Source code for pypesto.visualize.optimizer_history

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
import numpy as np

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Iterable

from ..result import Result
from ..objective import History
from .reference_points import create_references, ReferencePoint
from .clust_color import assign_colors
from .misc import process_result_list
from .misc import process_y_limits
from .misc import process_offset_y

[docs]def optimizer_history(results, ax=None, size=(18.5, 10.5), trace_x='steps', trace_y='fval', scale_y='log10', offset_y=None, colors=None, y_limits=None, start_indices=None, reference=None, legends=None): """ Plot history of optimizer. Can plot either the history of the cost function or of the gradient norm, over either the optimizer steps or the computation time. Parameters ---------- results: pypesto.Result or list Optimization result obtained by '' or list of those ax: matplotlib.Axes, optional Axes object to use. size: tuple, optional Figure size (width, height) in inches. Is only applied when no ax object is specified trace_x: str, optional What should be plotted on the x-axis? Possibilities: 'time', 'steps' Default: 'steps' trace_y: str, optional What should be plotted on the y-axis? Possibilities: 'fval', 'gradnorm', 'stepsize' Default: 'fval' scale_y: str, optional May be logarithmic or linear ('log10' or 'lin') offset_y: float, optional Offset for the y-axis-values, as these are plotted on a log10-scale Will be computed automatically if necessary colors: list, or RGBA, optional list of colors, or single color color or list of colors for plotting. If not set, clustering is done and colors are assigned automatically y_limits: float or ndarray, optional maximum value to be plotted on the y-axis, or y-limits start_indices: list or int list of integers specifying the multistart to be plotted or int specifying up to which start index should be plotted reference: list, optional List of reference points for optimization results, containing et least a function value fval legends: list or str Labels for line plots, one label per result object Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.Axes The plot axes. """ if isinstance(start_indices, int): start_indices = list(range(start_indices)) # parse input (results, colors, legends) = process_result_list(results, colors, legends) for j, result in enumerate(results): # extract cost function values from result (x_label, y_label, vals) = get_trace(result, trace_x, trace_y) # compute the necessary offset for the y-axis (vals, offset_y, y_label) = get_vals(vals, scale_y, offset_y, y_label, start_indices) # call lowlevel plot routine ax = optimizer_history_lowlevel(vals, scale_y=scale_y, ax=ax, colors=colors[j], size=size, x_label=x_label, y_label=y_label, legend_text=legends[j]) # parse and apply plotting options ref = create_references(references=reference) # handle options ax = handle_options(ax, vals, ref, y_limits, offset_y) return ax
[docs]def optimizer_history_lowlevel(vals, scale_y='log10', colors=None, ax=None, size=(18.5, 10.5), x_label='Optimizer steps', y_label='Objective value', legend_text=None): """ Plot optimizer history using list of numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- vals: list of numpy arrays list of 2xn-arrays (x_values and y_values of the trace) scale_y: str, optional May be logarithmic or linear ('log10' or 'lin') colors: list, or RGBA, optional list of colors, or single color color or list of colors for plotting. If not set, clustering is done and colors are assigned automatically ax: matplotlib.Axes, optional Axes object to use. size: tuple, optional see waterfall x_label: str label for x-axis y_label: str label for y-axis legend_text: str Label for line plots Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.Axes The plot axes. """ # axes if ax is None: ax = plt.subplots()[1] fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(*size) # parse input fvals = [] if isinstance(vals, list): # convert entries to numpy arrays for val in vals: val = np.array(val) fvals.append(val[1, -1]) else: # convert to a list of numpy arrays vals = np.array(vals) if vals.shape[0] != 2 or vals.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('If numpy array is passed directly to lowlevel ' 'routine of optimizer_history, shape needs to ' 'be 2 x n.') fvals = [vals[1, -1]] vals = [vals] n_fvals = len(fvals) # assign colors # note: this has to happen before sorting # to get the same colors in different plots colors = assign_colors(fvals, colors) # sort indices = sorted(range(n_fvals), key=lambda j: fvals[j]) # plot ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) for j, val in enumerate(vals): # collect and parse data j_fval = indices[j] color = colors[j_fval] if j == 0: tmp_legend = legend_text else: tmp_legend = None # line plots if scale_y == 'log10': ax.semilogy(val[0, :], val[1, :], color=color, label=tmp_legend) else: ax.plot(val[0, :], val[1, :], color=color, label=tmp_legend) # set labels ax.set_xlabel(x_label) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) ax.set_title('Optimizer history') if legend_text is not None: ax.legend() return ax
