Source code for pypesto.objective.finite_difference

"""Finite differences."""

import copy
import logging
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from ..C import FVAL, GRAD, HESS, MODE_FUN, MODE_RES, RES, SRES, ModeType
from .base import ObjectiveBase, ResultDict

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class FDDelta: """Finite difference step size with automatic updating. Reference implementation: Parameters ---------- delta: (Initial) step size, either a float, or a vector of size (n_par,). If not None, this is used as initial step size. test_deltas: Step sizes to try out in step size selection. If None, a range [1e-1, 1e-2, ..., 1e-8] is considered. update_condition: A "good" step size may be a local property. Thus, this class allows updating the step size if certain criteria are met, in the :func:`pypesto.objective.finite_difference.FDDelta.update` function. FDDelta.CONSTANT means that the step size is only initially selected. FDDelta.DISTANCE means that the step size is updated if the current evaluation point is sufficiently far away from the last training point. FDDelta.STEPS means that the step size is updated `max_steps` evaluations after the last update. FDDelta.ALWAYS mean that the step size is selected in every call. max_distance: Coefficient on the distance between current and reference point beyond which to update, in the `FDDelta.DISTANCE` update condition. max_steps: Number of steps after which to update in the `FDDelta.STEPS` update condition. """ # update conditions CONSTANT = "constant" DISTANCE = "distance" STEPS = "steps" ALWAYS = "always" UPDATE_CONDITIONS = [CONSTANT, DISTANCE, STEPS, ALWAYS]
[docs] def __init__( self, delta: Union[np.ndarray, float, None] = None, test_deltas: np.ndarray = None, update_condition: str = CONSTANT, max_distance: float = 0.5, max_steps: int = 30, ): if not isinstance(delta, (np.ndarray, float)) and delta is not None: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type {type(delta)} for delta") Union[np.ndarray, float, None] = delta if test_deltas is None: test_deltas = np.array([10 ** (-i) for i in range(1, 9)]) self.test_deltas: np.ndarray = test_deltas if update_condition not in FDDelta.UPDATE_CONDITIONS: raise ValueError( f"Update condition {update_condition} must be in " f"{FDDelta.UPDATE_CONDITIONS}.", ) self.update_condition: str = update_condition self.max_distance: float = max_distance self.max_steps: int = max_steps # run variables # parameter where the step sizes where updated last self.x0: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None # overall number of steps self.steps: int = 0 self.updates: int = 0
[docs] def update( self, x: np.ndarray, fval: Union[float, np.ndarray, None], fun: Callable, fd_method: str, ) -> None: """Update delta if update conditions are met. Parameters ---------- x: Current parameter vector, shape (n_par,). fval: fun(x), to avoid re-evaluation. Scalar- or vector-valued. fun: Function whose 1st-order derivative to approximate. Scalar- or vector-valued. fd_method: FD method employed by :class:`pypesto.objective.finite_difference.FD`, see there. """ # scalar to vector if isinstance(, float): np.ndarray = * np.ones(shape=x.shape) elif isinstance(, np.ndarray): if != x.shape: # this should not happen raise ValueError("Shape mismatch.") self.steps += 1 # return if no update needed if is not None: if ( ( self.update_condition == FDDelta.DISTANCE and np.sum((x - self.x0) ** 2) <= self.max_distance * np.sqrt(len(x)) ) or ( self.update_condition == FDDelta.STEPS and (self.steps - 1) % self.max_steps != 0 and self.steps > 1 ) or ( self.update_condition == FDDelta.CONSTANT and is not None ) ): return # update reference point self.x0 = x # actually update self._update(x=x, fval=fval, fun=fun, fd_method=fd_method) if != x.shape: # this should not happen raise ValueError("Shape mismatch.")
