Source code for pypesto.visualize.sampling

import logging
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.axes
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from typing import Dict, Sequence, Tuple, Union
import warnings

from ..ensemble import (
from ..predict import PredictionResult
from ..predict.constants import CONDITION, OUTPUT
from ..result import Result
from ..sample import McmcPtResult, calculate_ci_mcmc_sample
from .constants import (
from .misc import rgba2rgb

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def sampling_fval_traces( result: Result, i_chain: int = 0, full_trace: bool = False, stepsize: int = 1, title: str = None, size: Tuple[float, float] = None, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None): """ Plot log-posterior (=function value) over iterations. Parameters ---------- result: The pyPESTO result object with filled sample result. i_chain: Which chain to plot. Default: First chain. full_trace: Plot the full trace including warm up. Default: False. stepsize: Only one in `stepsize` values is plotted. title: Axes title. size: ndarray Figure size in inches. ax: Axes object to use. Returns ------- ax: The plot axes. """ # get data which should be plotted _, params_fval, _, _, _ = get_data_to_plot(result=result, i_chain=i_chain, stepsize=stepsize, full_trace=full_trace) # set axes and figure if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=size) sns.set(style="ticks") kwargs = {'edgecolor': "w", # for edge color 'linewidth': 0.3, 's': 10} if full_trace: kwargs['hue'] = "converged" if len(params_fval[kwargs['hue']].unique()) == 1: kwargs['palette'] = ["#477ccd"] elif len(params_fval[kwargs['hue']].unique()) == 2: kwargs['palette'] = ["#868686", "#477ccd"] kwargs['legend'] = False sns.scatterplot(x="iteration", y="logPosterior", data=params_fval, ax=ax, **kwargs) if result.sample_result.burn_in is None: _burn_in = 0 else: _burn_in = result.sample_result.burn_in if full_trace and _burn_in > 0: ax.axvline(_burn_in, linestyle='--', linewidth=1.5, color='k') ax.set_xlabel('iteration index') ax.set_ylabel('log-posterior') if title: ax.set_title(title) sns.despine() return ax
def _get_level_percentiles(level: float) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Convert a credibility level to percentiles. Similar to the highest-density region of a symmetric, unimodal distribution (e.g. Gaussian distribution). For example, an credibility level of `95` will be converted to `(2.5, 97.5)`. Parameters ---------- level: The credibility level used to calculate the percentiles. For example, `[95]` for a 95% credibility interval. These levels are split symmetrically, e.g. `95` corresponds to plotting values between the 2.5% and 97.5% percentiles, and are equivalent to highest-density regions for a normal distribution. For skewed distributions, asymmetric percentiles may be preferable, but are not yet implemented. Returns ------- The percentiles, with the lower percentile first. """ lower_percentile = (100 - level) / 2 return lower_percentile, 100 - lower_percentile def _get_statistic_data( summary: Dict[str, PredictionResult], statistic: str, condition_id: str, output_id: str, ) -> Tuple[Sequence[float], Sequence[float]]: """Get statistic-, condition-, and output-specific data. Parameters ---------- summary: A `pypesto.ensemble.EnsemblePrediction.prediction_summary`, used as the source of annotated data to subset. statistic: Select data for a specific statistic by its label, e.g. `MEDIAN` or `get_percentile_label(95)`. condition_id: Select data for a specific condition by its ID. output_id: Select data for a specific output by its ID. Returns ------- Predicted values and their corresponding time points. A tuple of two sequences, where the first sequence is time points, and the second sequence is predicted values at the corresponding time points. """ condition_index = summary[statistic].condition_ids.index(condition_id) condition_result = summary[statistic].conditions[condition_index] t = condition_result.timepoints output_index = condition_result.output_ids.index(output_id) y = condition_result.output[:, output_index] return (t, y) def _plot_trajectories_by_condition( summary: Dict[str, PredictionResult], condition_ids: Sequence[str], output_ids: Sequence[str], axes: matplotlib.axes.Axes, levels: Sequence[float], level_opacities: Dict[int, float], labels: Dict[str, str], variable_colors: Sequence[RGB], ) -> None: """Plot predicted trajectories, with subplots grouped by condition. Parameters ---------- summary: A `pypesto.ensemble.EnsemblePrediction.prediction_summary`, used as the source of annotated data to plot. condition_ids: The IDs of conditions to plot. output_ids: The IDs of outputs to plot. axes: The axes to plot with. Should contain atleast `len(output_ids)` subplots. levels: Credibility levels, e.g. [95] for a 95% credibility interval. See the :py:func:`_get_level_percentiles` method for a description of how these levels are handled, and current limitations. level_opacities: A mapping from the credibility levels to the opacities that they should be plotted with. Opacity is the only thing that differentiates credibility levels in the resulting plot. labels: Keys should be ensemble output IDs, values should be the desired label for that output. Defaults to output IDs. variable_colors: Colors used to differentiate plotted outputs. The order should correspond to `output_ids`. """ # Each subplot has all data for a single condition. for condition_index, condition_id in enumerate(condition_ids): ax = axes.flat[condition_index] ax.set_title(f'Condition: {labels[condition_id]}') # Each subplot has all data for all condition-specific outputs. for output_index, output_id in enumerate(output_ids): # Plot the median for each output. ax.plot( *_get_statistic_data( summary, MEDIAN, condition_id, output_id ), 'k-', ) # Plot the regions described by the credibility level, # for each output. for level_index, level in enumerate(levels): # Get the percentiles that correspond to the credibility level, # as their labels in the `summary`. lower_label, upper_label = [ get_percentile_label(percentile) for percentile in _get_level_percentiles(level) ] # Get the data for each percentile. t_lower, lower_data = _get_statistic_data( summary, lower_label, condition_id, output_id, ) t_upper, upper_data = _get_statistic_data( summary, upper_label, condition_id, output_id, ) # Timepoints must match, or `upper_data` will be plotted at # some incorrect time points. if not (np.array(t_lower) == np.array(t_upper)).all(): raise ValueError( 'The timepoints of the data for the upper and lower ' 'percentiles do not match.' ) # Plot a shaded region between the data that correspond to the # lower and upper percentiles. ax.fill_between( t_lower, lower_data, upper_data, facecolor=rgba2rgb( variable_colors[output_index] + [level_opacities[level_index]] ), lw=0, ) def _plot_trajectories_by_output( summary: Dict[str, PredictionResult], condition_ids: Sequence[str], output_ids: Sequence[str], axes: matplotlib.axes.Axes, levels: Sequence[float], level_opacities: Dict[int, float], labels: Dict[str, str], variable_colors: Sequence[RGB], ) -> None: """Plot predicted trajectories, with subplots grouped by output. Each subplot is further divided by conditions, such that all conditions are displayed side-by-side for a single output. Hence, in each subplot, the timepoints of each condition plot are shifted by the the end timepoint of the previous condition plot. For examples of this, see the plots with `groupby=OUTPUT` in the example notebook `doc/example/sampling_diagnostics.ipynb`. See :py:func:`_plot_trajectories_by_condition` for parameter descriptions. """ # Each subplot has all data for a single output. for output_index, output_id in enumerate(output_ids): # Store the end timepoint of the previous condition plot, such that the # next condition plot starts at the end of the previous condition plot. t0 = 0 ax = axes.flat[output_index] ax.set_title(f'Trajectory: {labels[output_id]}') # Each subplot is divided by conditions, with vertical lines. for condition_index, condition_id in enumerate(condition_ids): if condition_index != 0: ax.axvline( t0, linewidth=2, color='k', ) t_max = t0 t_median, y_median = _get_statistic_data( summary, MEDIAN, condition_id, output_id, ) # Shift the timepoints for the median plot to start at the end of # the previous condition