Source code for pypesto.optimize.ess.ess

"""Enhanced Scatter Search.

See papers on ESS [EgeaBal2009]_ [EgeaMar2010]_, CESS [VillaverdeEge2012]_ and
saCeSS [PenasGon2017]_.


.. [EgeaBal2009] 'Dynamic Optimization of Nonlinear Processes with an Enhanced
   Scatter Search Method', Jose A. Egea, Eva Balsa-Canto,
   María-Sonia G. García, and Julio R. Banga, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.
   2009, 48, 9, 4388–4401.

.. [EgeaMar2010] 'An evolutionary method for complex-process optimization',
   Jose A. Egea, Rafael Martí, Julio R. Banga, Computers & Operations Research,
   2010, 37, 2, 315-324.

.. [VillaverdeEge2012] 'A cooperative strategy for parameter estimation in
   large scale systems biology models', Villaverde, A.F., Egea, J.A. & Banga,
   J.R. BMC Syst Biol 2012, 6, 75.

.. [PenasGon2017] 'Parameter estimation in large-scale systems biology models:
   a parallel and self-adaptive cooperative strategy', David R. Penas,
   Patricia González, Jose A. Egea, Ramón Doallo and Julio R. Banga,
   BMC Bioinformatics 2017, 18, 52.
import enum
import logging
import time
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np

import pypesto.optimize
from pypesto import OptimizerResult, Problem
from pypesto.startpoint import StartpointMethod

from .function_evaluator import (
from .refset import RefSet

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ['ESSOptimizer', 'ESSExitFlag']

class ESSExitFlag(int, enum.Enum):
    """Exit flags used by :class:`ESSOptimizer`."""

    # ESS did not run/finish yet
    DID_NOT_RUN = 0
    # Exited after reaching maximum number of iterations
    MAX_ITER = -1
    # Exited after exhausting function evaluation budget
    MAX_EVAL = -2
    # Exited after exhausting wall-time budget
    MAX_TIME = -3

