Source code for pypesto.hierarchical.optimal_scaling.problem

"""Definition of an optimal scaling parameter class."""
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ...C import (
from ..problem import (
from .parameter import OptimalScalingParameter

    import amici
    import petab
except ImportError:

[docs]class OptimalScalingProblem(InnerProblem): """Inner optimization problem for optimal scaling. Attributes ---------- xs: Mapping of (inner) parameter ID to ``InnerParameters``. data: Measurement data. One matrix (`num_timepoints` x `num_observables`) per simulation condition. Missing observations as NaN. groups: A dictionary of the groups of the subproblem. method: A string representing the method of the Optimal Scaling approach, either 'reduced' or 'standard'. """
[docs] def __init__( self, xs: List[OptimalScalingParameter], data: List[np.ndarray], method: str, ): """Construct.""" super().__init__(xs, data) self.groups = {} self.method = method self._initialize_groups()
def _initialize_groups(self) -> None: """Initialize the groups of the subproblem.""" self.groups = {} for group in self.get_groups_for_xs( InnerParameterType.OPTIMAL_SCALING ): self.groups[group] = {} xs = self.get_xs_for_group(group) self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES] = len({x.category for x in xs}) self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] = sum( [ sum([np.sum(ixs) for ixs in x.ixs]) for x in self.get_cat_ub_parameters_for_group(group) ] ) self.groups[group][SURROGATE_DATA] = np.zeros( self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] ) self.groups[group][NUM_INNER_PARAMS] = ( self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + 2 * self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES] ) self.groups[group][LB_INDICES] = list( range( self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS], self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES], ) ) self.groups[group][UB_INDICES] = list( range( self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES], self.groups[group][NUM_INNER_PARAMS], ) ) if all(x.censoring_type is not None for x in xs): self.groups[group][MEASUREMENT_TYPE] = CENSORED self.groups[group][ QUANTITATIVE_IXS ] = self.get_censored_group_quantitative_ixs(xs) self.groups[group][QUANTITATIVE_DATA] = np.concatenate( [ data_i[mask_i] for data_i, mask_i in zip(, self.groups[group][QUANTITATIVE_IXS] ) ] ) elif all(x.censoring_type is None for x in xs): self.groups[group][MEASUREMENT_TYPE] = ORDINAL self.groups[group][NUM_CONSTR_FULL] = ( 2 * self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + 2 * self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES] ) self.groups[group][C_MATRIX] = self.initialize_c(group) self.groups[group][W_MATRIX] = self.initialize_w(group) self.groups[group][W_DOT_MATRIX] = self.initialize_w(group) else: raise ValueError( 'Censoring types of optimal scaling parameters of a group ' 'have to either be all None, or all not None.' )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_petab_amici( petab_problem: petab.Problem, amici_model: 'amici.Model', edatas: List['amici.ExpData'], method: str = None, ) -> 'OptimalScalingProblem': """Construct the inner problem from the `petab_problem`.""" if not method: method = REDUCED return optimal_scaling_inner_problem_from_petab_problem( petab_problem, amici_model, edatas, method )
[docs] def get_groups_for_xs(self, inner_parameter_type: str) -> List[int]: """Get unique list of ```` values.""" groups = [ for x in self.get_xs_for_type(inner_parameter_type)] return list(set(groups))
[docs] def get_xs_for_group(self, group: int) -> List[OptimalScalingParameter]: r"""Get ``OptimalScalingParameter``\s that belong to the given group.""" return [x for x in self.xs.values() if == group]
[docs] def get_free_xs_for_group( self, group: int ) -> List[OptimalScalingParameter]: r"""Get ``OptimalScalingParameter``\s that are free and belong to the given group.""" return [ x for x in self.xs.values() if == group and x.estimate is True ]