plot. t_median_shifted = t_median + t0 ax.plot( t_median_shifted, y_median, 'k-', ) t_max = max(t_max, *t_median_shifted) for level_index, level in enumerate(levels): # Get the percentiles that correspond to the credibility level, # as their labels in the `summary`. lower_label, upper_label = [ get_percentile_label(percentile) for percentile in _get_level_percentiles(level) ] # Get the data for each percentile. t_lower, lower_data = _get_statistic_data( summary, lower_label, condition_id, output_id, ) t_upper, upper_data = _get_statistic_data( summary, upper_label, condition_id, output_id, ) # Shift the timepoints for the `fill_between` plots to start at # the end of the previous condition plot. t_lower_shifted = t_lower + t0 t_upper_shifted = t_upper + t0 # Timepoints must match, or `upper_data` will be plotted at # some incorrect time points. if not (np.array(t_lower) == np.array(t_upper)).all(): raise ValueError( 'The timepoints of the data for the upper and lower ' 'percentiles do not match.' ) # Plot a shaded region between the data that correspond to the # lower and upper percentiles. ax.fill_between( t_lower_shifted, lower_data, upper_data, facecolor=rgba2rgb( variable_colors[condition_index] + [level_opacities[level_index]] ), lw=0, ) t_max = max(t_max, *t_lower_shifted, *t_upper_shifted) # Set t0 to the last plotted timepoint of the current condition # plot. t0 = t_max def _get_condition_and_output_ids( summary: Dict[str, PredictionResult] ) -> Tuple[Sequence[str], Sequence[str]]: """Get all condition and output IDs in a prediction summary. Parameters ---------- summary: The prediction summary to extract condition and output IDs from. Returns ------- A 2-tuple, with the following indices and values. - `0`: a list of all condition IDs. - `1`: a list of all output IDs. """ # For now, all prediction results must predict for the same set of # conditions. Can support different conditions later. all_condition_ids = [ prediction.condition_ids for prediction in summary.values() ] if not ( np.array([ set(condition_ids) == set(all_condition_ids[0]) for condition_ids in all_condition_ids ]).all() ): raise KeyError('All predictions must have the same set of conditions.') condition_ids = all_condition_ids[0] output_ids = sorted({ output_id for prediction in summary.values() for condition in prediction.conditions for output_id in condition.output_ids }) return condition_ids, output_ids def _handle_legends( fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure, axes: matplotlib.axes.Axes, levels: Union[float, Sequence[float]], labels: Dict[str, str], level_opacities: Sequence[float], variable_names: Sequence[str], variable_colors: Sequence[RGB], groupby: str, artist_padding: float, n_col: int, ) -> None: """Add legends to a sampling prediction trajectories plot. Create a dummy plot from fake data such that it can be used to produce appropriate legends. Variable here refers to the thing that differs in the plot. For example, if the call to :py:func:`sampling_prediction_trajectories` has `groupby=OUTPUT`, then the variable is `CONDITION`. Similarly, if `groupby=CONDITION`, then the variable is `OUTPUT`. Parameters ---------- fig: The figure to add the legends to. axes: The axes of the figure to add the legend to. levels: The credibility levels. labels: The labels for the IDs in the plot. level_opacities: The opacity to plot each credibility level with. variable_names: The name of each variable. variable_colors: The color to plot each variable in. groupby: The grouping of data in the subplots. artist_padding: The padding between the figure and the legends. n_col: The number of columns of subplots in the figure. """ # Fake plots for legend line styles fake_data = [[0], [0]] variable_lines = np.array([ # Assumes that the color for a variable is always the same, with # different opacity for different credibility interval levels. # Create a line object with fake data for each variable value. [ labels[variable_name], Line2D(*fake_data, color=variable_colors[index], lw=4) ] for index, variable_name in enumerate(variable_names) ]) # Assumes that different CI levels are represented as # different opacities of the same color. # Create a line