[docs] class ESSOptimizer: """Enhanced Scatter Search (ESS) global optimization. .. note: Does not implement any constraint handling beyond box constraints """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, max_iter: int = 10**100, dim_refset: int = None, local_n1: int = 1, local_n2: int = 10, balance: float = 0.5, local_optimizer: 'pypesto.optimize.Optimizer' = None, max_eval=np.inf, n_diverse: int = None, n_procs=None, n_threads=None, max_walltime_s=None, ): """Construct new ESS instance. For plausible values of hyperparameters, see VillaverdeEge2012. Parameters ---------- dim_refset: Size of the ReferenceSet. Note that in every iteration at least ``dim_refset**2 - dim_refset`` function evaluations will occur. max_iter: Maximum number of ESS iterations. local_n1: Minimum number of iterations before first local search. local_n2: Minimum number of iterations between consecutive local searches. Maximally one local search per performed in each iteration. local_optimizer: Local optimizer for refinement, or ``None`` to skip local searches. n_diverse: Number of samples to choose from to construct the initial RefSet max_eval: Maximum number of objective functions allowed. This criterion is only checked once per iteration, not after every objective evaluation, so the actual number of function evaluations may exceed this value. max_walltime_s: Maximum walltime in seconds. Will only be checked between local optimizations and other simulations, and thus, may be exceeded by the duration of a local search. balance: Quality vs diversity balancing factor [0, 1]; 0 = only quality; 1 = only diversity n_procs: Number of parallel processes to use for parallel function evaluation. Mutually exclusive with `n_threads`. n_threads: Number of parallel threads to use for parallel function evaluation. Mutually exclusive with `n_procs`. """ # Hyperparameters self.local_n1: int = local_n1 self.local_n2: int = local_n2 self.max_iter: int = max_iter self.max_eval: int = max_eval self.dim_refset: int = dim_refset self.local_optimizer: Optional[ 'pypesto.optimize.Optimizer' ] = local_optimizer self.n_diverse: int = n_diverse if n_procs is not None and n_threads is not None: raise ValueError( "`n_procs` and `n_threads` are mutually exclusive." ) self.n_procs: Optional[int] = n_procs self.n_threads: Optional[int] = n_threads self.balance: float = balance # After how many iterations a stagnated solution is to be replaced by # a random one. Default value taken from [EgeaMar2010]_ self.n_change: int = 20 # Only perform local search from best solution self.local_only_best_sol: bool = False self.max_walltime_s = max_walltime_s self._initialize() self.logger = logging.getLogger( f"{self.__class__.__name__}-{id(self)}" )
def _initialize(self): """(Re-)Initialize.""" # RefSet self.refset: Optional[RefSet] = None # Overall best parameters found so far self.x_best: Optional[np.array] = None # Overall best function value found so far self.fx_best: float = np.inf # Final parameters from local searches self.local_solutions: List[np.array] = [] # Index of current iteration self.n_iter: int = 0 # ESS iteration at which the last local search took place self.last_local_search_niter: int = 0 # Whether self.x_best has changed in the current iteration self.x_best_has_changed: bool = False self.exit_flag: ESSExitFlag = ESSExitFlag.DID_NOT_RUN self.evaluator: Optional[FunctionEvaluator] = None self.starttime: Optional[float] = None
[docs] def minimize( self, problem: Problem = None, startpoint_method: StartpointMethod = None, refset: Optional[RefSet] = None, ) -> pypesto.Result: """Minimize the given objective. Parameters ---------- problem: Problem to run ESS on. startpoint_method: Method for choosing starting points. **Deprecated. Use ``problem.startpoint_method`` instead.** refset: The initial RefSet or ``None`` to auto-generate. """ if startpoint_method is not None: warn( "Passing `startpoint_method` directly is deprecated, use `problem.startpoint_method` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) self._initialize() self.starttime = time.time() if (refset is None and problem is None) or ( refset is not None and problem is not None ): raise ValueError( "Either `refset` or `problem` has to be provided." ) # generate initial RefSet if not provided if refset is None: if self.dim_refset is None: raise ValueError( "Either refset or dim_refset have to be provided." ) # [EgeaMar2010]_ 2.1 self.n_diverse = self.n_diverse or 10 * problem.dim if self.n_procs: self.evaluator = FunctionEvaluatorMP( problem=problem, startpoint_method=startpoint_method, n_procs=self.n_procs, ) else: self.evaluator = FunctionEvaluatorMT( problem=problem, startpoint_method=startpoint_method, n_threads=self.n_threads