Source code for pypesto.visualize.spline_approximation

import warnings
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

import matplotlib.axes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from ..problem import Problem
from ..result import Result

    import amici

    from ..hierarchical.spline_approximation.calculator import (
    from ..hierarchical.spline_approximation.problem import SplineInnerProblem
    from ..hierarchical.spline_approximation.solver import (
except ImportError:

[docs]def plot_splines_from_pypesto_result( pypesto_result: Result, start_index=0, **kwargs ): """Plot the inner solutions from a pypesto result. Parameters ---------- pypesto_result: The pypesto result. start_index: The index of the pypesto_result.optimize_result.list to plot. kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the plotting function. Returns ------- fig: The figure. ax: The axes. """ # Get the parameters from the pypesto result for the start_index. x_dct = dict( zip( pypesto_result.problem.objective.x_ids, pypesto_result.optimize_result.list[start_index]['x'], ) ) # Get the needed objects from the pypesto problem. edatas = pypesto_result.problem.objective.edatas parameter_mapping = pypesto_result.problem.objective.parameter_mapping amici_model = pypesto_result.problem.objective.amici_model amici_solver = pypesto_result.problem.objective.amici_solver n_threads = pypesto_result.problem.objective.n_threads observable_ids = amici_model.getObservableIds() # Fill in the parameters. amici.parameter_mapping.fill_in_parameters( edatas=edatas, problem_parameters=x_dct, scaled_parameters=True, parameter_mapping=parameter_mapping, amici_model=amici_model, ) # Simulate the model with the parameters from the pypesto result. inner_rdatas = amici.runAmiciSimulations( amici_model, amici_solver, edatas, num_threads=min(n_threads, len(edatas)), ) # If any amici simulation failed, raise warning and return None. if any(rdata.status != amici.AMICI_SUCCESS for rdata in inner_rdatas): warnings.warn( 'Warning: Some AMICI simulations failed. Cannot plot inner solutions.' ) return None # Get simulation and sigma. sim = [rdata[AMICI_Y] for rdata in inner_rdatas] sigma = [rdata[AMICI_SIGMAY] for rdata in inner_rdatas] spline_calculator = None for ( calculator ) in pypesto_result.problem.objective.calculator.inner_calculators: if isinstance(calculator, SplineAmiciCalculator): spline_calculator = calculator break # Get the inner solver and problem. inner_solver = spline_calculator.inner_solver inner_problem = spline_calculator.inner_problem inner_results = inner_solver.solve(inner_problem, sim, sigma) return plot_splines_from_inner_result( inner_problem, inner_results, observable_ids, **kwargs )
[docs]def plot_splines_from_inner_result( inner_problem: 'SplineInnerProblem', results: List[Dict], observable_ids=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot the inner solutions. Parameters ---------- inner_problem: The inner problem. results: The results from the inner solver. kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the plotting function. Returns ------- fig: The figure. ax: The axes. """ if len(results) != len(inner_problem.groups): raise ValueError( "Number of results must be equal to number of groups of the inner subproblem." ) # Get the number of groups n_groups = len(inner_problem.groups) if n_groups == 1: # Make figure with only one plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, **kwargs) axs = [ax] else: # Choose number of rows and columns to be used for the subplots n_rows = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_groups))) n_cols = int(np.ceil(n_groups / n_rows)) # Make as many subplots as there are groups fig, axs = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, **kwargs) # Flatten the axes array axs = axs.flatten() # for each result and group, plot the inner solution for result, group in zip(results, inner_problem.groups): group_idx = list(inner_problem.groups.keys()).index(group) # For each group get the inner parameters and simulation xs = inner_problem.get_xs_for_group(group) s = result[SCIPY_X] inner_parameters = np.array([x.value for x in xs]) measurements = inner_problem.groups[group][DATAPOINTS] simulation = inner_problem.groups[group][CURRENT_SIMULATION] # For the simulation, get the spline bases delta_c, spline_bases, n = SplineInnerSolver._rescale_spline_bases( self=None, sim_all=simulation, N=len(inner_parameters), K=len(simulation), ) mapped_simulations = get_spline_mapped_simulations( s, simulation, len(inner_parameters), delta_c, spline_bases, n ) axs[group_idx].plot( simulation, measurements, 'bs', label='Measurements' ) axs[group_idx].plot( spline_bases, inner_parameters, 'g.', label='Spline knots' ) axs[group_idx].plot( spline_bases, inner_parameters, linestyle='-', color='g', label='Spline function', ) axs[group_idx].plot( simulation, mapped_simulations, 'r^', label='Mapped simulation' ) axs[group_idx].legend() if observable_ids is not None: axs[group_idx].set_title(f'{observable_ids[group-1]}') else: axs[group_idx].set_title(f'Group {group}') axs[group_idx].set_xlabel('Model output') axs[group_idx].set_ylabel('Measurements') for ax in axs[len(results) :]: ax.remove() return fig, axs