object with fake data for each credibility level. ci_lines = [] for index, level in enumerate(levels): ci_lines.append([ f'{level}% CI', Line2D( *fake_data, color=rgba2rgb([ *RGBA_BLACK[:LEN_RGB], level_opacities[index] ]), lw=4 ) ]) # Create a line object with fake data for the median line. median_line = [['Median', Line2D(*fake_data, color=RGBA_BLACK)]] level_lines = np.array(ci_lines + median_line) # CI level, and variable name, legends. legend_options_top_right = { 'bbox_to_anchor': (1 + artist_padding, 1), 'loc': 'upper left', } legend_options_bottom_right = { 'bbox_to_anchor': (1 + artist_padding, 0), 'loc': 'lower left', } legend_titles = { OUTPUT: 'Conditions', CONDITION: 'Trajectories', } legend_variables = axes.flat[n_col-1].legend( variable_lines[:, 1], variable_lines[:, 0], **legend_options_top_right, title=legend_titles[groupby], ) # Legend for CI levels axes.flat[-1].legend( level_lines[:, 1], level_lines[:, 0], **legend_options_bottom_right, title='MCMC', ) fig.add_artist(legend_variables) def _handle_colors( levels: Union[float, Sequence[float]], n_variables: int, ) -> Tuple[Sequence[float], Sequence[RGB]]: """Calculate the colors for the prediction trajectories plot. Parameters ---------- levels: The credibility levels. n_variables: The maximum possible number of variables per subplot. Returns ------- A 2-tuple, with the following indices and values. - `0`: a list of opacities, one per level. - `1`: a list of colors, one per variable. """ level_opacities = sorted( # min 30%, max 100%, opacity np.linspace(0.3 * RGBA_MAX, RGBA_MAX, len(levels)), reverse=True, ) cmap = cmap_min = RGBA_MIN cmap_max = 0.85*(RGBA_MAX - RGBA_MIN) + RGBA_MIN # exclude yellows # define colormap variable_colors = [ list(cmap(v))[:LEN_RGB] for v in np.linspace(cmap_min, cmap_max, n_variables) ] return level_opacities, variable_colors
[docs]def sampling_prediction_trajectories( ensemble_prediction: EnsemblePrediction, levels: Union[float, Sequence[float]], title: str = None, size: Tuple[float, float] = None, axes: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None, labels: Dict[str, str] = None, axis_label_padding: int = 50, groupby: str = CONDITION, condition_gap: float = 0.01, condition_ids: Sequence[str] = None, output_ids: Sequence[str] = None, weighting: bool = False ) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes: """ Visualize prediction trajectory of an EnsemblePrediction. Plot MCMC-based prediction credibility intervals for the model states or outputs. One or various credibility levels can be depicted. Plots are grouped by condition. Parameters ---------- result: The pyPESTO result object with filled sample result. levels: Credibility levels, e.g. [95] for a 95% credibility interval. See the :py:func:`_get_level_percentiles` method for a description of how these levels are handled, and current limitations. title: Axes title. size: ndarray Figure size in inches. axes: Axes object to use. labels: Keys should be ensemble output IDs, values should be the desired label for that output. Defaults to output IDs. axis_label_padding: Pixels between axis labels and plots. groupby: Group plots by `pypesto.predict.constants.OUTPUT` or `pypesto.predict.constants.CONDITION`. condition_gap: Gap between conditions when `groupby == pypesto.predict.constants.CONDITION`. condition_ids: If provided, only data for the provided condition IDs will be plotted. output_ids: If provided, only data for the provided output IDs will be plotted. weighting: Whether weights should be used for trajectory. Returns ------- axes: The plot axes. """ if labels is None: labels = {} if len(list(levels)) == 1: levels = list(levels) levels = sorted(levels, reverse=True) # Get the percentiles that correspond to the requested credibility levels. percentiles = [ percentile for level in levels for percentile in _get_level_percentiles(level) ] summary = ensemble_prediction.compute_summary( percentiles_list=percentiles, weighting=weighting) all_condition_ids, all_output_ids = _get_condition_and_output_ids(summary) if condition_ids is None: condition_ids = all_condition_ids if output_ids is None: output_ids = all_output_ids # Set default labels for any unspecified labels. labels = {id_: labels.get(id_, id_) for id_ in condition_ids + output_ids} if groupby == CONDITION: n_variables = len(output_ids) variable_names = output_ids n_subplots = len(condition_ids) elif groupby == OUTPUT: n_variables = len(condition_ids) variable_names = condition_ids n_subplots = len(output_ids) else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported groupby value: {groupby}') level_opacities, variable_colors = \ _handle_colors(levels=levels, n_variables=n_variables) if axes is None: n_row = int(np.round(np.sqrt(n_subplots))) n_col = int(np.ceil(n_subplots / n_row)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_row, n_col, figsize=size, squeeze=False) for ax in axes.flat[n_subplots:]: ax.remove() else: fig = axes.get_figure() if not isinstance(axes, np.ndarray): axes = np.array([[axes]]) if len(axes.flat) < n_subplots: raise ValueError( 'Provided `axes` contains insufficient subplots. At least ' f'{n_subplots} are required.' ) artist_padding = axis_label_padding / (fig.get_size_inches()*fig.dpi)[0] if groupby == CONDITION: _plot_trajectories_by_condition( summary=summary, condition_ids=condition_ids, output_ids=output_ids, axes=axes, levels=levels, level_opacities=level_opacities, labels=labels, variable_colors=variable_colors, ) elif groupby == OUTPUT: _plot_trajectories_by_output( summary=summary, condition_ids=condition_ids, output_ids=output_ids, axes=axes, levels=levels, level_opacities=level_opacities, labels=labels, variable_colors=variable_colors, ) if title: fig.suptitle(title) _handle_legends( fig=fig, axes=axes, levels=levels, labels=labels, level_opacities=level_opacities, variable_names=variable_names, variable_colors=variable_colors, groupby=groupby, artist_padding=artist_padding, n_col=n_col, ) # X and Y labels xmin = min(ax.get_position().xmin for ax in axes.flat) ymin = min(ax.get_position().ymin for ax in axes.flat) xlabel = ( 'Cumulative time across all conditions' if groupby == OUTPUT else 'Time' ) fig.text( 0.5, ymin - artist_padding, xlabel, ha='center', va='center', transform=fig.transFigure ) fig.text( xmin - artist_padding, 0.5, 'Simulated values', ha='center', va='center', transform=fig.transFigure, rotation='vertical' ) # plt.tight_layout() # Ruins layout for `groupby == OUTPUT`. return axes
[docs]def sampling_parameter_cis( result: Result, alpha: Sequence[int] = None, step: float = 0.05, show_median: bool = True, title: str = None, size: Tuple[float, float] = None, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None ) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes: """ Plot MCMC-based parameter credibility intervals. Parameters ---------- result: The pyPESTO result object with filled sample result. alpha: List of lower tail probabilities, defaults to 95% interval. step: Height of boxes for projectile plot, defaults to 0.05. show_median: Plot the median of the MCMC chain. Default: True. title: Axes title. size: ndarray Figure size in inches. ax: Axes object to use. Returns ------- ax: The plot axes. """ if alpha is None: alpha = [95] # automatically sort values in decreasing order alpha_sorted = sorted(alpha, reverse=True) # define colormap evenly_spaced_interval = np.linspace(0, 1, len(alpha_sorted)) colors = [ for x in evenly_spaced_interval] # number of sampled parameters n_pars = result.sample_result.trace_x.shape[-1] # set axes and figure if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=size) # loop over parameters for npar in range(n_pars): # initialize height of boxes _step = step # loop over confidence levels for n, level in enumerate(alpha_sorted): # extract percentile-based confidence intervals lb, ub = calculate_ci_mcmc_sample( result=result, ci_level=level/100, ) # assemble boxes for projectile plot x1 = [lb[npar], ub[npar]] y1 = [npar + _step, npar + _step] y2 = [npar - _step, npar - _step] # Plot boxes ax.fill(np.append(x1, x1[::-1]), np.append(y1, y2[::-1]), color=colors[n], label=str(level) + '% CI') if show_median: if n == len(alpha_sorted) - 1: burn_in = result.sample_result.burn_in converged = result.sample_result.trace_x[0, burn_in:, npar] _median = np.median(converged) ax.plot([_median, _median], [npar - _step, npar + _step], 'k-', label='MCMC median') # increment height of boxes _step += step ax.set_yticks(range(n_pars)) ax.set_yticklabels( result.problem.get_reduced_vector(result.problem.x_names)) ax.set_xlabel('Parameter value') ax.set_ylabel('Parameter name') if title: ax.set_title(title) # handle legend plt.gca().invert_yaxis() handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() by_label = dict(zip(labels, handles)) ax.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys(), bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1)) return ax
