Source code for pypesto.optimize.result

import numpy as np

from ..objective import History
from ..problem import Problem

[docs]class OptimizerResult(dict): """ The result of an optimizer run. Used as a standardized return value to map from the individual result objects returned by the employed optimizers to the format understood by pypesto. Can be used like a dict. Attributes ---------- id: Id of the optimizer run. Usually the start index. x: The best found parameters. fval: The best found function value, `fun(x)`. grad: The gradient at `x`. hess: The Hessian at `x`. res: The residuals at `x`. sres: The residual sensitivities at `x`. n_fval Number of function evaluations. n_grad: Number of gradient evaluations. n_hess: Number of Hessian evaluations. n_res: Number of residuals evaluations. n_sres: Number of residual sensitivity evaluations. x0: The starting parameters. fval0: The starting function value, `fun(x0)`. history: Objective history. exitflag: The exitflag of the optimizer. time: Execution time. message: str Textual comment on the optimization result. Notes ----- Any field not supported by the optimizer is filled with None. """
[docs] def __init__(self, id: str = None, x: np.ndarray = None, fval: float = None, grad: np.ndarray = None, hess: np.ndarray = None, res: np.ndarray = None, sres: np.ndarray = None, n_fval: int = None, n_grad: int = None, n_hess: int = None, n_res: int = None, n_sres: int = None, x0: np.ndarray = None, fval0: float = None, history: History = None, exitflag: int = None, time: float = None, message: str = None): super().__init__() = id self.x: np.ndarray = np.array(x) if x is not None else None self.fval: float = fval self.grad: np.ndarray = np.array(grad) if grad is not None else None self.hess: np.ndarray = np.array(hess) if hess is not None else None self.res: np.ndarray = np.ndarray(res) if res is not None else None self.sres: np.ndarray = np.ndarray(sres) if sres is not None else None self.n_fval: int = n_fval self.n_grad: int = n_grad self.n_hess: int = n_hess self.n_res: int = n_res self.n_sres: int = n_sres self.x0: np.ndarray = np.array(x0) if x0 is not None else None self.fval0: float = fval0 self.history: History = history self.exitflag: int = exitflag self.time: float = time self.message: str = message
def __getattr__(self, key): try: return self[key] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(key) __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
[docs] def update_to_full(self, problem: Problem) -> None: """ Update values to full vectors/matrices. Parameters ---------- problem: problem which contains info about how to convert to full vectors or matrices """ self.x = problem.get_full_vector(self.x, problem.x_fixed_vals) self.grad = problem.get_full_vector(self.grad) self.hess = problem.get_full_matrix(self.hess) self.x0 = problem.get_full_vector(self.x0, problem.x_fixed_vals)