def _add_spline_mapped_simulations_to_model_fit( result: Union[Result, Sequence[Result]], pypesto_problem: Problem, start_index: int = 0, axes: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, ) -> Union[matplotlib.axes.Axes, None]: """Visualize the spline optimized model fit. Adds the spline-mapped simulation to the axes given by `pypesto.visualize.model_fit.visualize_optimized_model_fit`. For further details on documentation see :py:func:`pypesto.visualize.model_fit.visualize_optimized_model_fit`. """ # If no visualize_optimized_model_fit axes were given, # return None. if axes is None: return None # Get the parameters from the pypesto result for the start_index. x_dct = dict( zip( pypesto_problem.objective.x_ids, result.optimize_result.list[start_index]['x'], ) ) # Get the needed objects from the pypesto problem. edatas = pypesto_problem.objective.edatas parameter_mapping = pypesto_problem.objective.parameter_mapping amici_model = pypesto_problem.objective.amici_model amici_solver = pypesto_problem.objective.amici_solver n_threads = pypesto_problem.objective.n_threads # Fill in the parameters. amici.parameter_mapping.fill_in_parameters( edatas=edatas, problem_parameters=x_dct, scaled_parameters=True, parameter_mapping=parameter_mapping, amici_model=amici_model, ) # Simulate the model with the parameters from the pypesto result. inner_rdatas = amici.runAmiciSimulations( amici_model, amici_solver, edatas, num_threads=min(n_threads, len(edatas)), ) # If any amici simulation failed, raise warning and return None. if any(rdata.status != amici.AMICI_SUCCESS for rdata in inner_rdatas): warnings.warn( 'Warning: Some AMICI simulations failed. Cannot plot inner solutions.' ) return None # Get simulation and sigma. sim = [rdata[AMICI_Y] for rdata in inner_rdatas] sigma = [rdata[AMICI_SIGMAY] for rdata in inner_rdatas] spline_calculator = None for calculator in pypesto_problem.objective.calculator.inner_calculators: if isinstance(calculator, SplineAmiciCalculator): spline_calculator = calculator break # Get the inner solver and problem. inner_solver = spline_calculator.inner_solver inner_problem = spline_calculator.inner_problem # Solve the inner problem. inner_results = inner_solver.solve(inner_problem, sim, sigma) # Get the observable ids. observable_ids = amici_model.getObservableIds() for inner_result, group in zip(inner_results, inner_problem.groups): observable_id = observable_ids[group - 1] # Get the ax for the current observable. ax = [ ax for ax in axes.values() if observable_id in ax.legend().get_texts()[0].get_text().split() ][0] # Get the inner parameters and simulation. xs = inner_problem.get_xs_for_group(group) s = inner_result[SCIPY_X] inner_parameters = np.array([x.value for x in xs]) simulation = inner_problem.groups[group][CURRENT_SIMULATION] # For the simulation, get the spline bases delta_c, spline_bases, n = SplineInnerSolver._rescale_spline_bases( self=None, sim_all=simulation, N=len(inner_parameters), K=len(simulation), ) # and the spline-mapped simulations. mapped_simulations = get_spline_mapped_simulations( s, simulation, len(inner_parameters), delta_c, spline_bases, n ) # Plot the spline-mapped simulations to the ax with same color # and timepoints as the lines which have 'simulation' in their label. plotted_index = 0 for line in ax.lines: if 'simulation' in line.get_label(): color = line.get_color() timepoints = line.get_xdata() condition_mapped_simulations = mapped_simulations[ plotted_index : len(timepoints) + plotted_index ] plotted_index += len(timepoints) ax.plot( timepoints, condition_mapped_simulations, color=color, linestyle='dotted', marker='^', ) # Add linestyle='dotted' and marker='^' to the legend as black spline mapped simulations. ax.plot( [], [], color='black', linestyle='dotted', marker='^', label='Spline mapped simulation', ) # Reset the legend. for ax in axes.values(): ax.legend() return axes