Source code for

"""Convenience functions for working with HDF5 files"""
import h5py
import numpy as np

from typing import Collection
from numbers import Number, Integral, Real

[docs]def write_array(f: h5py.Group, path: str, values: Collection) -> None: """ Write array to hdf5 Parameters ------------- f: h5py.Group where dataset should be created path: path of the dataset to create values: array to write """ if all(isinstance(x, Integral) for x in values): write_int_array(f, path, values) elif all(isinstance(x, Real) for x in values): write_float_array(f, path, values) elif all(isinstance(x, str) for x in values): write_string_array(f, path, values) else: f[path] = values
def write_string_array(f: h5py.Group, path: str, strings: Collection) -> None: """ Write string array to hdf5 Parameters ------------- f: h5py.Group where dataset should be created path: path of the dataset to create strings: list of strings to be written to f """ dt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str) dset = f.create_dataset(path, (len(strings),), dtype=dt) dset[:] = [s.encode('utf8') for s in strings] def write_float_array(f: h5py.Group, path: str, values: Collection[Number], dtype='f8') -> None: """ Write float array to hdf5 Parameters ------------- f: h5py.Group where dataset should be created path: path of the dataset to create values: array to write dtype: datatype """ if path not in f: dset = f.create_dataset(path, (np.shape(values)), dtype=dtype) else: dset = f[path] dset[:] = values def write_int_array(f: h5py.Group, path: str, values: Collection[int], dtype='<i4'): """ Write integer array to hdf5 Parameters ------------- f: h5py.Group where dataset should be created path: path of the dataset to create values: array to write dtype: datatype """ dset = f.create_dataset(path, (len(values),), dtype=dtype) dset[:] = values