or 1, ) self.refset = RefSet(dim=self.dim_refset, evaluator=self.evaluator) # Initial RefSet generation self.refset.initialize_random(n_diverse=self.n_diverse) refset = self.refset else: self.refset = refset problem = refset.evaluator.problem self.evaluator = refset.evaluator self.x_best = np.full( shape=(self.evaluator.problem.dim,), fill_value=np.nan ) # initialize global best from initial refset for x, fx in zip(refset.x, refset.fx): self._maybe_update_global_best(x, fx) # [PenasGon2017]_ Algorithm 1 while self._keep_going(): self.x_best_has_changed = False refset.sort() self._report_iteration() refset.prune_too_close() # Apply combination method to update the RefSet x_best_children, fx_best_children = self._combine_solutions() # Go-beyond strategy to further improve the new combinations self._go_beyond(x_best_children, fx_best_children) # Maybe perform a local search if self.local_optimizer is not None: self._do_local_search(x_best_children, fx_best_children) # Replace RefSet members by best children where an improvement # was made. replace stuck members by random points. for i in range(refset.dim): if fx_best_children[i] < refset.fx[i]: refset.update(i, x_best_children[i], fx_best_children[i]) else: refset.n_stuck[i] += 1 if refset.n_stuck[i] > self.n_change: refset.replace_by_random(i) self.n_iter += 1 self._report_final() return self._create_result()
def _create_result(self) -> pypesto.Result: """Create the result object. Currently, this returns the overall best value and the final RefSet. """ common_result_fields = { 'exitflag': self.exit_flag, # meaningful? this is the overall time, and identical for all # reported points 'time': time.time() - self.starttime, 'n_fval': self.evaluator.n_eval, 'optimizer': str(self), } i_result = 0 result = pypesto.Result(problem=self.evaluator.problem) # save global best optimizer_result = pypesto.OptimizerResult( id=str(i_result), x=self.x_best, fval=self.fx_best, message="Global best", **common_result_fields, ) # TODO DW: Create a single History with the global best? result.optimize_result.append(optimizer_result) # save refset for i in range(self.refset.dim): i_result += 1 result.optimize_result.append( pypesto.OptimizerResult( id=str(i_result), x=self.refset.x[i], fval=self.refset.fx[i], message=f"RefSet[{i}]", **common_result_fields, ) ) # TODO DW: also save local solutions? # (need to track fvals or re-evaluate) return result def _keep_going(self) -> bool: """Check exit criteria. Returns ------- ``True`` if not of the exit criteria is met, ``False`` otherwise. """ # TODO DW which further stopping criteria: gtol, fatol, frtol? if self.n_iter >= self.max_iter: self.exit_flag = ESSExitFlag.MAX_ITER return False if self.evaluator.n_eval >= self.max_eval: self.exit_flag = ESSExitFlag.MAX_EVAL return False if ( self.max_walltime_s is not None and time.time() - self.starttime > self.max_walltime_s ): self.exit_flag = ESSExitFlag.MAX_TIME return False return True def _combine_solutions(self) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array]: """Combine solutions and evaluate. Creates the next generation from the RefSet by pair-wise combinations of all RefSet members. Creates ``RefSet.dim ** 2 - RefSet.dim`` new parameter vectors, tests them, and keeps the best child of each parent. Returns ------- y: Contains the best of all pairwise combinations of all RefSet members, for each RefSet members. fy: The corresponding objective values. """ y = np.zeros(shape=(self.refset.dim, self.evaluator.problem.dim)) fy = np.full(shape=self.refset.dim, fill_value=np.inf) for i in range(self.refset.dim): xs_new = np.vstack( tuple( self._combine(i, j) for j in range(self.refset.dim) if i != j ), ) fxs_new = self.evaluator.multiple(xs_new) best_idx = np.argmin(fxs_new) fy[i] = fxs_new[best_idx] y[i] = xs_new[best_idx] return y, fy def _combine(self, i, j) -> np.array: """Combine RefSet members ``i`` and ``j``. Samples a new point from a biased hyper-rectangle derived from the given parents, favoring the direction of the better parent. Assumes that the RefSet is sorted by quality. See [EgeaBal2009]_ Section 3.2 for details. Parameters ---------- i: Index of first RefSet member for recombination j: Index of second RefSet member for recombination Returns ------- A new parameter vector. """ if i == j: raise ValueError("i == j") x = self.refset.x d = x[j] - x[i] alpha = np.sign(j - i) beta = (np.abs(j - i) - 1) / (self.refset.dim - 2) c1 = x[i] - d * (1 + alpha * beta) c2 = x[i] - d * (1 - alpha * beta) # this will not always yield admissible points -> clip to bounds ub, lb = self.evaluator.problem.ub, c1 = np.fmax(np.fmin(c1, ub), lb) c2 = np.fmax(np.fmin(c2, ub), lb) return