Source code for pypesto.hierarchical.semiquantitative.solver

import warnings

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from ...C import (
from ..base_solver import InnerSolver
from .parameter import SplineInnerParameter
from .problem import SemiquantProblem

    from amici.parameter_mapping import ParameterMapping
except ImportError:

[docs] class SemiquantInnerSolver(InnerSolver): """Solver of the inner subproblem of spline approximation for nonlinear-monotone data. Options ------- min_diff_factor: Determines the minimum difference between two consecutive spline as ``min_diff_factor * (measurement_range) / n_spline_pars``. Default is 1/2. """
[docs] def __init__(self, options: dict = None): self.options = { **self.get_default_options(), **(options or {}), } self.validate_options()
[docs] def validate_options(self): """Validate the current options dictionary.""" if type(self.options[MIN_DIFF_FACTOR]) is not float: raise TypeError(f"{MIN_DIFF_FACTOR} must be of type float.") elif self.options[MIN_DIFF_FACTOR] < 0: raise ValueError(f"{MIN_DIFF_FACTOR} must not be negative.") elif type(self.options[REGULARIZE_SPLINE]) is not bool: raise TypeError(f"{REGULARIZE_SPLINE} must be of type bool.") if self.options[REGULARIZE_SPLINE]: if type(self.options[REGULARIZATION_FACTOR]) is not float: raise TypeError( f"{REGULARIZATION_FACTOR} must be of type float." ) elif self.options[REGULARIZATION_FACTOR] < 0: raise ValueError( f"{REGULARIZATION_FACTOR} must not be negative." ) for key in self.options: if key not in self.get_default_options(): raise ValueError(f"Unknown SplineInnerSolver option {key}.")
[docs] def solve( self, problem: SemiquantProblem, sim: list[np.ndarray], amici_sigma: list[np.ndarray], ) -> list: """Get results for every group (inner optimization problem). Parameters ---------- problem: InnerProblem from pyPESTO hierarchical. sim: Simulations from AMICI. amici_sigma: List of sigmas from AMICI. Returns ------- List of optimization results of the inner subproblem. """ inner_results = [] for group in problem.get_groups_for_xs(InnerParameterType.SPLINE): group_dict = problem.groups[group] group_dict[CURRENT_SIMULATION] = extract_expdata_using_mask( expdata=sim, mask=group_dict[EXPDATA_MASK] ) # If the noise parameters are optimized in the outer problem, # extract them from amici return data. if not group_dict[OPTIMIZE_NOISE]: group_dict[INNER_NOISE_PARS] = extract_expdata_using_mask( expdata=amici_sigma, mask=group_dict[EXPDATA_MASK] )[0] # Optimize the spline for this group. inner_result_for_group = self._optimize_spline( inner_parameters=problem.get_free_xs_for_group(group), group_dict=group_dict, ) inner_results.append(inner_result_for_group) save_inner_parameters_to_inner_problem( inner_problem=problem, s=inner_result_for_group[SCIPY_X], group=group, ) return inner_results
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_obj_function(x_inner_opt: list): """Calculate the inner objective function value. Calculates the inner objective function value from a list of inner optimization results returned from `_optimize_spline`. Parameters ---------- x_inner_opt: List of optimization results Returns ------- Inner objective function value. """ if False in ( x_inner_opt[idx][SCIPY_SUCCESS] for idx in range(len(x_inner_opt)) ): obj = np.inf warnings.warn("Inner optimization failed.") else: obj = np.sum( [ x_inner_opt[idx][SCIPY_FUN] for idx in range(len(x_inner_opt)) ] ) return obj