def _update( self, x: np.ndarray, fval: Union[float, np.ndarray], fun: Callable, fd_method: str, ) -> None: """ Actually update. Wants to be called in `update` explicitly. Run FDs with various deltas and pick the ones, separately for each parameter, with the best stability properties. The parameters are the same as for :func:`pypesto.objective.finite_difference.FDDelta.update`. """ # calculate gradients for all deltas for all parameters nablas = [] # iterate over deltas for delta in self.test_deltas: # calculate Jacobian with step size delta delta_vec = delta * np.ones_like(x) nabla = fd_nabla_1( x=x, fval=fval, f_fval=fun, delta_vec=delta_vec, fd_method=fd_method, ) nablas.append(nabla) # shape (n_delta, n_par, ...) nablas = np.array(nablas) # The stability vector is the absolute difference of Jacobian # entries towards smaller and larger deltas, thus indicating the # change in the approximation when changing delta. # This is done separately for each parameter. Then, for each the delta # with the minimal entry and thus the most stable behavior # is selected. stab_vec = np.full(shape=nablas.shape, fill_value=np.nan) stab_vec[1:-1] = np.mean( np.abs([nablas[2:] - nablas[1:-1], nablas[1:-1] - nablas[:-2]]), axis=0, ) # on the edge, just take the single neighbor stab_vec[0] = np.abs(nablas[1] - nablas[0]) stab_vec[-1] = np.abs(nablas[-1] - nablas[-2]) # if the function is tensor-valued, consider the maximum over all # entries, to constrain the worst deviation if stab_vec.ndim > 2: # flatten all dimensions > 1 stab_vec = stab_vec.reshape( stab_vec.shape[0], stab_vec.shape[1], -1 ).max(axis=2) # minimum delta index for each parameter min_ixs = np.argmin(stab_vec, axis=0) # extract optimal deltas per parameter delta_opt = np.array([self.test_deltas[ix] for ix in min_ixs]) = delta_opt # log"Optimal FD delta: {}") self.updates += 1
[docs] def get(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get delta vector.""" return
def to_delta(delta: Union[FDDelta, np.ndarray, float, str]) -> FDDelta: """Input to step size delta. Input can be a vector, float, or an update method type. Parameters ---------- delta: Can be a vector, float, or one of Delta.UPDATE_CONDITIONS. If a vector or float, a constant delta is assumed. """ if isinstance(delta, FDDelta): return delta elif isinstance(delta, (np.ndarray, float)): return FDDelta(delta=delta, update_condition=FDDelta.CONSTANT) else: return FDDelta(delta=None, update_condition=delta)
[docs] class FD(ObjectiveBase): """Finite differences (FDs) for derivatives. Given an objective that gives function values and/or residuals, this class allows to flexibly obtain all derivatives calculated via FDs. For the parameters `grad`, `hess`, `sres`, a value of None means that the objective derivative is used if available, otherwise resorting to FDs. True means that FDs are used in any case, False means that the derivative is not exported. Note that the step sizes should be carefully chosen. They should be small enough to provide an accurate linear approximation, but large enough to be robust against numerical inaccuracies, in particular if the objective relies on numerical approximations, such as an ODE. Parameters ---------- grad: Derivative method for the gradient (see above). hess: Derivative method for the Hessian (see above). sres: Derivative method for the residual sensitivities (see above). hess_via_fval: If the Hessian is to be calculated via finite differences: whether to employ 2nd order FDs via fval even if the objective can provide a gradient. delta_fun: FD step sizes for function values. Can be either a float, or a :class:`np.ndarray` of shape (n_par,) for different step sizes for different coordinates. delta_grad: FD step sizes for gradients, if the