Source code for

import os
import logging
from typing import Union
from numbers import Integral

import h5py
import numpy as np

from .hdf5 import (write_array, write_float_array)
from ..result import Result, SampleResult

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def check_overwrite(f: Union[h5py.File, h5py.Group],
                    overwrite: bool,
                    target: str):
    Checks whether target already exists. Sends a warning if
    overwrite=False, deletes the target if overwrite=True.

    f: file or group where existence of a group with the path group_path
       should be checked
    target: name of the group, whose existence is checked
    overwrite: if overwrite is true, it deltes the target in f
    if target in f:
        if overwrite:
            del f[target]
            raise Exception(f"The file already exists and contains "
                            f"information about {target} result."
                            f"If you wish to overwrite the file set"

[docs]class ProblemHDF5Writer: """ Writer of the HDF5 problem files. Attributes ------------- storage_filename: HDF5 result file name """
[docs] def __init__(self, storage_filename: str): """ Parameters ---------- storage_filename: str HDF5 problem file name """ self.storage_filename = storage_filename
[docs] def write(self, problem, overwrite: bool = False): """ Write HDF5 problem file from pyPESTO problem object. """ # Create destination directory if isinstance(self.storage_filename, str): basedir = os.path.dirname(self.storage_filename) if basedir: os.makedirs(basedir, exist_ok=True) with h5py.File(self.storage_filename, "a") as f: check_overwrite(f, overwrite, 'problem') attrs_to_save = [a for a in dir(problem) if not a.startswith('__') and not callable(getattr(problem, a)) and not hasattr(type(problem), a)] problem_grp = f.create_group("problem") # save the configuration f['problem/config'] = str(problem.objective.get_config()) for problem_attr in attrs_to_save: value = getattr(problem, problem_attr) if isinstance(value, (list, np.ndarray)): value = np.asarray(value) if value.size: write_array(problem_grp, problem_attr, value) elif isinstance(value, Integral): problem_grp.attrs[problem_attr] = value
[docs]def get_or_create_group(f: Union[h5py.File, h5py.Group], group_path: str) -> h5py.Group: """ Helper function that returns a group object for the group with group_path relative to f. Creates it if it doesn't exist. Attributes ------------- f: file or group where existence of a group with the path group_path should be checked group_path: the path or simply the name of the group that should exist in f Returns ------- grp: hdf5 group object with specified path. """ if group_path in f: grp = f[group_path] else: grp = f.create_group(group_path) return grp
[docs]class OptimizationResultHDF5Writer: """ Writer of the HDF5 result files. Attributes ------------- storage_filename: HDF5 result file name """
[docs] def __init__(self, storage_filename: str): """ Parameters ---------- storage_filename: str HDF5 result file name """ self.storage_filename = storage_filename
[docs] def write(self, result: Result, overwrite=False): """ Write HDF5 result file from pyPESTO result object. """ # Create destination directory if isinstance(self.storage_filename, str): basedir = os.path.dirname(self.storage_filename) if basedir: os.makedirs(basedir, exist_ok=True) with h5py.File(self.storage_filename, "a") as f: check_overwrite(f, overwrite, 'optimization') optimization_grp = get_or_create_group(f, "optimization") # settings = # optimization_grp.create_dataset("settings", settings, dtype=) results_grp = get_or_create_group(optimization_grp, "results") for start in result.optimize_result.list: start_id = start['id'] start_grp = get_or_create_group(results_grp, start_id) for key in start.keys(): if key == 'history': continue if isinstance(start[key], np.ndarray): write_float_array(start_grp, key, start[key]) elif start[key] is not None: start_grp.attrs[key] = start[key] f.flush()
[docs]class SamplingResultHDF5Writer: """ Writer of the HDF5 sampling files. Attributes ------------- storage_filename: HDF5 result file name """
[docs] def __init__(self, storage_filename: str): """ Parameters ---------- storage_filename: str HDF5 result file name """ self.storage_filename = storage_filename
[docs] def write(self, result: Result, overwrite: bool = False): """ Write HDF5 sampling file from pyPESTO result object. """ # if there is no sample available, log a warning and return # SampleResult is only a dummy class created by the Result class # and always indicates the lack of a sampling result. if(isinstance(result.sample_result, SampleResult)): logger.warning("Warning: There is no sampling_result, " "which you tried to save to hdf5.") return # Create destination directory if isinstance(self.storage_filename, str): basedir = os.path.dirname(self.storage_filename) if basedir: os.makedirs(basedir, exist_ok=True) with h5py.File(self.storage_filename, "a") as f: check_overwrite(f, overwrite, 'sampling') sampling_grp = get_or_create_group(f, "sampling") results_grp = get_or_create_group(sampling_grp, "results") for key in result.sample_result.keys(): if isinstance(result.sample_result[key], np.ndarray): write_float_array(results_grp, key, result.sample_result[key]) elif result.sample_result[key] is not None: results_grp.attrs[key] = result.sample_result[key] f.flush()
[docs]class ProfileResultHDF5Writer: """ Writer of the HDF5 result files. Attributes ------------- storage_filename: HDF5 result file name """
[docs] def __init__(self, storage_filename: str): """ Parameters ---------- storage_filename: str HDF5 result file name """ self.storage_filename = storage_filename
[docs] def write(self, result: Result, overwrite: bool = False): """ Write HDF5 result file from pyPESTO result object. """ # Create destination directory if isinstance(self.storage_filename, str): basedir = os.path.dirname(self.storage_filename) if basedir: os.makedirs(basedir, exist_ok=True) with h5py.File(self.storage_filename, "a") as f: check_overwrite(f, overwrite, 'profiling') profiling_grp = get_or_create_group(f, "profiling") for profile_id, profile in enumerate(result.profile_result.list): profile_grp = get_or_create_group(profiling_grp, str(profile_id)) for parameter_id, parameter_profile in enumerate(profile): result_grp = get_or_create_group(profile_grp, str(parameter_id)) if parameter_profile is None: result_grp.attrs['IsNone'] = True continue result_grp.attrs['IsNone'] = False for key in parameter_profile.keys(): if isinstance(parameter_profile[key], np.ndarray): write_float_array(result_grp, key, parameter_profile[key]) elif parameter_profile[key] is not None: result_grp.attrs[key] = parameter_profile[key] f.flush()
[docs]def write_result(result: Result, filename: str, overwrite: bool = False, problem: bool = True, optimize: bool = True, profile: bool = True, sample: bool = True, ): """Save whole pypesto.Result to hdf5 file. Boolean indicators allow specifying what to save. Parameters ---------- result: The :class:`pypesto.Result` object to be saved. filename: The HDF5 filename. overwrite: Boolean, whether already existing results should be overwritten. problem: Read the problem. optimize: Read the optimize result. profile: Read the profile result. sample: Read the sample result. """ if problem: pypesto_problem_writer = ProblemHDF5Writer(filename) pypesto_problem_writer.write(result.problem, overwrite=overwrite) if optimize: pypesto_opt_writer = OptimizationResultHDF5Writer(filename) pypesto_opt_writer.write(result, overwrite=overwrite) if profile: pypesto_profile_writer = ProfileResultHDF5Writer(filename) pypesto_profile_writer.write(result, overwrite=overwrite) if sample: pypesto_sample_writer = SamplingResultHDF5Writer(filename) pypesto_sample_writer.write(result, overwrite=overwrite)