[docs] def calculate_gradients( self, problem: SemiquantProblem, x_inner_opt: list[dict], sim: list[np.ndarray], amici_sigma: list[np.ndarray], sy: list[np.ndarray], amici_ssigma: list[np.ndarray], parameter_mapping: ParameterMapping, par_opt_ids: list, par_sim_ids: list, par_edatas_indices: list, snllh: np.ndarray, ): """Calculate gradients of the inner objective function. Calculates gradients of the objective function with respect to outer (dynamical) parameters. Parameters ---------- problem: Optimal scaling inner problem. x_inner_opt: List of optimization results of the inner subproblem. sim: Model simulations. sigma: Model noise parameters. sy: Model sensitivities. parameter_mapping: Mapping of optimization to simulation parameters. par_opt_ids: Ids of outer otimization parameters. par_sim_ids: Ids of outer simulation parameters, includes fixed parameters. snllh: A zero-initialized vector of the same length as ``par_opt_ids`` to store the gradients in. Will be modified in-place. Returns ------- The gradients with respect to the outer parameters. """ already_calculated = set() for condition_map_sim_var in [ cond_par_map.map_sim_var for cond_par_map in parameter_mapping ]: for par_sim, par_opt in condition_map_sim_var.items(): if ( not isinstance(par_opt, str) or par_opt in already_calculated ): continue elif par_opt not in par_opt_ids: continue else: already_calculated.add(par_opt) par_sim_idx = par_sim_ids.index(par_sim) par_opt_idx = par_opt_ids.index(par_opt) grad = 0.0 sy_for_outer_parameter = [ ( sy_cond[:, par_edata_indices.index(par_sim_idx), :] if par_sim_idx in par_edata_indices else np.zeros(sy_cond[:, 0, :].shape) ) for sy_cond, par_edata_indices in zip( sy, par_edatas_indices ) ] ssigma_for_outer_parameter = [ ( ssigma_cond[:, par_edata_indices.index(par_sim_idx), :] if par_sim_idx in par_edata_indices else np.zeros(ssigma_cond[:, 0, :].shape) ) for ssigma_cond, par_edata_indices in zip( amici_ssigma, par_edatas_indices ) ] for group_idx, group in enumerate( problem.get_groups_for_xs(InnerParameterType.SPLINE) ): # Get the reformulated spline parameters s = np.asarray(x_inner_opt[group_idx][SCIPY_X]) group_dict = problem.groups[group] measurements = group_dict[DATAPOINTS] sigma = group_dict[INNER_NOISE_PARS] sim_all = group_dict[CURRENT_SIMULATION] N = group_dict[N_SPLINE_PARS] K = group_dict[NUM_DATAPOINTS] sy_all = extract_expdata_using_mask( expdata=sy_for_outer_parameter, mask=group_dict[EXPDATA_MASK], ) ssigma_all = extract_expdata_using_mask( expdata=ssigma_for_outer_parameter, mask=group_dict[EXPDATA_MASK], ) delta_c, c, n = self._rescale_spline_bases( sim_all=sim_all, N=N, K=K ) delta_c_dot, c_dot = calculate_spline_bases_gradient( sim_all=sim_all, sy_all=sy_all, N=N ) # For the reformulated problem, mu can be calculated # as the inner gradient at the optimal point s. mu = _calculate_nllh_gradient_for_group( s=s, sim_all=sim_all, measurements=measurements, N=N, delta_c=delta_c, c=c, n=n, regularization_factor=self.options[ REGULARIZATION_FACTOR ], regularize_spline=self.options[REGULARIZE_SPLINE], group_dict=group_dict, ) min_meas = group_dict[MIN_DATAPOINT] max_meas = group_dict[MAX_DATAPOINT] min_diff = self._get_minimal_difference( measurement_range=max_meas - min_meas, N=N, min_diff_factor=self.options[MIN_DIFF_FACTOR], ) # If the spline parameter is at its boundary, the # corresponding Lagrangian multiplier mu is set to 0. min_diff_all = np.full(N, min_diff) min_diff_all[0] = 0.0 mu = np.asarray( [ ( mu[i] if np.isclose(s[i] - min_diff_all[i], 0) else 0 ) for i in range(len(s)) ] ) # Calculate the (dJ_dy * dy_dtheta) term: dy_grad_term = calculate_dy_term( sim_all=sim_all, sy_all=sy_all, measurements=measurements, s=s, N=N, delta_c=delta_c, delta_c_dot=delta_c_dot, c=c, c_dot=c_dot, n=n, ) # Calculate the (dJ_dsigma^2 * dsigma^2_dtheta) term: if not group_dict[OPTIMIZE_NOISE]: residual_squared = _calculate_residuals_for_group( s=s, sim_all=sim_all, measurements=measurements, N=N, delta_c=delta_c, c=c, n=n, ) dJ_dsigma2 = ( K / (2 * sigma**2) - residual_squared / sigma**4 ) dsigma2_dtheta = ssigma_all[0] * sigma dsigma_grad_term = dJ_dsigma2 * dsigma2_dtheta # If we optimize the noise hierarchically, # the last term (dJ_dsigma^2 * dsigma^2_dtheta) is always 0 # since the sigma is optimized such that dJ_dsigma2=0. else: dsigma_grad_term = 0.0 # Combine all terms to get the complete gradient contribution grad += dy_grad_term / sigma**2 + dsigma_grad_term snllh[par_opt_idx] = grad return snllh
