Source code for

"""Include functions for saving various results to hdf5."""
import os
import logging
from typing import Union
from numbers import Integral

import h5py
import numpy as np

from .hdf5 import (write_array, write_float_array)
from ..result import Result, SampleResult

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def check_overwrite(f: Union[h5py.File, h5py.Group],
                    overwrite: bool,
                    target: str):
    Check whether target already exists.

    Sends a warning if overwrite=False, deletes the target if overwrite=True.

    f: file or group where existence of a group with the path group_path
       should be checked
    target: name of the group, whose existence is checked
    overwrite: if overwrite is true, it deltes the target in f
    if target in f:
        if overwrite:
            del f[target]
            raise Exception(f"The file already exists and contains "
                            f"information about {target} result."
                            f"If you wish to overwrite the file set"

[docs]class ProblemHDF5Writer: """ Writer of the HDF5 problem files. Attributes ---------- storage_filename: HDF5 result file name """
[docs] def __init__(self, storage_filename: str): """ Initialize writer. Parameters ---------- storage_filename: str HDF5 problem file name """ self.storage_filename = storage_filename
[docs] def write(self, problem, overwrite: bool = False): """Write HDF5 problem file from pyPESTO problem object.""" # Create destination directory if isinstance(self.storage_filename, str): basedir = os.path.dirname(self.storage_filename) if basedir: os.makedirs(basedir, exist_ok=True) with h5py.File(self.storage_filename, "a") as f: check_overwrite(f, overwrite, 'problem') attrs_to_save = [a for a in dir(problem) if not a.startswith('__') and not callable(getattr(problem, a)) and not hasattr(type(problem), a)] problem_grp = f.create_group("problem") # save the configuration f['problem/config'] = str(problem.objective.get_config()) for problem_attr in attrs_to_save: value = getattr(problem, problem_attr) if isinstance(value, (list, np.ndarray)): value = np.asarray(value) if value.size: write_array(problem_grp, problem_attr, value) elif isinstance(value, Integral): problem_grp.attrs[problem_attr] = value
[docs]def get_or_create_group(f: Union[h5py.File, h5py.Group], group_path: str) -> h5py.Group: """ Return/create a group object for the group with group_path relative to f. Attributes ---------- f: file or group where existence of a group with the path group_path should be checked group_path: the path or simply the name of the group that should exist in f Returns ------- grp: hdf5 group object with specified path relative to f. """ if group_path in f: grp = f[group_path] else: grp = f.create_group(group_path) return grp
[docs]class OptimizationResultHDF5Writer: """ Writer of the HDF5 result files. Attributes ---------- storage_filename: HDF5 result file name """
[docs] def __init__(self, storage_filename: str): """ Initialize Writer. Parameters ---------- storage_filename: str HDF5 result file name """ self.storage_filename = storage_filename
[docs] def write(self, result: Result, overwrite=False): """Write HDF5 result file from pyPESTO result object.""" # Create destination directory if isinstance(self.storage_filename, str): basedir = os.path.dirname(self.storage_filename) if basedir: os.makedirs(basedir, exist_ok=True) with h5py.File(self.storage_filename, "a") as f: check_overwrite(f, overwrite, 'optimization') optimization_grp = get_or_create_group(f, "optimization") # settings = # optimization_grp.create_dataset("settings", settings, dtype=) results_grp = get_or_create_group(optimization_grp, "results") for start in result.optimize_result.list: start_id = start['id'] start_grp = get_or_create_group(results_grp, start_id) for key in start.keys(): if key == 'history': continue if isinstance(start[key], np.ndarray): write_float_array(start_grp, key, start[key]) elif start[key] is not None: start_grp.attrs[key] = start[key] f.flush()
[docs]class SamplingResultHDF5Writer: """ Writer of the HDF5 sampling files. Attributes ---------- storage_filename: HDF5 result file name """
[docs] def __init__(self, storage_filename: str): """ Initialize Writer. Parameters ---------- storage_filename: str HDF5 result file name """ self.storage_filename = storage_filename
[docs] def write(self, result: Result, overwrite: bool = False): """Write HDF5 sampling file from pyPESTO result object.""" # if there is no sample available, log a warning and return # SampleResult is only a dummy class created by the Result class # and always indicates the lack of a sampling result. if(isinstance(result.sample_result, SampleResult)): logger.warning("Warning: There is no sampling_result, " "which you tried to save to hdf5.") return # Create destination directory if isinstance(self.storage_filename, str): basedir = os.path.dirname(self.storage_filename) if basedir: os.makedirs(basedir, exist_ok=True) with h5py.File(self.storage_filename, "a") as f: check_overwrite(f, overwrite, 'sampling') sampling_grp = get_or_create_group(f, "sampling") results_grp = get_or_create_group(sampling_grp, "results") for key in result.sample_result.keys(): if isinstance(result.sample_result[key], np.ndarray): write_float_array(results_grp, key, result.sample_result[key]) elif result.sample_result[key] is not None: results_grp.attrs[key] = result.sample_result[key] f.flush()
[docs]class ProfileResultHDF5Writer: """ Writer of the HDF5 result files. Attributes ---------- storage_filename: HDF5 result file name """
[docs] def __init__(self, storage_filename: str): """ Initialize Writer. Parameters ---------- storage_filename: str HDF5 result file name """ self.storage_filename = storage_filename
[docs] def write(self, result: Result, overwrite: bool = False): """Write HDF5 result file from pyPESTO result object.""" # Create destination directory if isinstance(self.storage_filename, str): basedir = os.path.dirname(self.storage_filename) if basedir: os.makedirs(basedir, exist_ok=True) with h5py.File(self.storage_filename, "a") as f: check_overwrite(f, overwrite, 'profiling') profiling_grp = get_or_create_group(f, "profiling") for profile_id, profile in enumerate(result.profile_result.list): profile_grp = get_or_create_group(profiling_grp, str(profile_id)) for parameter_id, parameter_profile in enumerate(profile): result_grp = get_or_create_group(profile_grp, str(parameter_id)) if parameter_profile is None: result_grp.attrs['IsNone'] = True continue result_grp.attrs['IsNone'] = False for key in parameter_profile.keys(): if isinstance(parameter_profile[key], np.ndarray): write_float_array(result_grp, key, parameter_profile[key]) elif parameter_profile[key] is not None: result_grp.attrs[key] = parameter_profile[key] f.flush()
[docs]def write_result(result: Result, filename: str, overwrite: bool = False, problem: bool = True, optimize: bool = False, profile: bool = False, sample: bool = False, ): """ Save whole pypesto.Result to hdf5 file. Boolean indicators allow specifying what to save. Parameters ---------- result: The :class:`pypesto.Result` object to be saved. filename: The HDF5 filename. overwrite: Boolean, whether already existing results should be overwritten. problem: Read the problem. optimize: Read the optimize result. profile: Read the profile result. sample: Read the sample result. """ if not any([optimize, profile, sample]): optimize = True profile = True sample = True if problem: pypesto_problem_writer = ProblemHDF5Writer(filename) pypesto_problem_writer.write(result.problem, overwrite=overwrite) if optimize: pypesto_opt_writer = OptimizationResultHDF5Writer(filename) pypesto_opt_writer.write(result, overwrite=overwrite) if profile: pypesto_profile_writer = ProfileResultHDF5Writer(filename) pypesto_profile_writer.write(result, overwrite=overwrite) if sample: pypesto_sample_writer = SamplingResultHDF5Writer(filename) pypesto_sample_writer.write(result, overwrite=overwrite)