Hessian is calculated via 1st order sensitivities from the gradients. Similar to `delta_fun`. delta_res: FD step sizes for residuals. Similar to `delta_fun`. method: Method to calculate FDs. Can be any of `FD.METHODS`: central, forward or backward differences. The latter two require only roughly half as many function evaluations, are however less accurate than central (O(x) vs O(x**2)). x_names: Parameter names that can be optionally used in, e.g., history or gradient checks. Examples -------- Define residuals and objective function, and obtain all derivatives via FDs: >>> from pypesto import Objective, FD >>> import numpy as np >>> x_obs = np.array([11, 12, 13]) >>> res = lambda x: x - x_obs >>> fun = lambda x: 0.5 * sum(res(x)**2) >>> obj = FD(Objective(fun=fun, res=res)) """ # finite difference types CENTRAL = "central" FORWARD = "forward" BACKWARD = "backward" METHODS = [CENTRAL, FORWARD, BACKWARD]
[docs] def __init__( self, obj: ObjectiveBase, grad: Union[bool, None] = None, hess: Union[bool, None] = None, sres: Union[bool, None] = None, hess_via_fval: bool = True, delta_fun: Union[FDDelta, np.ndarray, float, str] = 1e-6, delta_grad: Union[FDDelta, np.ndarray, float, str] = 1e-6, delta_res: Union[FDDelta, float, np.ndarray, str] = 1e-6, method: str = CENTRAL, x_names: List[str] = None, ): super().__init__(x_names=x_names) self.obj: ObjectiveBase = obj self.grad: Union[bool, None] = grad self.hess: Union[bool, None] = hess self.sres: Union[bool, None] = sres self.hess_via_fval: bool = hess_via_fval self.delta_fun: FDDelta = to_delta(delta_fun) self.delta_grad: FDDelta = to_delta(delta_grad) self.delta_res: FDDelta = to_delta(delta_res) self.method: str = method if method not in FD.METHODS: raise ValueError( f"Method must be one of {FD.METHODS}.", )
def __deepcopy__( self, memodict: Dict = None, ) -> 'FD': """Create deepcopy of Objective.""" other = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) for attr, val in self.__dict__.items(): other.__dict__[attr] = copy.deepcopy(val) return other @property def has_fun(self) -> bool: """Check whether function is defined.""" return self.obj.has_fun @property def has_grad(self) -> bool: """Check whether gradient is defined.""" return self.grad is not False and self.obj.has_fun @property def has_hess(self) -> bool: """Check whether Hessian is defined.""" return self.hess is not False and self.obj.has_fun @property def has_res(self) -> bool: """Check whether residuals are defined.""" return self.obj.has_res @property def has_sres(self) -> bool: """Check whether residual sensitivities are defined.""" return self.sres is not False and self.obj.has_res
[docs] def call_unprocessed( self, x: np.ndarray, sensi_orders: Tuple[int, ...], mode: ModeType, **kwargs, ) -> ResultDict: """ See `ObjectiveBase` for more documentation. Main method to overwrite from the base class. It handles and delegates the actual objective evaluation. """ if mode == MODE_FUN: result = self._call_mode_fun( x=x, sensi_orders=sensi_orders, **kwargs ) elif mode == MODE_RES: result = self._call_mode_res( x=x, sensi_orders=sensi_orders, **kwargs ) else: raise ValueError("This mode is not supported.") return result
def _call_mode_fun( self, x: np.ndarray, sensi_orders: Tuple[int, ...], **kwargs, ) -> ResultDict: """Handle calls in function value mode. Delegated from `call_unprocessed`. """ # get from objective what it can and should deliver sensi_orders_obj, result = self._call_from_obj_fun( x=x, sensi_orders=sensi_orders, **kwargs, ) # remaining sensis via FDs # whether gradient and Hessian are intended as FDs grad_via_fd = 1 in sensi_orders and 1 not in sensi_orders_obj hess_via_fd = 2 in sensi_orders and 2 not in sensi_orders_obj if not grad_via_fd and not hess_via_fd: return