[docs] @staticmethod def get_default_options() -> dict: """Return default options for solving the inner problem.""" options = { MIN_DIFF_FACTOR: 0.0, REGULARIZE_SPLINE: False, REGULARIZATION_FACTOR: 0.0, } return options
def _optimize_spline( self, inner_parameters: list[SplineInnerParameter], group_dict: dict, ): """Run optimization for the inner problem. Parameters ---------- inner_parameters: The spline inner parameters. group_dict: The group dictionary. """ ( distance_between_bases, spline_bases, intervals_per_sim, ) = self._rescale_spline_bases( sim_all=group_dict[CURRENT_SIMULATION], N=group_dict[N_SPLINE_PARS], K=group_dict[NUM_DATAPOINTS], ) min_diff = self._get_minimal_difference( measurement_range=group_dict[MAX_DATAPOINT] - group_dict[MIN_DATAPOINT], N=group_dict[N_SPLINE_PARS], min_diff_factor=self.options[MIN_DIFF_FACTOR], ) inner_options = self._get_inner_optimization_options( inner_parameters=inner_parameters, N=group_dict[N_SPLINE_PARS], min_meas=group_dict[MIN_DATAPOINT], max_meas=group_dict[MAX_DATAPOINT], min_diff=min_diff, ) # Wrap the analytical optimization of sigma and # the regularization into the objective function def objective_function_wrapper(x): return _calculate_nllh_for_group( s=x, sim_all=group_dict[CURRENT_SIMULATION], measurements=group_dict[DATAPOINTS], N=group_dict[N_SPLINE_PARS], delta_c=distance_between_bases, c=spline_bases, n=intervals_per_sim, regularization_factor=self.options[REGULARIZATION_FACTOR], regularize_spline=self.options[REGULARIZE_SPLINE], group_dict=group_dict, ) # Wrap the analytical optimization of sigma and # the regularization into the gradient function def inner_gradient_wrapper(x): return _calculate_nllh_gradient_for_group( s=x, sim_all=group_dict[CURRENT_SIMULATION], measurements=group_dict[DATAPOINTS], N=group_dict[N_SPLINE_PARS], delta_c=distance_between_bases, c=spline_bases, n=intervals_per_sim, regularization_factor=self.options[REGULARIZATION_FACTOR], regularize_spline=self.options[REGULARIZE_SPLINE], group_dict=group_dict, ) results = minimize( objective_function_wrapper, jac=inner_gradient_wrapper, **inner_options, ) return results def _rescale_spline_bases(self, sim_all: np.ndarray, N: int, K: int): """Rescale the spline bases. Before the optimization of the spline parameters, we have to fix the spline bases to some values. We choose to scale them to the current simulation. In case of simulations that are very close to each other, we choose to scale closely around the average value of the simulations, to avoid numerical problems (as we often divide by delta_c). Parameters ---------- sim_all: The current simulation. N: The number of spline parameters. K: The number of simulations. Returns ------- distance_between_bases: The distance between the spline bases. spline_bases: The rescaled spline bases. intervals_per_sim: List of indices of intervals each simulation belongs to. """ min_idx = np.argmin(sim_all) max_idx = np.argmax(sim_all) min_all = sim_all[min_idx] max_all = sim_all[max_idx] n = np.ones(K) # In case the simulation are very close to each other # or even collapse into a single point. if max_all - min_all < MIN_SIM_RANGE: average_value = (max_all + min_all) / 2 delta_c = MIN_SIM_RANGE / (N - 1) if average_value < (MIN_SIM_RANGE / 2): c = np.linspace(0, MIN_SIM_RANGE, N) else: c = np.linspace( average_value - (MIN_SIM_RANGE / 2), average_value + (MIN_SIM_RANGE / 2), N, ) # Set the n(k) values for the simulations for i in range(len(sim_all)): n[i] = np.ceil((sim_all[i] - c[0]) / delta_c) + 1 if n[i] > N: n[i] = N warnings.warn( "Interval for a simulation has been set to a larger value than the number of spline parameters." ) # In case the simulations are sufficiently apart: else: delta_c = (max_all - min_all) / (N - 1) c = np.linspace(min_all, max_all, N) for i in range(len(sim_all)): if i == max_idx: n[i] = N elif i == min_idx: n[i] = 1 else: n[i] = np.ceil((sim_all[i] - c[0]) / delta_c) + 1 if n[i] > N: n[i] = N n = n.astype(int) return delta_c, c, n def _get_minimal_difference( self, measurement_range: float, N: int, min_diff_factor: float, ): """Return minimal parameter difference for spline parameters.""" return min_diff_factor * measurement_range / N def _get_inner_optimization_options( self, inner_parameters: list[SplineInnerParameter], N: int, min_meas: float, max_meas: float, min_diff: float, ) -> dict: """Return default options for scipy optimizer. Returns inner subproblem optimization options including startpoint and optimization bounds or constraints, dependent on solver method. Parameters ---------- inner_parameters: Inner parameters of the spline group. N: Number of spline parameters. min_meas: Minimal measurement value. max_meas: Maximal measurement value. min_diff: Minimal difference between spline parameters. """ range_all = max_meas - min_meas constraint_min_diff = np.full(N, min_diff) constraint_min_diff[0] = 0 last_opt_values = np.asarray([x.value for x in inner_parameters]) if (last_opt_values > 0).any(): x0 = last_opt_values # In case this is the first inner optimization, initialize the # spline parameters to a linear function with a symmetric 60% # larger range than the measurement range. else: x0 = np.full( N, ( max_meas + 0.3 * range_all - np.max([min_meas - 0.3 * range_all, 0]) ) / (N - 1), ) x0[0] = np.max([min_meas - 0.3 * range_all, 0]) from scipy.optimize import Bounds inner_options = { "x0": x0, "method": "L-BFGS-B", "options": {"ftol": 1e-16, "disp": None}, "bounds": Bounds(lb=constraint_min_diff), } return inner_options
def _calculate_nllh_for_group( s: np.ndarray, sim_all: np.ndarray, measurements: np.ndarray, N: int, delta_c: float, c: np.ndarray, n: np.ndarray, regularization_factor: float, regularize_spline: bool, group_dict: dict, ) -> float: """Calculate the negative log-likelihood for the group. Combines the sum of squared residuals, the noise parameter, and the regularization term to the negative log-likelihood. Parameters ---------- s: Reformulated inner spline parameters. sim_all: Simulations for the group. measurements: Measurements for the group. N: Number of spline bases. delta_c: Distance between two spline bases. c: Spline bases. n: Indices of the spline bases. regularization_factor: Regularization factor. regularize_spline: Whether to regularize the spline. group_dict: Dictionary containing the group information. Returns ------- Negative log-likelihood. """ # Calculate residuals residuals_squared = _calculate_residuals_for_group( s=s, sim_all=sim_all, measurements=measurements, N=N, delta_c=delta_c, c=c, n=n, ) K = len(sim_all) # Calculate sigma if group_dict[OPTIMIZE_NOISE]: sigma = _calculate_sigma_for_group( residuals_squared=residuals_squared, n_datapoints=N, ) group_dict[INNER_NOISE_PARS] = sigma else: sigma = group_dict[INNER_NOISE_PARS] # Calculate regularization term if regularize_spline: regularization_term = _calculate_regularization_for_group( s=s, N=N, c=c, regularization_factor=regularization_factor, ) else: regularization_term = 0.0 # Combine all terms