Source code for pypesto.visualize.waterfall

from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import inset_locator

from pypesto.util import delete_nan_inf

from ..result import Result
from .clust_color import RGBA, assign_colors
from .misc import (
from .reference_points import ReferencePoint, create_references

[docs] def waterfall( results: Union[Result, Sequence[Result]], ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, size: Optional[Tuple[float]] = (18.5, 10.5), y_limits: Optional[Tuple[float]] = None, scale_y: Optional[str] = 'log10', offset_y: Optional[float] = None, start_indices: Optional[Union[Sequence[int], int]] = None, n_starts_to_zoom: int = 0, reference: Optional[Sequence[ReferencePoint]] = None, colors: Optional[Union[RGBA, Sequence[RGBA]]] = None, legends: Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = None, order_by_id: bool = False, ): """ Plot waterfall plot. Parameters ---------- results: Optimization result obtained by '' or list of those ax: matplotlib.Axes, optional Axes object to use. size: Figure size (width, height) in inches. Is only applied when no ax object is specified y_limits: float or ndarray, optional Maximum value to be plotted on the y-axis, or y-limits scale_y: May be logarithmic or linear ('log10' or 'lin') offset_y: Offset for the y-axis, if it is supposed to be in log10-scale start_indices: Integers specifying the multistart to be plotted or int specifying up to which start index should be plotted n_starts_to_zoom: Number of best multistarts that should be zoomed in. Should be smaller that the total number of multistarts reference: Reference points for optimization results, containing at least a function value fval colors: Colors or single color for plotting. If not set, clustering is done and colors are assigned automatically legends: Labels for line plots, one label per result object order_by_id: Function values corresponding to the same start ID will be located at the same x-axis position. Only applicable when a list of result objects are provided. Default behavior is to sort the function values of each result independently of other results. Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.Axes The plot axes. """ # axes if ax is None: ax = plt.subplots()[1] fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(*size) if n_starts_to_zoom: # create zoom in inset_axes = inset_locator.inset_axes( ax, width="30%", height="30%", loc='center right' ) inset_locator.mark_inset(ax, inset_axes, loc1=2, loc2=4) else: inset_axes = None # parse input (results, colors, legends) = process_result_list(results, colors, legends) # handle `order_by_id` if order_by_id: start_id_ordering = get_ordering_by_start_id(results) refs = create_references(references=reference) # precompute y-offset, if needed and if a list of results was passed fvals_all, offset_y = process_offset_for_list( offset_y, results, scale_y, start_indices, refs ) # plotting routine needs the maximum number of multistarts max_len_fvals = 0 # loop over results for j, fvals_raw in enumerate(fvals_all): # extract specific cost function values from result max_len_fvals = np.max([max_len_fvals, *fvals_raw.shape]) # remove colors where value is infinite if colors were passed on if colors[j] is not None and fvals_raw.size == colors[j].shape[0]: colors[j] = colors[j][ np.isfinite(np.transpose(fvals_raw)).flatten() ] # parse input if order_by_id: start_ids = [ for s in results[j].optimize_result.list] fvals_raw_is_finite = np.isfinite(fvals_raw) & ( np.absolute(fvals_raw) < WATERFALL_MAX_VALUE ) fvals = [] for start_id in start_id_ordering: start_index = start_ids.index(start_id) if fvals_raw_is_finite[start_index]: fvals.append(fvals_raw[start_index]) else: fvals.append(None) else: # remove nan or inf values in fvals # also remove extremely large values. These values result in `inf` # values in the output of `scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage` in the # method `pypesto.util.assign_clusters`, which raises errors. _, fvals = delete_nan_inf( fvals=fvals_raw, magnitude_bound=WATERFALL_MAX_VALUE ) fvals.sort() # assign colors coloring = assign_colors(fvals, colors=colors[j]) # call lowlevel plot routine ax = waterfall_lowlevel( fvals=fvals, scale_y=scale_y, offset_y=offset_y, ax=ax, size=size, colors=coloring, legend_text=legends[j], ) if inset_axes is not None: inset_axes = waterfall_lowlevel( fvals=fvals[:n_starts_to_zoom], scale_y=scale_y, ax=inset_axes, colors=coloring[:n_starts_to_zoom], ) # apply changes specified be the user to the axis object ax = handle_options(ax, max_len_fvals, refs, y_limits, offset_y) if inset_axes is not None: inset_axes = handle_options( inset_axes, n_starts_to_zoom, refs, None, offset_y ) if any(legends): ax.legend() # labels ax.set_xlabel('Ordered optimizer run') if offset_y == 0.0: ax.set_ylabel('Function value') else: ax.set_ylabel(f'Objective value (offset={offset_y:0.3e})') ax.set_title('Waterfall plot') return ax
