Source code for pypesto.sample.emcee

from typing import List, Union
import numpy as np

from ..problem import Problem
from .sampler import Sampler
from .result import McmcPtResult
from ..startpoint import assign_startpoints, uniform

    import emcee
except ImportError:
    emcee = None

[docs]class EmceeSampler(Sampler): """Use emcee for sampling. Wrapper around, see there for details. """
[docs] def __init__( self, nwalkers: int = 1, sampler_args: dict = None, run_args: dict = None, ): """ Initialize sampler. Parameters ---------- nwalkers: The number of walkers in the ensemble. sampler_args: Further keyword arguments that are passed on to ``emcee.EnsembleSampler.__init__``. run_args: Further keyword arguments that are passed on to ``emcee.EnsembleSampler.run_mcmc``. """ # check dependencies if emcee is None: raise ImportError( "This sampler requires an installation of emcee. Install e.g. " "via ``pip install pypesto[emcee]``.") super().__init__() self.nwalkers: int = nwalkers if sampler_args is None: sampler_args = {} self.sampler_args: dict = sampler_args if run_args is None: run_args = {} self.run_args: dict = run_args # set in initialize self.problem: Union[Problem, None] = None self.sampler: Union[emcee.EnsembleSampler, None] = None self.state: Union[emcee.State, None] = None
[docs] def initialize( self, problem: Problem, x0: Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]], ) -> None: """Initialize the sampler.""" self.problem = problem # extract for pickling efficiency objective = self.problem.objective lb = ub = self.problem.ub # parameter dimenstion ndim = len(self.problem.x_free_indices) def log_prob(x): """Log-probability density function.""" # check if parameter lies within bounds if any(x < lb) or any(x > ub): return - np.inf # invert sign return - 1. * objective(x) # initialize sampler self.sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler( nwalkers=self.nwalkers, ndim=ndim, log_prob_fn=log_prob, **self.sampler_args, ) # assign startpoints if self.state is None: # extract x0 x0 = np.asarray(x0) if x0.ndim == 1: x0 = [x0] x0 = np.array([problem.get_full_vector(x) for x in x0]) # add x0 to guesses problem.x_guesses_full = np.row_stack((x0, problem.x_guesses_full)) # sample start points self.state = assign_startpoints( n_starts=self.nwalkers, startpoint_method=uniform, problem=problem, startpoint_resample=True) # restore original guesses problem.x_guesses_full = problem.x_guesses_full[x0.shape[0]:]
[docs] def sample(self, n_samples: int, beta: float = 1.) -> None: """Return the most recent sample state.""" self.state = self.sampler.run_mcmc( self.state, n_samples, **self.run_args)
[docs] def get_samples(self) -> McmcPtResult: """Get the samples into the fitting pypesto format.""" # all walkers are concatenated, yielding a flat array trace_x = np.array([self.sampler.get_chain(flat=True)]) trace_neglogpost = np.array([- self.sampler.get_log_prob(flat=True)]) # the sampler does not know priors trace_neglogprior = np.full(trace_neglogpost.shape, np.nan) # the walkers all run on temperature 1 betas = np.array([1.]) result = McmcPtResult( trace_x=trace_x, trace_neglogpost=trace_neglogpost, trace_neglogprior=trace_neglogprior, betas=betas, ) return result