Source code for pypesto.visualize.profile_cis

from typing import Sequence, Union

import matplotlib.axes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from ..profile import calculate_approximate_ci, chi2_quantile_to_ratio
from ..result import Result

[docs] def profile_cis( result: Result, confidence_level: float = 0.95, profile_indices: Sequence[int] = None, profile_list: int = 0, color: Union[str, tuple] = 'C0', show_bounds: bool = False, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None, ) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes: """ Plot approximate confidence intervals based on profiles. Parameters ---------- result: The result object after profiling. confidence_level: The confidence level in (0,1), which is translated to an approximate threshold assuming a chi2 distribution, using `pypesto.profile.chi2_quantile_to_ratio`. profile_indices: List of integer values specifying which profiles should be plotted. Defaults to the indices for which profiles were generated in profile list `profile_list`. profile_list: Index of the profile list to be used. color: Main plot color. show_bounds: Whether to show, and extend the plot to, the lower and upper bounds. ax: Axes object to use. Default: Create a new one. """ # extract problem problem = result.problem # extract profile list profile_list = result.profile_result.list[profile_list] if profile_indices is None: profile_indices = [ix for ix, res in enumerate(profile_list) if res] if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() confidence_ratio = chi2_quantile_to_ratio(confidence_level) # calculate intervals intervals = [] for i_par in range(problem.dim_full): if i_par not in profile_indices: continue xs = profile_list[i_par].x_path[i_par] ratios = profile_list[i_par].ratio_path lb, ub = calculate_approximate_ci( xs=xs, ratios=ratios, confidence_ratio=confidence_ratio ) intervals.append((lb, ub)) x_names = [problem.x_names[ix] for ix in profile_indices] for ix, (lb, ub) in enumerate(intervals): ax.plot([lb, ub], [ix + 1, ix + 1], marker='|', color=color) parameters_ind = np.arange(1, len(intervals) + 1) ax.set_yticks(parameters_ind) ax.set_yticklabels(x_names) ax.set_ylabel("Parameter") ax.set_xlabel("Parameter value") if show_bounds: lb = problem.lb_full[profile_indices] ax.plot(lb, parameters_ind, 'k--', marker='+') ub = problem.ub_full[profile_indices] ax.plot(ub, parameters_ind, 'k--', marker='+') return ax