np.random.uniform( low=c1, high=c2, size=self.evaluator.problem.dim ) def _do_local_search( self, x_best_children: np.array, fx_best_children: np.array ) -> None: """ Perform a local search to refine the next generation. See [PenasGon2017]_ Algorithm 2. """ if self.local_only_best_sol and self.x_best_has_changed: self.logger.debug("Local search only from best point.") local_search_x0 = self.x_best local_search_fx0 = self.fx_best # first local search? elif not self.local_solutions and self.n_iter >= self.local_n1: self.logger.debug( "First local search from best point due to " f"local_n1={self.local_n1}." ) local_search_x0 = self.x_best local_search_fx0 = self.fx_best elif ( self.local_solutions and self.n_iter - self.last_local_search_niter >= self.local_n2 ): quality_order = np.argsort(fx_best_children) # compute minimal distance between the best children and all local # optima found so far min_distances = np.array( np.min( np.linalg.norm(y_i - local_solution) for local_solution in self.local_solutions ) for y_i in x_best_children ) # sort by furthest distance to existing local optima diversity_order = np.argsort(min_distances)[::-1] # compute priority, balancing quality and diversity # (smaller value = higher priority) priority = ( 1 - self.balance ) * quality_order + self.balance * diversity_order chosen_child_idx = np.argmin(priority) local_search_x0 = x_best_children[chosen_child_idx] local_search_fx0 = fx_best_children[chosen_child_idx] else: return # actual local search # TODO DW: try alternatives if it fails on initial point? optimizer_result: OptimizerResult = self.local_optimizer.minimize( problem=self.evaluator.problem, x0=local_search_x0, id="0", ) # add function evaluations during local search to our function # evaluation counter (NOTE: depending on the setup, we might neglect # gradient evaluations). self.evaluator.n_eval += optimizer_result.n_fval self.evaluator.n_eval_round += optimizer_result.n_fval f"Local search: {local_search_fx0} -> {optimizer_result.fval} " f" took {optimizer_result.time:.3g}s, finished with " f"{optimizer_result.exitflag}: {optimizer_result.message}" ) self.local_solutions.append(optimizer_result.x) self._maybe_update_global_best( optimizer_result.x, optimizer_result.fval ) self.last_local_search_niter = self.n_iter self.evaluator.reset_round_counter() def _maybe_update_global_best(self, x, fx): """Update the global best value if the provided value is better.""" if fx < self.fx_best: self.x_best = x[:] self.fx_best = fx self.x_best_has_changed = True def _go_beyond(self, x_best_children, fx_best_children): """Apply go-beyond strategy. If a child is better than its parent, intensify search in that direction until no further improvement is made. See [Egea2009]_ algorithm 1 + section 3.4 """ for i in range(self.refset.dim): if fx_best_children[i] >= self.refset.fx[i]: continue # offspring is better than parent x_parent = self.refset.x[i] fx_parent = self.refset.fx[i] x_child = x_best_children[i] fx_child = fx_best_children[i] improvement = 1 # Multiplier used in determining the hyper-rectangle from which to # sample children. Will be increased in case of 2 consecutive # improvements. # (corresponds to 1/\Lambda in [Egea2009]_ algorithm 1) go_beyond_factor = 1 while fx_child < fx_parent: # update best child x_best_children[i] = x_child fx_best_children[i] = fx_child # create new solution, child becomes parent # hyper-rectangle for sampling child box_lb = x_child - (x_parent - x_child) * go_beyond_factor box_ub = x_child # clip to bounds ub, lb = self.evaluator.problem.ub, box_lb = np.fmax(np.fmin(box_lb, ub), lb) box_ub = np.fmax(np.fmin(box_ub, ub), lb) # sample parameters x_new = np.random.uniform(low=box_lb, high=box_ub) x_parent = x_child fx_parent = fx_child x_child = x_new fx_child = self.evaluator.single(x_child) improvement += 1 if improvement == 2: go_beyond_factor *= 2 improvement = 0 # update overall best? self._maybe_update_global_best( x_best_children[i], fx_best_children[i] ) def _report_iteration(self): """Log the current iteration.""" if self.n_iter == 0:"iter | best | nf | refset |") with np.printoptions( edgeitems=5, threshold=8, linewidth=100000, formatter={"float": lambda x: "%.3g" % x}, ): f"{self.n_iter:4} | {self.fx_best:+.2E} | " f"{self.evaluator.n_eval} " f"| {self.refset.fx} | {len(self.local_solutions)}" ) def _report_final(self): """Log scatter search summary.""" with np.printoptions( edgeitems=5, threshold=10, linewidth=100000, formatter={"float": lambda x: "%.3g" % x}, ): f"-- Final ESS fval after {self.n_iter} " f"iterations: {self.fx_best}. " f"Exit flag: {}. " f"Num local solutions: {len(self.local_solutions)}." ) self.logger.debug(f"Final refset: {np.sort(self.refset.fx)} ")