[docs] def get_fixed_xs_for_group( self, group: int ) -> List[OptimalScalingParameter]: r"""Get ``OptimalScalingParameter``\s that are fixed and belong to the given group.""" return [ x for x in self.xs.values() if == group and x.estimate is False ]
[docs] def get_cat_ub_parameters_for_group( self, group: int ) -> List[OptimalScalingParameter]: r"""Get ``OptimalScalingParameter``\s that are category upper boundaries and belong to the given group.""" return [ x for x in self.xs.values() if == group and x.inner_parameter_id[:6] == CAT_UB ]
[docs] def get_cat_lb_parameters_for_group( self, group: int ) -> List[OptimalScalingParameter]: r"""Get ``OptimalScalingParameter``\s that are category lower boundaries and belong to the given group.""" return [ x for x in self.xs.values() if == group and x.inner_parameter_id[:6] == CAT_LB ]
[docs] def initialize_c(self, group: int) -> np.ndarray: """Initialize the constraints matrix for the group. The structure of the constraints matrix is the following: Each row C_i of the matrix C represents one optimization constraint as C_i * xi + d(theta, sim) <= 0, where xi is the vector of inner paramters (surrogate data, lower bounds, upper bounds)^T, and d is the vector of minimal category interval ranges and gaps. First `self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS]` rows constrain the surrogate data to stay larger than lower category bounds. Then another `self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS]` rows constrain the surrogate data to stay smaller than upper category bounds. Then `self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES]` rows constrain the ordering of the categories. And lastly, the remaining `self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES]` constrain the lower bound to be smaller than the upper bound for each category. """ constr = np.zeros( [ self.groups[group][NUM_CONSTR_FULL], self.groups[group][NUM_INNER_PARAMS], ] ) data_idx = 0 # Iterate over categories. for cat_idx, category in enumerate( self.get_cat_ub_parameters_for_group(group) ): num_data_in_cat = int( np.sum( [ np.sum(category.ixs[idx]) for idx in range(len(category.ixs)) ] ) ) # Constrain the surrogate data of this category to stay within it. for _ in range(num_data_in_cat): # lb - y_surr <= 0 constr[data_idx, data_idx] = -1 constr[ data_idx, cat_idx + self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] ] = 1 # y_surr - ub <= 0 constr[ data_idx + self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS], data_idx ] = 1 constr[ data_idx + self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS], cat_idx + self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES], ] = -1 data_idx += 1 # Constrain the ordering wrt. neighbouring categories, i.e. ub_i - lb_{i+1} <= 0. if cat_idx == 0: constr[ 2 * self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + cat_idx, self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + cat_idx, ] = -1 else: constr[ 2 * self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + cat_idx, self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + cat_idx, ] = -1 constr[ 2 * self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + cat_idx, self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES] + cat_idx - 1, ] = 1 # Constrain upper bound to be larger than lower bound, i.e. lb_i - ub_i <= 0. constr[ 2 * self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES] # - 1 + cat_idx, self.groups[group][LB_INDICES][cat_idx], ] = 1 constr[ 2 * self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES] # - 1 + cat_idx, self.groups[group][UB_INDICES][cat_idx], ] = -1 return constr
[docs] def initialize_w(self, group: int) -> np.ndarray: """Initialize the weight matrix for the group.""" weights = np.diag( np.block( [ np.ones(self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS]), np.zeros(2 * self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES]), ] ) ) return weights
