Source code for pypesto.hierarchical.parameter

import logging
from typing import Any, Literal

import numpy as np

from ..C import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class InnerParameter: """ An inner parameter of a hierarchical optimization problem. Attributes ---------- coupled: Whether the inner parameter is part of an observable that has both an offset and scaling inner parameter. dummy_value: Value to be used when the optimal parameter is not yet known (in particular to simulate unscaled observables). inner_parameter_id: The inner parameter ID. inner_parameter_type: The inner parameter type. ixs: A mask (boolean matrix) that indicates the measurements that this parameter is used in. lb: The lower bound, for optimization. scale: Scale on which to estimate this parameter. ub: The upper bound, for optimization. """
[docs] def __init__( self, inner_parameter_id: str, inner_parameter_type: InnerParameterType, scale: Literal[LIN, LOG, LOG10] = LIN, lb: float = -np.inf, ub: float = np.inf, ixs: Any = None, dummy_value: float = None, ): """ Construct. Parameters ---------- See class attributes. """ self.inner_parameter_id: str = inner_parameter_id self.coupled = False self.inner_parameter_type: str = inner_parameter_type if scale not in {LIN, LOG, LOG10}: raise ValueError(f"Scale not recognized: {scale}.") self.scale = scale if inner_parameter_type not in ( InnerParameterType.OPTIMAL_SCALING, InnerParameterType.OFFSET, InnerParameterType.SIGMA, InnerParameterType.SCALING, InnerParameterType.SPLINE, ): raise ValueError( f"Unsupported inner parameter type `{inner_parameter_type}`." ) float = lb self.ub: float = ub self.check_bounds() self.ixs: Any = ixs if dummy_value is None: try: dummy_value = DUMMY_INNER_VALUE[inner_parameter_type] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError( "Unsupported parameter type. Parameter id:" f"`{inner_parameter_id}`. Parameter type:" f"`{inner_parameter_type}`." ) from e self.dummy_value: float = dummy_value
[docs] def check_bounds(self): """Check bounds.""" expected_lb = INNER_PARAMETER_BOUNDS[self.inner_parameter_type][ LOWER_BOUND ] expected_ub = INNER_PARAMETER_BOUNDS[self.inner_parameter_type][ UPPER_BOUND ] if != expected_lb or self.ub != expected_ub: raise ValueError( "Invalid bounds for inner parameters. Parameter ID: " f"`{self.inner_parameter_id}`. Provided bounds: " f"`[{}, {self.ub}]`. Expected bounds: " f"`[{expected_lb}, {expected_ub}]`. " f"All expected parameter bounds:\n{INNER_PARAMETER_BOUNDS}" )