into the negative log-likelihood nllh = ( 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi * sigma**2) * K + residuals_squared / (sigma**2) + regularization_term ) return nllh def _calculate_nllh_gradient_for_group( s: np.ndarray, sim_all: np.ndarray, measurements: np.ndarray, N: int, delta_c: float, c: np.ndarray, n: np.ndarray, regularization_factor: float, regularize_spline: bool, group_dict: dict, ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate the gradient of the nllh wrt. spline differences s for the group. Combines the gradient of the sum of squared residuals and the gradient of the regularization term to the gradient of the negative log-likelihood. Parameters ---------- s: Reformulated inner spline parameters. sim_all: Simulations for the group. measurements: Measurements for the group. N: Number of spline bases. delta_c: Distance between two spline bases. c: Spline bases. n: Indices of the spline bases. regularization_factor: Regularization factor. regularize_spline: Whether to regularize the spline. group_dict: Dictionary containing the group information. Returns ------- Gradient of the negative log-likelihood wrt. spline differences s. """ # Calculate gradient of residuals residuals_squared_gradient = _calculate_residuals_gradient_for_group( s=s, sim_all=sim_all, measurements=measurements, N=N, delta_c=delta_c, c=c, n=n, ) # Calculate sigma if group_dict[OPTIMIZE_NOISE]: residuals_squared = _calculate_residuals_for_group( s=s, sim_all=sim_all, measurements=measurements, N=N, delta_c=delta_c, c=c, n=n, ) sigma = _calculate_sigma_for_group( residuals_squared=residuals_squared, n_datapoints=N, ) group_dict[INNER_NOISE_PARS] = sigma else: sigma = group_dict[INNER_NOISE_PARS] # Calculate gradient of regularization term if regularize_spline: regularization_term_gradient = ( _calculate_regularization_gradient_for_group( s=s, N=N, c=c, regularization_factor=regularization_factor, ) ) else: regularization_term_gradient = np.zeros_like(s) # Combine all terms into the gradient of the negative log-likelihood nllh_gradient = ( residuals_squared_gradient / (sigma**2) + regularization_term_gradient ) return nllh_gradient def _calculate_sigma_for_group( residuals_squared: float, n_datapoints: int, ): """Calculate the noise parameter sigma. Parameters ---------- residuals_squared: The sum of squared residuals divided by 2. n_datapoints: The number of datapoints. """ sigma = np.sqrt(2 * residuals_squared / n_datapoints) return sigma def _calculate_residuals_for_group( s: np.ndarray, sim_all: np.ndarray, measurements: np.ndarray, N: int, delta_c: float, c: np.ndarray, n: np.ndarray, ): """Residuals squared for reformulated inner spline problem. Equal to 1/2 * sum_k (tilde{z}_k - z_k)^2 """ obj = 0 for y_k, z_k, n_k in zip(sim_all, measurements, n): i = n_k - 1 sum_s = 0 sum_s = np.sum(s[:i]) if i == 0: obj += (z_k - s[i]) ** 2 elif i == N: obj += (z_k - sum_s) ** 2 else: obj += (z_k - (y_k - c[i - 1]) * s[i] / delta_c - sum_s) ** 2 obj = obj / 2 return obj def _calculate_residuals_gradient_for_group( s: np.ndarray, sim_all: np.ndarray, measurements: np.ndarray, N: int, delta_c: float, c: np.ndarray, n: np.ndarray, ): """Gradient of the residuals with respect to the spline differences s_i for a group.""" gradient = np.zeros(N) for y_k, z_k, n_k in zip(sim_all, measurements, n): sum_s = 0 i = n_k - 1 # just the iterator to go over the Jacobian array sum_s = np.sum(s[:i]) if i == 0: gradient[i] += s[i] - z_k elif i == N: gradient[:i] += np.full(i, sum_s - z_k) else: gradient[i] += ( ((y_k - c[i - 1]) * s[i] / delta_c + sum_s - z_k) * (y_k - c[i - 1]) / delta_c ) gradient[:i] += np.full( i, (y_k - c[i - 1]) * s[i] / delta_c + sum_s - z_k, ) return gradient def _calculate_regularization_for_group( s: np.ndarray, N: int, c: np.ndarray, regularization_factor: float, ): """Calculate regularization term the given spline. We regularize the spline to be linear. To do this, we calculate the optimal linear function that minimizes the sum of squared residuals with respect to the spline knots. Then we calculate the sum of squared residuals for this linear function. If the calculated offset is smaller than 0, we set it to 0. This is because the spline is not allowed to be negative. """ # Calculate the spline knots xi_i from spline differences s_i lower_trian = np.tril(np.ones((N, N))) xi =, s) # Calculate auxiliary values c_sum = np.sum(c) xi_sum = np.sum(xi) c_squares_sum = np.sum(c**2) c_dot_xi =, xi) # Calculate the optimal linear function offset if np.isclose(N * c_squares_sum - c_sum**2, 0): beta_opt = xi_sum / N else: beta_opt = (xi_sum * c_squares_sum - c_dot_xi * c_sum) / ( N * c_squares_sum - c_sum**2 ) # If the offset is smaller than 0, we set it to 0 if beta_opt < 0: beta_opt = 0 # Calculate the slope of the optimal linear function alpha_opt = (c_dot_xi - beta_opt * c_sum) / c_squares_sum # Calculate the sum of squared residuals for the optimal linear function regularization_term = np.sum((xi - alpha_opt * c - beta_opt) ** 2) / ( 2 * N ) return regularization_term * regularization_factor def _calculate_regularization_gradient_for_group( s: np.ndarray, N: int, c: np.ndarray, regularization_factor: float, ): """Calculate regularization term gradient for the given spline.""" # Calculate the spline knots xi_i from spline differences s_i lower_trian = np.tril(np.ones((N, N))) xi =, s) # Calculate auxiliary values c_sum = np.sum(c) xi_sum = np.sum(xi) c_squares_sum = np.sum(c**2) c_dot_xi =, xi) # Calculate the optimal linear function offset if np.isclose(N * c_squares_sum - c_sum**2, 0): beta_opt = xi_sum / N else: beta_opt = (xi_sum * c_squares_sum - c_dot_xi * c_sum) / ( N * c_squares_sum - c_sum**2 ) # If the offset is smaller than 0, we set it to 0. # Otherwise, we calculate the gradient of the offset. if beta_opt < 0: beta_opt = 0 # Calculate the slope of the optimal linear function alpha_opt = (c_dot_xi - beta_opt * c_sum) / c_squares_sum # Calculate some more auxiliary values residuals = xi - alpha_opt * c - beta_opt # Can remove terms from this aux_matrix due to optimality # of the linear function (alpha & beta) aux_matrix = lower_trian # Calculate the gradient of the sum of squared residuals regularization_gradient = residuals @ aux_matrix / N return regularization_gradient * regularization_factor def get_spline_mapped_simulations( s: np.ndarray, sim_all: np.ndarray, N: int, delta_c: float, c: np.ndarray, n: np.ndarray, ): """Return model simulations mapped using the approximation spline.""" mapped_simulations = np.zeros(len(sim_all)) lower_trian = np.tril(np.ones((N, N))) xi =, s) for y_k, n_k, index in zip(sim_all, n, range(len(sim_all))): interval_index = n_k - 1 if interval_index == 0 or interval_index == N: mapped_simulations[index] = xi[interval_index] else: mapped_simulations[index] = (y_k - c[interval_index - 1]) * ( xi[interval_index] - xi[interval_index - 1] ) / delta_c + xi[interval_index - 1] return mapped_simulations def calculate_inner_hessian( s: np.ndarray, sim_all: np.ndarray, sigma: np.ndarray, N: int, delta_c: float, c: np.ndarray, n: np.ndarray, ): """Calculate the hessian of the objective function for the reformulated inner problem.""" hessian = np.zeros((N, N)) for y_k, sigma_k, n_k in zip(sim_all, sigma, n): sum_s = 0 i = n_k - 1 # just the iterator to go over the Hessian matrix for j in range(i): sum_s += s[j] hessian[i][i] += (1 / sigma_k**2) * ((y_k - c[i - 1]) / delta_c) ** 2 for j in range(i): hessian[i][j] += (1 / sigma_k**2) * ((y_k - c[i - 1]) / delta_c) hessian[j][i] += (1 / sigma_k**2) * ((y_k - c[i - 1]) / delta_c) for h in range(i): hessian[j][h] += 1 / sigma_k**2 return hessian def calculate_dy_term( sim_all: np.ndarray, sy_all: np.ndarray, measurements: np.ndarray, s: np.ndarray, N: int, delta_c: float, delta_c_dot: float, c: np.ndarray, c_dot: np.ndarray, n: np.ndarray, ): """Calculate the derivative of the objective function for one group with respect to the simulations.""" df_dy = 0 for y_k, z_k, y_dot_k, n_k in zip(sim_all, measurements, sy_all, n): i = n_k - 1 sum_s = np.sum(s[:i]) if i > 0 and i < N: df_dy += ( ((y_k - c[i - 1]) * s[i] / delta_c + sum_s - z_k) * s[i] * ( (y_dot_k - c_dot[i - 1]) * delta_c - (y_k - c[i - 1]) * delta_c_dot ) / delta_c**2 ) # There is no i==0 case, because in this case # c[0] == y_k and so the derivative is zero. return df_dy def calculate_spline_bases_gradient( sim_all: np.ndarray, sy_all: np.ndarray, N: int ): """Calculate gradient of the rescaled spline bases.""" min_idx = np.argmin(sim_all) max_idx = np.argmax(sim_all) min_all = sim_all[min_idx] max_all = sim_all[max_idx] # Coming directly from differentiating _rescale_spline_bases if sim_all[max_idx] - sim_all[min_idx] < MIN_SIM_RANGE: delta_c_dot = 0 c_dot = np.full(N, (sy_all[max_idx] - sy_all[min_idx]) / 2) average_value = (max_all + min_all) / 2 if average_value < (MIN_SIM_RANGE / 2): c_dot = np.full(N, 0) else: c_dot = np.full(N, (sy_all[max_idx] - sy_all[min_idx]) / 2) else: delta_c_dot = (sy_all[max_idx] - sy_all[min_idx]) / (N - 1) c_dot = np.linspace(sy_all[min_idx], sy_all[max_idx], N) return delta_c_dot, c_dot def extract_expdata_using_mask( expdata: list[np.ndarray], mask: list[np.ndarray] ): """Extract data from expdata list of arrays for the given mask.""" return np.concatenate( [ expdata[condition_index][mask[condition_index]] for condition_index in range(len(mask)) ] ) def save_inner_parameters_to_inner_problem( inner_problem: SemiquantProblem, s: np.ndarray, group: int, ) -> None: """Save inner parameter values to the inner subproblem. Calculates the non-reformulated inner spline parameters from the reformulated inner spline parameters and saves them to the inner subproblem. Parameters ---------- inner_parameters : list List of inner parameters. s : np.ndarray Reformulated inner spline parameters. """ group_dict = inner_problem.groups[group] inner_spline_parameters = inner_problem.get_xs_for_group(group) inner_noise_parameters = inner_problem.get_noise_parameters_for_group( group ) lower_trian = np.tril(np.ones((len(s), len(s)))) xi =, s) for idx in range(len(inner_spline_parameters)): inner_spline_parameters[idx].value = xi[idx] sigma = group_dict[INNER_NOISE_PARS] if group_dict[OPTIMIZE_NOISE]: inner_noise_parameters[0].value = sigma def get_monotonicity_measure(measurement, simulation): """Get monotonicity measure by calculating inversions. Calculates the number of inversions in the simulation data with respect to the measurement data. Parameters ---------- measurement : np.ndarray Measurement data. simulation : np.ndarray Simulation data. Returns ------- inversions : int Number of inversions. """ if len(measurement) != len(simulation): raise ValueError( "Measurement and simulation data must have the same length." ) ordered_simulation = [ x for _, x in sorted( zip(measurement, simulation), key=lambda pair: pair[0] ) ] ordered_measurement = sorted(simulation) inversions = 0 for i in range(len(ordered_simulation)): for j in range(i + 1, len(ordered_simulation)): if ordered_simulation[i] > ordered_simulation[j]: inversions += 1 elif ( ordered_simulation[i] == ordered_simulation[j] and ordered_measurement[i] != ordered_measurement[j] ): inversions += 1 return inversions