[docs] def get_w(self, group: int, y_sim_all: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Return the weight matrix of the group.""" weights = np.diag( np.block( [ np.ones(self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS]) / (np.sum(np.abs(y_sim_all)) + 1e-8), np.zeros(2 * self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES]), ] ) ) return weights
[docs] def get_wdot( self, group: int, y_sim_all: np.ndarray, sy_all: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """Return the derivative of the weight matrix of a group with respect to an outer parameter.""" w_dot = np.diag( np.block( [ np.ones(self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS]) * ( -1 * np.sum(sy_all) / ((np.sum(np.abs(y_sim_all)) + 1e-8) ** 2) ), np.zeros(2 * self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES]), ] ) ) return w_dot
[docs] def get_d( self, group, xs: List[OptimalScalingParameter], y_sim_all: np.ndarray, eps: float, ) -> np.ndarray: """Return vector of minimal gaps and ranges.""" max_simulation = np.nanmax(y_sim_all) interval_range = max_simulation / (2 * len(xs) + 1) interval_gap = max_simulation / (4 * (len(xs) - 1) + 1) d = np.zeros(self.groups[group][NUM_CONSTR_FULL]) d[ 2 * self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + 1 : 2 * self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES] ] = (interval_gap + eps) d[ 2 * self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES] : ] = interval_range return d
[docs] def get_dd_dtheta( self, group: int, xs: List[OptimalScalingParameter], y_sim_all: np.ndarray, sy_all: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: """Return the derivative of vector of minimal gaps and ranges with respect to an outer parameter.""" max_sim_idx = np.argmax(y_sim_all) max_sy = sy_all[max_sim_idx] dd_dtheta = np.zeros(self.groups[group][NUM_CONSTR_FULL]) dinterval_range_dtheta = max_sy / (2 * len(xs) + 1) dinterval_gap_dtheta = max_sy / (4 * (len(xs) - 1) + 1) dd_dtheta[ 2 * self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + 1 : 2 * self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES] ] = dinterval_gap_dtheta dd_dtheta[ 2 * self.groups[group][NUM_DATAPOINTS] + self.groups[group][NUM_CATEGORIES] : ] = dinterval_range_dtheta return dd_dtheta
[docs] def get_censored_group_quantitative_ixs( self, xs: List[OptimalScalingParameter] ) -> List[np.ndarray]: r"""Return a list of boolean masks indicating which data points are quantitative. For a given group with censored data, return a list of boolean masks indicating which data points are not censored, and therefore quantitative. Parameters ---------- xs: List of ``OptimalScalingParameter``\s of a group with censored data. Returns ------- quantitative_ixs: List of boolean masks indicating which data points are quantitative. """ # Initialize boolean masks with False and find corresponding observable index. quantitative_ixs = [np.full(ixs_i.shape, False) for ixs_i in xs[0].ixs] observable_index = xs[0].group - 1 # Set to True all datapoints of the corresponding observable. if np.ndim(quantitative_ixs) == 2: quantitative_ixs = [ np.full(ixs_i.shape, True) for ixs_i in xs[0].ixs ] else: for quantitative_ixs_i in quantitative_ixs: quantitative_ixs_i[:, observable_index] = True # Set to False for all censored datapoints. for x in xs: for ixs_i, quantitative_ixs_i in zip(x.ixs, quantitative_ixs): quantitative_ixs_i[ixs_i] = False return quantitative_ixs
[docs] def get_inner_parameter_dictionary(self) -> Dict: """Return a dictionary with inner parameter ids and their values.""" inner_par_dict = {} for x_id, x in self.xs.items(): inner_par_dict[x_id] = x.value return inner_par_dict