def get_trace(result: Result, trace_x: Optional[str], trace_y: Optional[str]) -> Tuple[str, str, List[np.ndarray]]: """ Get the values of the optimizer trace from the pypesto.Result object. Parameters ---------- result: pypesto.Result Optimization result obtained by ''. trace_x: str, optional What should be plotted on the x-axis? Possibilities: 'time', 'steps' Default: 'steps' trace_y: str, optional What should be plotted on the y-axis? Possibilities: 'fval'(later also: 'gradnorm', 'stepsize') Default: 'fval' Returns ------- vals: list of (x,y)-values. x_label: label for x-axis to be plotted later. y_label: label for y-axis to be plotted later. """ # get data frames histories: List[History] = result.optimize_result.get_for_key('history') vals = [] x_label = '' y_label = '' for history in histories: options = history.options if trace_y == 'gradnorm': # retrieve gradient trace, if saved if not options.trace_record or not \ options.trace_record_grad: raise ValueError("No gradient trace has been recorded.") grads = history.get_grad_trace() indices = [i for i, val in enumerate(grads) if val is not None and np.isfinite(val).all()] grads = np.array([grads[i] for i in indices]) # Get gradient trace, compute norm y_vals = np.linalg.norm(grads, axis=1) y_label = 'gradient norm' else: # trace_y == 'fval': if not options.trace_record: raise ValueError("No function value trace has been recorded.") fvals = history.get_fval_trace() indices = [i for i, val in enumerate(fvals) if val is not None and np.isfinite(val)] y_vals = np.array([fvals[i] for i in indices]) y_label = 'objective value' # retrieve values from dataframe if trace_x == 'time': times = np.array(history.get_time_trace()) x_vals = times[indices] x_label = 'Computation time [s]' else: # trace_x == 'steps': x_vals = np.array(list(range(len(indices)))) x_label = 'Optimizer steps' # write down values vals.append(np.vstack([x_vals, y_vals])) return x_label, y_label, vals def get_vals( vals: List[np.ndarray], scale_y: Optional[str], offset_y: float, y_label: str, start_indices: Iterable[int] ) -> Tuple[List[np.ndarray], float, str]: """ Postprocess the values of the optimization history. Depending on the options set by the user (e.g. scale_y, offset_y, start_indices). Parameters ---------- vals: list list of numpy arrays of dimension 2 x len(start_indices) scale_y: str, optional May be logarithmic or linear ('log10' or 'lin') offset_y: float offset for the y-axis, as this is supposed to be in log10-scale y_label: str Label for y axis start_indices: list of integers specifying the multi start indices to be plotted Returns ------- vals: list list of numpy arrays offset_y: offset for the y-axis, if this is supposed to be in log10-scale y_label: Label for y axis """ # get list of indices if start_indices is None: start_indices = np.array(range(len(vals))) else: # check whether list or maximum value start_indices = np.array(start_indices) # check, whether index set is not too big existing_indices = np.array(range(len(vals))) start_indices = np.intersect1d(start_indices, existing_indices) # reduce values to listed values vals = [val for i, val in enumerate(vals) if i in start_indices] # get the minimal value which should be plotted min_val = np.inf for val in vals: tmp_min = np.min(val[1, :]) min_val = np.min([min_val, tmp_min]) # check, whether offset can be used with this data if y_label == 'fval': offset_y = process_offset_y(offset_y, scale_y, min_val) else: offset_y = 0. if offset_y != 0: for val in vals: val[1, :] += offset_y * np.ones(val[1].shape) y_label = 'offsetted ' + y_label return vals, offset_y, y_label def handle_options(ax: plt.Axes, vals: List[np.ndarray], ref: List[ReferencePoint], y_limits: Union[float, np.ndarray], offset_y: float): """ Apply post-plotting transformations to the axis object. Get the limits for the y-axis, plots the reference points, will do more at a later time point. Parameters ---------- ref: List of reference points for optimization results, containing et least a function value fval vals: list of numpy arrays of size 2 x number of values ax: Axes object to use. y_limits: maximum value to be plotted on the y-axis, or y-limits offset_y: offset for the y-axis, if this is supposed to be in log10-scale Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.Axes The plot axes. """ # handle y-limits ax = process_y_limits(ax, y_limits) # handle reference points if len(ref) > 0: # plot reference points # get length of longest trajectory max_len = 0 for val in vals: max_len = np.max([max_len, val[0, -1]]) for i_ref in ref: ax.plot([0, max_len], [i_ref.fval + offset_y, i_ref.fval + offset_y], '--', color=i_ref.color, label=i_ref.legend) # create legend for reference points if i_ref.legend is not None: ax.legend() return ax