[docs]def sampling_parameter_traces( result: Result, i_chain: int = 0, par_indices: Sequence[int] = None, full_trace: bool = False, stepsize: int = 1, use_problem_bounds: bool = True, suptitle: str = None, size: Tuple[float, float] = None, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None): """ Plot parameter values over iterations. Parameters ---------- result: The pyPESTO result object with filled sample result. i_chain: Which chain to plot. Default: First chain. par_indices: list of integer values List of integer values specifying which parameters to plot. Default: All parameters are shown. full_trace: Plot the full trace including warm up. Default: False. stepsize: Only one in `stepsize` values is plotted. use_problem_bounds: Defines if the y-limits shall be the lower and upper bounds of parameter estimation problem. suptitle: Figure suptitle. size: Figure size in inches. ax: Axes object to use. Returns ------- ax: The plot axes. """ # get data which should be plotted nr_params, params_fval, theta_lb, theta_ub, param_names = get_data_to_plot( result=result, i_chain=i_chain, stepsize=stepsize, full_trace=full_trace, par_indices=par_indices) # compute, how many rows and columns we need for the subplots num_row = int(np.round(np.sqrt(nr_params))) num_col = int(np.ceil(nr_params / num_row)) # set axes and figure if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(num_row, num_col, squeeze=False, figsize=size) else: fig = ax.get_figure() par_ax = dict(zip(param_names, ax.flat)) sns.set(style="ticks") kwargs = {'edgecolor': "w", # for edge color 'linewidth': 0.3, 's': 10} if full_trace: kwargs['hue'] = "converged" if len(params_fval[kwargs['hue']].unique()) == 1: kwargs['palette'] = ["#477ccd"] elif len(params_fval[kwargs['hue']].unique()) == 2: kwargs['palette'] = ["#868686", "#477ccd"] kwargs['legend'] = False if result.sample_result.burn_in is None: _burn_in = 0 else: _burn_in = result.sample_result.burn_in for idx, plot_id in enumerate(param_names): _ax = par_ax[plot_id] _ax = sns.scatterplot( x="iteration", y=plot_id, data=params_fval, ax=_ax, **kwargs, ) if full_trace and _burn_in > 0: _ax.axvline( _burn_in, linestyle='--', linewidth=1.5, color='k', ) _ax.set_xlabel('iteration index') _ax.set_ylabel(param_names[idx]) if use_problem_bounds: _ax.set_ylim([theta_lb[idx], theta_ub[idx]]) if suptitle: fig.suptitle(suptitle) fig.tight_layout() sns.despine() return ax
[docs]def sampling_scatter( result: Result, i_chain: int = 0, stepsize: int = 1, suptitle: str = None, diag_kind: str = "kde", size: Tuple[float, float] = None): """ Parameter scatter plot. Parameters ---------- result: The pyPESTO result object with filled sample result. i_chain: Which chain to plot. Default: First chain. stepsize: Only one in `stepsize` values is plotted. suptitle: Figure super title. diag_kind: Visualization mode for marginal densities {‘auto’, ‘hist’, ‘kde’, None} size: Figure size in inches. Returns ------- ax: The plot axes. """ # get data which should be plotted nr_params, params_fval, theta_lb, theta_ub, _ = get_data_to_plot( result=result, i_chain=i_chain, stepsize=stepsize) sns.set(style="ticks") ax = sns.pairplot( params_fval.drop(['logPosterior', 'iteration'], axis=1), diag_kind=diag_kind) if size is not None: ax.fig.set_size_inches(size) if suptitle: ax.fig.suptitle(suptitle) return ax