result # whether the Hessian should be based on 2nd order FD from fval hess_via_fd_fval = hess_via_fd and ( self.hess_via_fval or not self.obj.has_grad ) hess_via_fd_grad = hess_via_fd and not hess_via_fd_fval def f_fval(x): """Short-hand to get a function value.""" return self.obj.call_unprocessed( x=x, sensi_orders=(0,), mode=MODE_FUN, **kwargs )[FVAL] def f_grad(x): """Short-hand to get a gradient value.""" return self.obj.call_unprocessed( x=x, sensi_orders=(1,), mode=MODE_FUN, **kwargs )[GRAD] # update delta vectors if grad_via_fd or hess_via_fd_fval: # note: we use the same delta for 1st and 2nd order approximations # this may be not ideal self.delta_fun.update( x=x, fval=result.get(FVAL), fun=f_fval, fd_method=self.method ) if hess_via_fd_grad: self.delta_grad.update( x=x, fval=result.get(GRAD), fun=f_grad, fd_method=self.method ) # calculate gradient if grad_via_fd: result[GRAD] = fd_nabla_1( x=x, fval=result.get(FVAL), f_fval=f_fval, delta_vec=self.delta_fun.get(), fd_method=self.method, ) # calculate Hessian if hess_via_fd: if hess_via_fd_fval: result[HESS] = fd_nabla_2( x=x, fval=result.get(FVAL), f_fval=f_fval, delta_vec=self.delta_fun.get(), fd_method=self.method, ) else: hess = fd_nabla_1( x=x, fval=result.get(GRAD), f_fval=f_grad, delta_vec=self.delta_fun.get(), fd_method=self.method, ) # make it symmetric result[HESS] = 0.5 * (hess + hess.T) return result def _call_mode_res( self, x: np.ndarray, sensi_orders: Tuple[int, ...], **kwargs, ) -> ResultDict: """Handle calls in residual mode. Delegated from `call_unprocessed`. """ # get from objective what it can and should deliver sensi_orders_obj, result = self._call_from_obj_res( x=x, sensi_orders=sensi_orders, **kwargs, ) if sensi_orders == sensi_orders_obj: # all done return result def f_res(x): """Short-hand to get a function value.""" return self.obj.call_unprocessed( x=x, sensi_orders=(0,), mode=MODE_RES, **kwargs )[RES] # update delta vector self.delta_res.update( x=x, fval=result.get(RES), fun=f_res, fd_method=self.method ) # sres sres = fd_nabla_1( x=x, fval=result.get(RES), f_fval=f_res, delta_vec=self.delta_res.get(), fd_method=self.method, ) # sres should have shape (n_res, n_par) result[SRES] = sres.T return result def _call_from_obj_fun( self, x: np.ndarray, sensi_orders: Tuple[int, ...], **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], ResultDict]: """ Call objective function for sensitivities. Calculate from the objective the sensitivities that are supposed to be calculated from the objective and not via FDs. """ # define objective sensis sensi_orders_obj = [] if 0 in sensi_orders: sensi_orders_obj.append(0) if 1 in sensi_orders and self.grad is None and self.obj.has_grad: sensi_orders_obj.append(1) if 2 in sensi_orders and self.hess is None and self.obj.has_hess: sensi_orders_obj.append(2) sensi_orders_obj = tuple(sensi_orders_obj) # call objective result = {} if sensi_orders_obj: result = self.obj.call_unprocessed( x=x, sensi_orders=sensi_orders_obj, mode=MODE_FUN, **kwargs ) return sensi_orders_obj, result def _call_from_obj_res( self, x: np.ndarray, sensi_orders: Tuple[int, ...], **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], ResultDict]: """ Call objective function for sensitivities in residual mode. Calculate from the objective the sensitivities that are supposed to be calculated from the objective and not via FDs. """ # define objective sensis sensi_orders_obj = [] if 0 in sensi_orders: sensi_orders_obj.append(0) if 1 in sensi_orders and self.sres is None and self.obj.has_sres: sensi_orders_obj.append(1) sensi_orders_obj = tuple(sensi_orders_obj) # call objective result = {} if sensi_orders_obj: result = self.obj.call_unprocessed( x=x, sensi_orders=sensi_orders_obj, mode=MODE_RES, **kwargs ) return sensi_orders_obj, result
