() == amici.SensitivityMethod_adjoint and any( data_type in self.data_types for data_type in [ORDINAL, CENSORED, SEMIQUANTITATIVE] ) ): raise NotImplementedError( "Adjoint sensitivity analysis is not implemented for ordinal, censored or semi-quantitative data. " "However, it can be used if the only non-quantitative data type is relative data." ) # if we're using adjoint sensitivity analysis or need second order # sensitivities or are in residual mode, we can do so if the only # non-quantitative data type is relative data. In this case, we # use the relative calculator directly. if ( amici_solver.getSensitivityMethod() == amici.SensitivityMethod_adjoint or 2 in sensi_orders or mode == MODE_RES ): relative_calculator = self.inner_calculators[0] ret = relative_calculator( x_dct=x_dct, sensi_orders=sensi_orders, mode=mode, amici_model=amici_model, amici_solver=amici_solver, edatas=edatas, n_threads=n_threads, x_ids=x_ids, parameter_mapping=parameter_mapping, fim_for_hess=fim_for_hess, ) return filter_return_dict(ret) # get dimension of outer problem dim = len(x_ids) # initialize return values nllh, snllh, s2nllh, chi2, res, sres = init_return_values( sensi_orders, mode, dim ) spline_knots = None interpretable_inner_pars = [] # set order in solver sensi_order = 0 if sensi_orders: sensi_order = max(sensi_orders) amici_solver.setSensitivityOrder(sensi_order) x_dct = copy.deepcopy(x_dct) x_dct.update(self.necessary_par_dummy_values) # fill in parameters amici.parameter_mapping.fill_in_parameters( edatas=edatas, problem_parameters=x_dct, scaled_parameters=True, parameter_mapping=parameter_mapping, amici_model=amici_model, ) # run amici simulation rdatas = amici.runAmiciSimulations( amici_model, amici_solver, edatas, num_threads=min(n_threads, len(edatas)), ) # if any amici simulation failed, it's unlikely we can compute # meaningful inner parameters, so we better just fail early. if any(rdata.status != amici.AMICI_SUCCESS for rdata in rdatas): ret = { FVAL: nllh, GRAD: snllh, HESS: s2nllh, RES: res, SRES: sres, RDATAS: rdatas, SPLINE_KNOTS: None, INNER_PARAMETERS: None, } ret[FVAL] = np.inf # if the gradient was requested, # we need to provide some value for it if 1 in sensi_orders: ret[GRAD] = np.full(shape=len(x_ids), fill_value=np.nan) return filter_return_dict(ret) if ( not self._known_least_squares_safe and mode == MODE_RES and 1 in sensi_orders ): if not amici_model.getAddSigmaResiduals() and any( ( (r[AMICI_SSIGMAY] is not None and np.any(r[AMICI_SSIGMAY])) or ( r[AMICI_SSIGMAZ] is not None and np.any(r[AMICI_SSIGMAZ]) ) ) for r in rdatas ): raise RuntimeError( "Cannot use least squares solver with" "parameter dependent sigma! Support can be " "enabled via " "amici_model.setAddSigmaResiduals()." ) self._known_least_squares_safe = True # don't check this again # call inner calculators and collect results for calculator in self.inner_calculators: inner_result = calculator( x_dct=x_dct, sensi_orders=sensi_orders, mode=mode, amici_model=amici_model, amici_solver=amici_solver, edatas=edatas, n_threads=n_threads, x_ids=x_ids, parameter_mapping=parameter_mapping, fim_for_hess=fim_for_hess, rdatas=rdatas, ) nllh += inner_result[FVAL] if 1 in sensi_orders: snllh += inner_result[GRAD] inner_pars = inner_result.get(INNER_PARAMETERS) if inner_pars is not None: interpretable_inner_pars.extend(inner_pars) if SPLINE_KNOTS in inner_result: spline_knots = inner_result[SPLINE_KNOTS] # add the quantitative data contribution if self.quantitative_data_mask is not None: quantitative_result = calculate_quantitative_result( rdatas=rdatas, sensi_orders=sensi_orders, edatas=edatas, mode=mode, quantitative_data_mask=self.quantitative_data_mask, dim=dim, parameter_mapping=parameter_mapping, par_opt_ids=x_ids, par_sim_ids=amici_model.getParameterIds(), ) nllh += quantitative_result[FVAL] if 1 in sensi_orders: snllh += quantitative_result[GRAD] ret = { FVAL: nllh, GRAD: snllh, HESS: s2nllh, RES: res, SRES: sres, RDATAS: rdatas, } ret[INNER_PARAMETERS] = ( interpretable_inner_pars if len(interpretable_inner_pars) > 0 else None ) ret[SPLINE_KNOTS] = spline_knots return filter_return_dict(ret)
def calculate_quantitative_result( rdatas: list[amici.ReturnDataView], edatas: list[amici.ExpData], sensi_orders: tuple[int], mode: ModeType, quantitative_data_mask: list[np.ndarray], dim: int, parameter_mapping: ParameterMapping, par_opt_ids: list[str], par_sim_ids: list[str], ): """Calculate the function values from rdatas and return as dict.""" nllh, snllh, s2nllh, chi2, res, sres = init_return_values( sensi_orders, mode, dim ) # transform experimental data edatas = [ amici.numpy.ExpDataView(edata)["observedData"] for edata in edatas ] # calculate the function value for rdata, edata, mask in zip(rdatas, edatas, quantitative_data_mask): data_i = edata[mask] sim_i = rdata[AMICI_Y][mask] sigma_i = rdata[AMICI_SIGMAY][mask] nllh += 0.5 * np.nansum( np.log(2 * np.pi * sigma_i**2) + (data_i - sim_i) ** 2 / sigma_i**2 ) # calculate the gradient if requested if 1 in sensi_orders: parameter_map_sim_var = [ cond_par_map.map_sim_var for cond_par_map in parameter_mapping ] # iterate over simulation conditions for ( rdata, edata, mask, condition_map_sim_var, ) in zip( rdatas, edatas, quantitative_data_mask, parameter_map_sim_var, ): data_i = edata[mask] sim_i = rdata[AMICI_Y][mask] sigma_i = rdata[AMICI_SIGMAY][mask] n_parameters = rdata[AMICI_SY].shape[1] # Get sensitivities of observables and sigmas sensitivities_i = np.asarray( [ rdata[AMICI_SY][:, parameter_index, :][mask] for parameter_index in range(n_parameters) ] ) ssigma_i = np.asarray( [ rdata[AMICI_SSIGMAY][:, parameter_index, :][mask] for parameter_index in range(n_parameters) ] ) # calculate the gradient for the condition gradient_for_condition = np.nansum( np.multiply( ssigma_i, ( ( np.full(len(data_i), 1) - (data_i - sim_i) ** 2 / sigma_i**2 ) / sigma_i ), ), axis=1, ) + np.nansum( np.multiply(sensitivities_i, ((sim_i - data_i) / sigma_i**2)), axis=1, ) add_sim_grad_to_opt_grad( par_opt_ids=par_opt_ids, par_sim_ids=par_sim_ids, condition_map_sim_var=condition_map_sim_var, sim_grad=gradient_for_condition, opt_grad=snllh, ) ret = { FVAL: nllh, GRAD: snllh, HESS: s2nllh, RES: res, SRES: sres, RDATAS: rdatas, } return filter_return_dict(ret)