def optimal_scaling_inner_problem_from_petab_problem( petab_problem: petab.Problem, amici_model: 'amici.Model', edatas: List['amici.ExpData'], method: str, ): """Construct the inner problem from the `petab_problem`.""" # inner parameters inner_parameters = optimal_scaling_inner_parameters_from_measurement_df( petab_problem.measurement_df, method, amici_model ) # used indices for all measurement specific parameters ixs = optimal_scaling_ixs_for_measurement_specific_parameters( petab_problem, amici_model, inner_parameters ) # transform experimental data edatas = [ amici.numpy.ExpDataView(edata)['observedData'] for edata in edatas ] # matrixify ix_matrices = ix_matrices_from_arrays(ixs, edatas) # assign matrices for par in inner_parameters: par.ixs = ix_matrices[par.inner_parameter_id] return OptimalScalingProblem( inner_parameters, edatas, method, ) def optimal_scaling_inner_parameters_from_measurement_df( df: pd.DataFrame, method: str, amici_model: 'amici.Model', ) -> List[OptimalScalingParameter]: """Create list of inner free parameters from PEtab measurement table dependent on the method provided.""" df = df.reset_index() observable_ids = amici_model.getObservableIds() estimate = get_estimate_for_method(method) par_types = [CAT_LB, CAT_UB] inner_parameters = [] lb, ub = INNER_PARAMETER_BOUNDS[ InnerParameterType.OPTIMAL_SCALING ].values() for observable_idx, observable_id in enumerate(observable_ids): group = observable_idx + 1 observable_df = df[df[OBSERVABLE_ID] == observable_id] if all(observable_df[MEASUREMENT_TYPE] == ORDINAL): # Add optimal scaling parameters for ordinal measurements. for par_type, par_estimate in zip(par_types, estimate): for _, row in observable_df.iterrows(): par_id = f'{par_type}_{observable_id}_{row[MEASUREMENT_TYPE]}_{int(row[MEASUREMENT_CATEGORY])}' # Create only one set of bound parameters per category of a group. if par_id not in [ inner_par.inner_parameter_id for inner_par in inner_parameters ]: inner_parameters.append( OptimalScalingParameter( inner_parameter_id=par_id, inner_parameter_type=InnerParameterType.OPTIMAL_SCALING, scale=LIN, lb=lb, ub=ub, observable_id=observable_id, category=int(row[MEASUREMENT_CATEGORY]), group=group, estimate=par_estimate, ) ) elif any(observable_df[MEASUREMENT_TYPE].isin(CENSORING_TYPES)): # Get df with only censored measurements. censored_df = observable_df.loc[ observable_df[MEASUREMENT_TYPE].isin(CENSORING_TYPES) ] # Check for unique values in the CENSORING_BOUNDS column and # order them with resect to the first float value in the string. unique_censoring_bounds = sorted( censored_df[CENSORING_BOUNDS].unique(), key=lambda x: float(str(x).split(PARAMETER_SEPARATOR)[0]), ) for par_type in par_types: for _, row in censored_df.iterrows(): category = int( unique_censoring_bounds.index(row[CENSORING_BOUNDS]) + 1 ) par_id = f'{par_type}_{observable_id}_{row[MEASUREMENT_TYPE]}_{category}' # Create only one set of bound parameters per category of a group. if par_id not in [ inner_par.inner_parameter_id for inner_par in inner_parameters ]: inner_parameters.append( OptimalScalingParameter( inner_parameter_id=par_id, inner_parameter_type=InnerParameterType.OPTIMAL_SCALING, scale=LIN, lb=lb, ub=ub, observable_id=observable_id, category=category, group=group, estimate=False, censoring_type=row[MEASUREMENT_TYPE], ) ) _add_value_to_censored_bound_parameter( inner_parameters[-1], row, par_type ) inner_parameters.sort(key=lambda x: (, x.category)) return inner_parameters def get_estimate_for_method(method: str) -> Tuple[bool, bool]: """Return which inner parameters to estimate dependent on the method provided.""" estimate_ub = True estimate_lb = False if method == STANDARD: estimate_lb = True return estimate_lb, estimate_ub def optimal_scaling_ixs_for_measurement_specific_parameters( petab_problem: 'petab.Problem', amici_model: 'amici.Model', inner_parameters: List[OptimalScalingParameter], ) -> Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, int, int]]]: """Create mapping of parameters to measurements. Returns ------- A dictionary mapping parameter ID to a list of `(condition index, time index, observable index)` tuples in which this output parameter is used. For each condition, the time index refers to a sorted list of non-unique time points for which there are measurements. """ ixs_for_par = {} observable_ids = amici_model.getObservableIds() simulation_conditions = ( petab_problem.get_simulation_conditions_from_measurement_df() ) measurement_df = petab_problem.measurement_df # Get unique censoring bounds for each observable. unique_censoring_bounds_per_observable = {} if CENSORING_BOUNDS in measurement_df.columns: for observable_id in observable_ids: observable_df = measurement_df[ measurement_df[OBSERVABLE_ID] == observable_id ] censored_observable_df = observable_df.loc[ observable_df[MEASUREMENT_TYPE].isin(CENSORING_TYPES) ] unique_censoring_bounds_per_observable[observable_id] = sorted( censored_observable_df[CENSORING_BOUNDS].unique(), key=lambda x: float(str(x).split(PARAMETER_SEPARATOR)[0]), ) for condition_ix, condition in simulation_conditions.iterrows(): # measurement table for current condition df_for_condition = petab.get_rows_for_condition( measurement_df=measurement_df, condition=condition ) # unique sorted list of timepoints timepoints = sorted(df_for_condition[TIME].unique().astype(float)) # non-unique sorted list of timepoints timepoints_w_reps = _get_timepoints_with_replicates( measurement_df=df_for_condition ) for time in timepoints: # subselect measurements for time `time` df_for_time = df_for_condition[df_for_condition[TIME] == time] time_ix_0 = timepoints_w_reps.index(time) # remember used time indices for each observable time_ix_for_obs_ix = {} # iterate over measurements for _, measurement in df_for_time.iterrows(): # extract observable index observable_ix = observable_ids.index( measurement[OBSERVABLE_ID] ) # as the time indices have to account for replicates, we need # to track which time indices have already been assigned for # the current observable if observable_ix in time_ix_for_obs_ix: # a replicate time_ix_for_obs_ix[observable_ix] += 1 else: # the first measurement for this `(observable, timepoint)` time_ix_for_obs_ix[observable_ix] = time_ix_0 time_w_reps_ix = time_ix_for_obs_ix[observable_ix] inner_par_ids_for_meas = get_inner_par_ids_for_measurement( measurement, inner_parameters, unique_censoring_bounds_per_observable, ) # try to insert if hierarchical parameter if inner_par_ids_for_meas: for override in inner_par_ids_for_meas: ixs_for_par.setdefault(override, []).append( (condition_ix, time_w_reps_ix, observable_ix) ) return ixs_for_par def get_inner_par_ids_for_measurement( measurement: Dict, inner_parameters: List[OptimalScalingParameter], unique_censoring_bounds_per_observable: Dict[str, List[float]], ): """Return inner parameter ids of parameters which are related to the measurement.""" if measurement[MEASUREMENT_TYPE] == ORDINAL: return [ inner_par.inner_parameter_id for inner_par in inner_parameters if inner_par.category == measurement[MEASUREMENT_CATEGORY] and inner_par.observable_id == measurement[OBSERVABLE_ID] ] elif measurement[MEASUREMENT_TYPE] in [ LEFT_CENSORED, INTERVAL_CENSORED, RIGHT_CENSORED, ]: unique_censoring_bounds = unique_censoring_bounds_per_observable[ measurement[OBSERVABLE_ID] ] measurement_category = int( unique_censoring_bounds.index(measurement[CENSORING_BOUNDS]) + 1 ) return [ inner_par.inner_parameter_id for inner_par in inner_parameters if inner_par.observable_id == measurement[OBSERVABLE_ID] and inner_par.category == measurement_category ] def _add_value_to_censored_bound_parameter( inner_parameter: OptimalScalingParameter, row: pd.Series, par_type: str, ) -> None: if row[MEASUREMENT_TYPE] == LEFT_CENSORED and par_type == CAT_LB: inner_parameter.value = 0.0 elif row[MEASUREMENT_TYPE] == LEFT_CENSORED and par_type == CAT_UB: inner_parameter.value = float(row[CENSORING_BOUNDS]) elif row[MEASUREMENT_TYPE] == RIGHT_CENSORED and par_type == CAT_LB: inner_parameter.value = float(row[CENSORING_BOUNDS]) elif row[MEASUREMENT_TYPE] == RIGHT_CENSORED and par_type == CAT_UB: inner_parameter.value = np.inf elif row[MEASUREMENT_TYPE] == INTERVAL_CENSORED and par_type == CAT_LB: inner_parameter.value = float( row[CENSORING_BOUNDS].split(PARAMETER_SEPARATOR)[0] ) elif row[MEASUREMENT_TYPE] == INTERVAL_CENSORED and par_type == CAT_UB: inner_parameter.value = float( row[CENSORING_BOUNDS].split(PARAMETER_SEPARATOR)[1] )