def unit_vec(dim: int, ix: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Return unit vector of dimension `dim` at coordinate `ix`. Parameters ---------- dim: Vector dimension. ix: Index to contain the unit value. Returns ------- vector: The unit vector. """ vector = np.zeros(shape=dim) vector[ix] = 1 return vector def fd_nabla_1( x: np.ndarray, fval: float, f_fval: Callable, delta_vec: np.ndarray, fd_method: str, ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate FD approximation to 1st order derivative (Jacobian/Gradient). Parameters ---------- x: Parameter vector, shape (n_par,). fval: Function value at `x`, calculated if None. f_fval: Function returning function values. Scalar- or vector-valued. delta_vec: Step size vector, shape (n_par,). fd_method: FD method. Keyword arguments are passed on to the objective. Returns ------- nabla_1: The FD approximation to the 1st order derivatives. Shape (n_par, ...) with ndim > 1 if `f_fval` is not scalar-valued. """ # parameter dimension n_par = len(x) # calculate value at x only once if needed if fval is None and fd_method in [FD.FORWARD, FD.BACKWARD]: fval = f_fval(x) nabla_1 = [] for ix in range(n_par): delta_val = delta_vec[ix] delta = delta_val * unit_vec(dim=n_par, ix=ix) if fd_method == FD.CENTRAL: fp = f_fval(x + delta / 2) fm = f_fval(x - delta / 2) elif fd_method == FD.FORWARD: fp = f_fval(x + delta) fm = fval elif fd_method == FD.BACKWARD: fp = fval fm = f_fval(x - delta) else: raise ValueError("Method not recognized.") nabla_1.append((fp - fm) / delta_val) return np.array(nabla_1) def fd_nabla_2( x: np.ndarray, fval: float, f_fval: Callable, delta_vec: np.ndarray, fd_method: str, ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate FD approximation to 2nd order derivatives (e.g. Hessian). Parameters ---------- x: Parameter vector, shape (n_par,). fval: Function value at `x`, calculated if None. Scalar- or vector-valued. f_fval: Function returning function values. delta_vec: Step size vector, shape (n_par,). fd_method: FD method. Returns ------- nabla_2: The FD approximation of the 2nd order derivative tensor. Shape (n_par, n_par, ...) with ndim > 2 if `f_fval` is not scalar-valued. """ # parameter dimension n_par = len(x) # needed for diagonal entries at least if fval is None: fval = f_fval(x) # create empty matrix nabla_2 = [] for _ in range(n_par): nabla_2.append([None] * n_par) # iterate over all parameter index tuples for ix1 in range(n_par): delta1_val = delta_vec[ix1] delta1 = delta1_val * unit_vec(dim=n_par, ix=ix1) # diagonal entry if fd_method == FD.CENTRAL: f2p = f_fval(x + delta1) fc = fval f2m = f_fval(x - delta1) elif fd_method == FD.FORWARD: f2p = f_fval(x + 2 * delta1) fc = f_fval(x + delta1) f2m = fval elif fd_method == FD.BACKWARD: f2p = fval fc = f_fval(x - delta1) f2m = f_fval(x - 2 * delta1) else: raise ValueError(f"Method {fd_method} not recognized.") nabla_2[ix1][ix1] = (f2p + f2m - 2 * fc) / delta1_val**2 # off-diagonals for ix2 in range(ix1): delta2_val = delta_vec[ix2] delta2 = delta2_val * unit_vec(dim=n_par, ix=ix2) if fd_method == FD.CENTRAL: fpp = f_fval(x + delta1 / 2 + delta2 / 2) fpm = f_fval(x + delta1 / 2 - delta2 / 2) fmp = f_fval(x - delta1 / 2 + delta2 / 2) fmm = f_fval(x - delta1 / 2 - delta2 / 2) elif fd_method == FD.FORWARD: fpp = f_fval(x + delta1 + delta2) fpm = f_fval(x + delta1 + 0) fmp = f_fval(x + 0 + delta2) fmm = fval elif fd_method == FD.BACKWARD: fpp = fval fpm = f_fval(x + 0 - delta2) fmp = f_fval(x - delta1 + 0) fmm = f_fval(x - delta1 - delta2) else: raise ValueError(f"Method {fd_method} not recognized.") nabla_2[ix1][ix2] = nabla_2[ix2][ix1] = (fpp - fpm - fmp + fmm) / ( delta1_val * delta2_val ) return np.array(nabla_2)