Source code for pypesto.visualize.model_fit

Visualization of the model fit after optimization.

Currently only for PEtab problems.

import copy
from typing import Sequence, Union

import amici
import amici.plotting
import matplotlib.axes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import petab
from amici.petab_objective import rdatas_to_simulation_df
from petab.visualize import plot_problem

from ..hierarchical.relative.calculator import RelativeAmiciCalculator
from ..petab.importer import get_petab_non_quantitative_data_types
from ..problem import Problem
from ..result import Result
from .ordinal_categories import plot_categories_from_pypesto_result
from .spline_approximation import _add_spline_mapped_simulations_to_model_fit

AmiciModel = Union['amici.Model', 'amici.ModelPtr']

__all__ = ["visualize_optimized_model_fit", "time_trajectory_model"]

[docs] def visualize_optimized_model_fit( petab_problem: petab.Problem, result: Union[Result, Sequence[Result]], pypesto_problem: Problem, start_index: int = 0, return_dict: bool = False, unflattened_petab_problem: petab.Problem = None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[matplotlib.axes.Axes, None]: """ Visualize the optimized model fit of a PEtab problem. Function calls the PEtab visualization file of the ``petab_problem`` and visualizes the fit of the optimized parameter. Common additional argument is ``subplot_dir`` to specify the directory each subplot is saved to. Further keyword arguments are delegated to :func:`petab.visualize.plot_with_vis_spec`, see there for more information. Parameters ---------- petab_problem: The :py:class:`petab.Problem` that was optimized. result: The result object from optimization. start_index: The index of the optimization run in `result.optimize_result.list`. Ignored if `problem_parameters` is provided. pypesto_problem: The pyPESTO problem. return_dict: Return plot and simulation results as a dictionary. unflattened_petab_problem: If the original PEtab problem is flattened, this can be passed to plot with the original unflattened problem. kwargs: Passed to :func:`petab.visualize.plot_problem`. Returns ------- axes: `matplotlib.axes.Axes` object of the created plot. None: In case subplots are saved to file """ x = result.optimize_result.list[start_index]['x'][ pypesto_problem.x_free_indices ] objective_result = pypesto_problem.objective(x, return_dict=True) simulation_df = rdatas_to_simulation_df( objective_result[RDATAS], pypesto_problem.objective.amici_model, petab_problem.measurement_df, ) # handle flattened PEtab problems petab_problem_to_plot = petab_problem if unflattened_petab_problem: simulation_df = petab.core.unflatten_simulation_df( simulation_df=simulation_df, petab_problem=unflattened_petab_problem, ) petab_problem_to_plot = unflattened_petab_problem # plot axes = plot_problem( petab_problem=petab_problem_to_plot, simulations_df=simulation_df, **kwargs, ) non_quantitative_data_types = get_petab_non_quantitative_data_types( petab_problem ) if non_quantitative_data_types is not None: if ( ORDINAL in non_quantitative_data_types or CENSORED in non_quantitative_data_types ): axes = plot_categories_from_pypesto_result( result, start_index=start_index, axes=axes, ) if SEMIQUANTITATIVE in non_quantitative_data_types: axes = _add_spline_mapped_simulations_to_model_fit( result=result, pypesto_problem=pypesto_problem, start_index=start_index, axes=axes, ) if return_dict: return { 'axes': axes, 'objective_result': objective_result, 'simulation_df': simulation_df, } return axes
[docs] def time_trajectory_model( result: Union[Result, Sequence[Result]], problem: Problem = None, # TODO: conditions: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None, timepoints: Union[np.ndarray, Sequence[np.ndarray]] = None, n_timepoints: int = 1000, start_index: int = 0, state_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None, state_names: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None, observable_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> Union[matplotlib.axes.Axes, None]: """ Visualize the time trajectory of the model with given timepoints. It does this by calling the amici plotting routines. Parameters ---------- result: The result object from optimization. problem: A pypesto problem. Default is 'None' in which case result.problem is used. Needed in case the result is loaded from hdf5. timepoints: Array of timepoints, at which the trajectory will be plotted. n_timepoints: Number of timepoints to be plotted between 0 and last measurement of the model. Only used when timepoints==None. start_index: Index of Optimization run to be plotted. Default is best start. state_ids: Ids of the states to be plotted. state_names: Names of the states to be plotted. observable_ids: Ids of the observables to be plotted. Returns ------- axes: `matplotlib.axes.Axes` object of the plot. """ if problem is None: problem = result.problem # add timepoints as needed if timepoints is None: end_time = max(problem.objective.edatas[0].getTimepoints()) timepoints = np.linspace(start=0, stop=end_time, num=n_timepoints) # get rdatas rdatas = _get_simulation_rdatas( result=result, problem=problem, start_index=start_index, simulation_timepoints=timepoints, ) if state_ids == [] and state_names == []: axes = _time_trajectory_model_without_states( model=problem.objective.amici_model, rdatas=rdatas, observable_ids=observable_ids, ) else: axes = _time_trajectory_model_with_states( model=problem.objective.amici_model, rdatas=rdatas, state_ids=state_ids, state_names=state_names, observable_ids=observable_ids, ) return axes