[docs]def sampling_1d_marginals( result: Result, i_chain: int = 0, par_indices: Sequence[int] = None, stepsize: int = 1, plot_type: str = 'both', bw: str = 'scott', suptitle: str = None, size: Tuple[float, float] = None): """ Plot marginals. Parameters ---------- result: The pyPESTO result object with filled sample result. i_chain: Which chain to plot. Default: First chain. par_indices: list of integer values List of integer values specifying which parameters to plot. Default: All parameters are shown. stepsize: Only one in `stepsize` values is plotted. plot_type: {'hist'|'kde'|'both'} Specify whether to plot a histogram ('hist'), a kernel density estimate ('kde'), or both ('both'). bw: {'scott', 'silverman' | scalar | pair of scalars} Kernel bandwidth method. suptitle: Figure super title. size: Figure size in inches. Return -------- ax: matplotlib-axes """ # get data which should be plotted nr_params, params_fval, theta_lb, theta_ub, param_names = get_data_to_plot( result=result, i_chain=i_chain, stepsize=stepsize, par_indices=par_indices) # compute, how many rows and columns we need for the subplots num_row = int(np.round(np.sqrt(nr_params))) num_col = int(np.ceil(nr_params / num_row)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(num_row, num_col, squeeze=False, figsize=size) par_ax = dict(zip(param_names, ax.flat)) sns.set(style="ticks") # fig, ax = plt.subplots(nr_params, figsize=size)[1] for idx, par_id in enumerate(param_names): if plot_type == 'kde': sns.kdeplot(params_fval[par_id], bw=bw, ax=par_ax[par_id]) elif plot_type == 'hist': sns.distplot( params_fval[par_id], kde=False, rug=True, ax=par_ax[par_id]) elif plot_type == 'both': sns.distplot(params_fval[par_id], rug=True, ax=par_ax[par_id]) par_ax[par_id].set_xlabel(param_names[idx]) par_ax[par_id].set_ylabel('Density') sns.despine() if suptitle: fig.suptitle(suptitle) fig.tight_layout() return ax
def get_data_to_plot( result: Result, i_chain: int, stepsize: int, full_trace: bool = False, par_indices: Sequence[int] = None): """Get the data which should be plotted as a pandas.DataFrame. Parameters ---------- result: The pyPESTO result object with filled sample result. i_chain: Which chain to plot. stepsize: Only one in `stepsize` values is plotted. full_trace: Keep the full length of the chain. Default: False. par_indices: list of integer values List of integer values specifying which parameters to plot. Default: All parameters are shown. Returns ------- nr_params: Number of parameters to be plotted. params_fval: Log posterior values to be plotted. theta_lb: Parameter lower bounds to be plotted. theta_ub: Parameter upper bounds to be plotted. param_names: Parameter names to be plotted. """ # get parameters and fval results as numpy arrays arr_param = np.array(result.sample_result.trace_x[i_chain]) if result.sample_result.burn_in is None: warnings.warn("Burn in index not found in the results, the full chain " "will be shown.\nYou may want to use, e.g., " "`pypesto.sample.geweke_test`.") _burn_in = 0 else: _burn_in = result.sample_result.burn_in # Burn in index if full_trace is False: burn_in = _burn_in else: burn_in = 0 sample_result: McmcPtResult = result.sample_result # thin out by stepsize, from the index burn_in until end of vector arr_param = arr_param[np.arange(burn_in, len(arr_param), stepsize)] # invert sign for log posterior values arr_fval = - np.array(sample_result.trace_neglogpost[i_chain]) indices = np.arange(burn_in, len(arr_fval), stepsize) arr_fval = arr_fval[indices] theta_lb = theta_ub = result.problem.ub # get parameter names from all non-fixed parameters param_names = result.problem.get_reduced_vector(result.problem.x_names) # transform ndarray to pandas for the use of seaborn pd_params = pd.DataFrame(arr_param, columns=param_names) pd_fval = pd.DataFrame(data=arr_fval, columns=['logPosterior']) pd_iter = pd.DataFrame(data=indices, columns=['iteration']) if full_trace: converged = np.zeros((len(arr_fval))) converged[_burn_in:] = 1 pd_conv = pd.DataFrame(data=converged, columns=['converged']) params_fval = pd.concat( [pd_params, pd_fval, pd_iter, pd_conv], axis=1, ignore_index=False) else: params_fval = pd.concat( [pd_params, pd_fval, pd_iter], axis=1, ignore_index=False) # some global parameters nr_params = arr_param.shape[1] # number of parameters if par_indices is not None: param_names = params_fval.columns.values[par_indices] nr_params = len(par_indices) else: param_names = params_fval.columns.values[0:nr_params] return nr_params, params_fval, theta_lb, theta_ub, param_names