[docs] def waterfall_lowlevel( fvals, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, size: Optional[Tuple[float]] = (18.5, 10.5), scale_y: str = 'log10', offset_y: float = 0.0, colors: Optional[Union[RGBA, Sequence[RGBA]]] = None, legend_text: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Plot waterfall plot using list of function values. Parameters ---------- fvals: numeric list or array Including values need to be plotted. `None` values indicate that the corresponding start index should be skipped. ax: matplotlib.Axes Axes object to use. size: Figure size (width, height) in inches. Is only applied when no ax object is specified scale_y: str, optional May be logarithmic or linear ('log10' or 'lin') offset_y: offset for the y-axis, if it is supposed to be in log10-scale colors: list, or RGBA, optional list of colors, or single color color or list of colors for plotting. If not set, clustering is done and colors are assigned automatically legend_text: Label for line plots Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.Axes The plot axes. """ # axes if ax is None: ax = plt.subplots()[1] fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(*size) start_indices = [i for i, fval in enumerate(fvals) if fval is not None] fvals = [fvals[i] for i in start_indices] if colors is not None and colors.ndim == 2 and colors.shape[0] > 1: colors = [colors[i] for i in start_indices] # assign colors colors = assign_colors(fvals, colors=colors) # plot ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) # plot line if scale_y == 'log10': ax.semilogy(start_indices, fvals, color=[0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.6]) else: ax.plot(start_indices, fvals, color=[0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.6]) # plot points for j in start_indices: # parse data for plotting color = colors[start_indices.index(j)] fval = fvals[start_indices.index(j)] if j == start_indices[0]: tmp_legend = legend_text else: tmp_legend = None # line plot (linear or logarithmic) if scale_y == 'log10': ax.semilogy( j, fval, color=color, marker='o', label=tmp_legend, alpha=1.0 ) else: ax.plot( j, fval, color=color, marker='o', label=tmp_legend, alpha=1.0 ) # check if y-axis has a reasonable scale y_min, y_max = ax.get_ylim() if scale_y == 'log10': if np.log10(y_max) - np.log10(y_min) < 1.0: ax.set_ylim( ax.dataLim.y0 - 0.001 * abs(ax.dataLim.y0), ax.dataLim.y1 + 0.001 * abs(ax.dataLim.y1), ) else: if y_max - y_min < 1.0: y_mean = 0.5 * (y_min + y_max) ax.set_ylim(y_mean - 0.5, y_mean + 0.5) # labels ax.set_xlabel('Ordered optimizer run') if offset_y == 0.0: ax.set_ylabel('Function value') else: ax.set_ylabel('Objective value (offset={offset_y:0.3e})') ax.set_title('Waterfall plot') if legend_text is not None: ax.legend() return ax
def process_offset_for_list( offset_y: float, results: Sequence[Result], scale_y: Optional[str], start_indices: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, references: Optional[Sequence[ReferencePoint]] = None, ) -> Tuple[List[np.ndarray], float]: """ Compute common offset_y and add it to `fvals` of results. Parameters ---------- offset_y: User provided offset_y results: Optimization results obtained by '' scale_y: May be logarithmic or linear ('log10' or 'lin') start_indices: Integers specifying the multistart to be plotted or int specifying up to which start index should be plotted references: Reference points that will be plotted along with the results Returns ------- fvals: List of arrays of function values for each result offset_y: offset for the y-axis """ min_val = np.inf fvals_all = [] for result in results: fvals = np.array(result.optimize_result.fval) # todo: order of results plays a role start_indices = process_start_indices(result, start_indices) fvals = fvals[start_indices] # if none of the fvals are finite, set default value to zero as # np.nanmin will error for an empty array if np.isfinite(fvals).any(): min_val = min(min_val, np.nanmin(fvals[np.isfinite(fvals)])) fvals_all.append(fvals) # if there are references, also account for those if references: min_val = min(min_val, np.nanmin([r['fval'] for r in references])) offset_y = process_offset_y(offset_y, scale_y, float(min_val)) # return offsetted values return [fvals + offset_y for fvals in fvals_all], offset_y def get_ordering_by_start_id(results: Sequence[Result]) -> List[int]: """Get an ordering of start IDs. The ordering is generated by taking the best function value for each start across all results, then sorting these best function values. This means that the minimum value of the waterfall plot is monotonically increasing. Parameters ---------- results: The results. Returns ------- The ordering. """ if len(results) < 2: raise ValueError("Multiple result objects are required.") optimize_results = [r.optimize_result.list for r in results] # Check whether the same start IDs exist across all results. # Note that start IDs, and not the vectors themselves, are checked. This is # because, for example, when comparing hierarchical optimization to # standard optimization, the starts may be comparable even if the vectors # are not identical. ids0 = sorted([ for s in optimize_results[0]]) for optimize_result in optimize_results[1:]: ids = sorted([ for s in optimize_result]) if ids != ids0: raise ValueError("The start IDs of the results do not match.") start_fval_pairs = [ (, start.fval) for result in results for start in result.optimize_result.list ] sorted_start_fval_pairs = sorted( start_fval_pairs, key=lambda pair: pair[1], ) ordering = [] for start_id, _ in sorted_start_fval_pairs: if start_id in ordering: continue ordering.append(start_id) return ordering def handle_options(ax, max_len_fvals, ref, y_limits, offset_y): """ Apply post-plotting transformations to the axis object. Get the limits for the y-axis, plots the reference points, will do more at a later time point. Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib.Axes, optional Axes object to use. max_len_fvals: int maximum number of points ref: list, optional List of reference points for optimization results, containing at least a function value fval y_limits: float or ndarray, optional maximum value to be plotted on the y-axis, or y-limits offset_y: offset for the y-axis, if it is supposed to be in log10-scale Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.Axes The plot axes. """ # handle reference points for i_ref in ref: # plot reference point as line ax.plot( [0, max_len_fvals - 1], [i_ref.fval + offset_y, i_ref.fval + offset_y], '--', color=i_ref.color, label=i_ref.legend, ) # create legend for reference points if i_ref.legend is not None: ax.legend() # handle y-limits ax = process_y_limits(ax, y_limits) return ax