def _get_simulation_rdatas( result: Union[Result, Sequence[Result]], problem: Problem, start_index: int = 0, simulation_timepoints: np.ndarray = None, ) -> list[amici.ReturnData]: """ Get simulation results for a given optimization result and timepoints. Parameters ---------- result: The result object from optimization. problem: A pypesto problem. timepoints: Array of timepoints, at which the trajectory will be stored.. start_index: Index of Optimization run to be plotted. Default is best start. Returns ------- rdatas: List of amici.ReturnData objects containing the simulation results. """ # add timepoints as needed if simulation_timepoints is None: end_time = max(problem.objective.edatas[0].getTimepoints()) simulation_timepoints = np.linspace(start=0, stop=end_time, num=1000) # get optimization result parameters = result.optimize_result.list[start_index]['x'] # reduce vector to only include free indices. Needed downstream. parameters = problem.get_reduced_vector(parameters) # simulate with custom timepoints for hierarchical model if isinstance(problem.objective.calculator, RelativeAmiciCalculator): # get parameter dictionary x_dct = dict( zip(problem.x_names, result.optimize_result.list[start_index].x) ) # evaluate objective with return dict = True to get inner parameters ret = problem.objective( parameters, mode='mode_fun', sensi_orders=(0,), return_dict=True ) # update parameter dictionary with inner parameters inner_parameters = ret['inner_parameters'] x_dct.update(inner_parameters) parameter_mapping = problem.objective.parameter_mapping edatas = copy.deepcopy(problem.objective.edatas) amici_model = problem.objective.amici_model # disable sensitivities to improve computation time amici_solver = copy.deepcopy(problem.objective.amici_solver) amici_solver.setSensitivityOrder(amici.SensitivityOrder.none) for j in range(len(edatas)): edatas[j].setTimepoints(simulation_timepoints) amici.parameter_mapping.fill_in_parameters( edatas=edatas, problem_parameters=x_dct, scaled_parameters=True, parameter_mapping=parameter_mapping, amici_model=amici_model, ) rdatas = amici.runAmiciSimulations( amici_model, amici_solver, edatas, ) else: # set custom timepoints obj = problem.objective.set_custom_timepoints( timepoints_global=simulation_timepoints ) # evaluate objective with return dict = True to get data ret = obj( parameters, mode='mode_fun', sensi_orders=(0,), return_dict=True ) rdatas = ret['rdatas'] return rdatas def _time_trajectory_model_with_states( model: AmiciModel, rdatas: Union['amici.ReturnData', Sequence['amici.ReturnData']], state_ids: Sequence[str], state_names: Sequence[str], observable_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], ): """ Visualizes both, states and observables. Helper function for time_trajectory_model. Parameters ---------- model: The amici.Model from the model of interest. Used to annotate the plot. rdatas: The data to be plotted. Each entry in the Sequence corresponds to a condition. state_ids: Ids of the states to be plotted. state_names: Names of the states to be plotted. observable_ids: Ids of the observable Ids to be plotted. Returns ------- axes: `matplotlib.axes.Axes` object of the plot. """ # if state_name, state_id or observable_id is not None, get indices # for these the AMICI plotting functions default to all indices if # `None` is specified. state_indices_by_id = [] state_indices_by_name = [] if state_ids is not None: state_indices_by_id = [ model.getStateIds().index(state_id) for state_id in state_ids ] if state_names is not None: state_indices_by_name = [ model.getStateNames().index(state_name) for state_name in state_names ] state_indices = list(set(state_indices_by_id + state_indices_by_name)) if state_indices == []: state_indices = None observable_indices = None if observable_ids is not None: observable_indices = [ model.getObservableIds().index(obs_id) for obs_id in observable_ids ] fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(rdatas), 2) # enforce two dimensions in case there is only one condition axes = np.atleast_2d(axes) for i_cond, rdata in enumerate(rdatas): amici.plotting.plotStateTrajectories( rdata=rdata, state_indices=state_indices, ax=axes[i_cond, 0], model=model, ) amici.plotting.plotObservableTrajectories( rdata=rdata, observable_indices=observable_indices, ax=axes[i_cond, 1], model=model, ) return axes def _time_trajectory_model_without_states( model: AmiciModel, rdatas: Union['amici.ReturnData', Sequence['amici.ReturnData']], observable_ids: Union[str, Sequence[str]], ): """ Visualize both, states and observables. Helper function for time_trajectory_model. Parameters ---------- model: The amici.Model from the model of interest. Used to annotate the plot. rdatas: The data to be plotted. Each entry in the Sequence corresponds to a condition. observable_ids: Ids of the observables to be plotted. Returns ------- axes: `matplotlib.axes.Axes` object of the plot. """ # if observable_id's is not None, get indices for these # the AMICI plotting functions default to all indices if `None` is # specified. observable_indices = None if observable_ids is not None: observable_indices = [ model.getObservableIds().index(obs_id) for obs_id in observable_ids ] fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(rdatas)) for i_cond, rdata in enumerate(rdatas): amici.plotting.plotObservableTrajectories( rdata=rdata, observable_indices=observable_indices, ax=axes[i_cond] if len(rdatas) > 1 else axes, model=model, ) return axes