Source code for pypesto.result

# noqa: D400,D205

The pypesto.Result object contains all results generated by
the pypesto components. It contains sub-results for
optimization, profiling, sampling.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import copy
from typing import Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING

    import pypesto.optimize as optimize
    import pypesto.profile as profile

[docs]class OptimizeResult: """Result of the :py:func:`pypesto.optimize.minimize` function."""
[docs] def __init__(self): self.list = []
[docs] def append( self, optimizer_result: 'optimize.OptimizerResult', ): """ Append an optimizer result to the result object. Parameters ---------- optimizer_result: The result of one (local) optimizer run. """ self.list.append(optimizer_result) self.sort()
[docs] def sort(self): """Sort the optimizer results by function value fval (ascending).""" def get_fval(res): return res.fval if not np.isnan(res.fval) else np.inf self.list = sorted(self.list, key=get_fval)
[docs] def as_dataframe(self, keys=None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get as pandas DataFrame. If keys is a list, return only the specified values, otherwise all. """ lst = self.as_list(keys) df = pd.DataFrame(lst) return df
[docs] def as_list(self, keys=None) -> Sequence: """ Get as list. If keys is a list, return only the specified values. Parameters ---------- keys: list(str), optional Labels of the field to extract. """ lst = self.list if keys is not None: lst = [{key: res[key] for key in keys} for res in lst] return lst
[docs] def get_for_key(self, key) -> list: """Extract the list of values for the specified key as a list.""" return [res[key] for res in self.list]
[docs]class ProfileResult: """ Result of the profile() function. It holds a list of profile lists. Each profile list consists of a list of `ProfilerResult` objects, one for each parameter. """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.list = []
[docs] def append_empty_profile_list(self) -> int: """Append an empty profile list to the list of profile lists. Returns ------- index: The index of the created profile list. """ self.list.append([]) return len(self.list) - 1
[docs] def append_profiler_result( self, profiler_result: 'profile.ProfilerResult' = None, profile_list: int = None) -> None: """Append the profiler result to the profile list. Parameters ---------- profiler_result: The result of one profiler run for a parameter, or None if to be left empty. profile_list: Index specifying the profile list to which we want to append. Defaults to the last list. """ if profile_list is None: profile_list = -1 # last profiler_result = copy.deepcopy(profiler_result) self.list[profile_list].append(profiler_result)
[docs] def set_profiler_result( self, profiler_result: 'profile.ProfilerResult', i_par: int, profile_list: int = None) -> None: """ Write a profiler result to the result object. Parameters ---------- profiler_result: The result of one (local) profiler run. i_par: Integer specifying the parameter index where to put profiler_result. profile_list: Index specifying the profile list. Defaults to the last list. """ if profile_list is None: profile_list = -1 # last self.list[profile_list][i_par] = copy.deepcopy(profiler_result)
[docs] def get_profiler_result( self, i_par: int, profile_list: int = None ): """ Get the profiler result at parameter index `i_par` of `profile_list`. Parameters ---------- i_par: Integer specifying the profile index. profile_list: Index specifying the profile list. Defaults to the last list. """ if profile_list is None: profile_list = -1 # last return self.list[profile_list][i_par]
[docs]class SampleResult: """Result of the sample() function."""
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
[docs]class Result: """ Universal result object for pypesto. The algorithms like optimize, profile, sample fill different parts of it. Attributes ---------- problem: pypesto.Problem The problem underlying the results. optimize_result: The results of the optimizer runs. profile_result: The results of the profiler run. sample_result: The results of the sampler run. """
[docs] def __init__(self, problem=None): self.problem = problem self.optimize_result = OptimizeResult() self.profile_result = ProfileResult() self.sample_result = SampleResult()