Source code for pypesto.visualize.parameters

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.axes
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
import numpy as np

from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from ..result import Result
from .reference_points import create_references, ReferencePoint
from .clust_color import assign_colors
from .clust_color import delete_nan_inf
from .misc import process_result_list, process_start_indices

[docs]def parameters( results: Union[Result, Sequence[Result]], ax: Optional[matplotlib.axes.Axes] = None, parameter_indices: Union[str, Sequence[int]] = 'free_only', lb: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, List[float]]] = None, ub: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, List[float]]] = None, size: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, reference: Optional[List[ReferencePoint]] = None, colors: Optional[Union[List[float], List[List[float]]]] = None, legends: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, balance_alpha: bool = True, start_indices: Optional[Union[int, Iterable[int]]] = None, scale_to_interval: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, ) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes: """ Plot parameter values. Parameters ---------- results: Optimization result obtained by '' or list of those ax: Axes object to use. parameter_indices: Specifies which parameters should be plotted. Allowed string values are 'all' (both fixed and free parameters will be plotted) and 'free_only' (only free parameters will be plotted) lb, ub: If not None, override, problem.problem.ub. Dimension either result.problem.dim or result.problem.dim_full. size: Figure size (width, height) in inches. Is only applied when no ax object is specified reference: List of reference points for optimization results, containing at least a function value fval colors: list of RGBA colors, or single RGBA color If not set, clustering is done and colors are assigned automatically legends: Labels for line plots, one label per result object balance_alpha: Flag indicating whether alpha for large clusters should be reduced to avoid overplotting (default: True) start_indices: list of integers specifying the multistarts to be plotted or int specifying up to which start index should be plotted scale_to_interval: Tuple of bounds to which to scale all parameter values and bounds, or ``None`` to use bounds as determined by ``lb, ub``. Returns ------- ax: The plot axes. """ # parse input (results, colors, legends) = process_result_list(results, colors, legends) if isinstance(parameter_indices, str): if parameter_indices == 'all': parameter_indices = range(0, results[0].problem.dim_full) elif parameter_indices == 'free_only': parameter_indices = results[0].problem.x_free_indices else: raise ValueError("Permissible values for parameter_indices are " "'all', 'free_only' or a list of indices") def scale_parameters(x): """Scale ``x`` from [lb, ub] to interval given by ``scale_to_interval`` """ if scale_to_interval is None or scale_to_interval is False: return x return (scale_to_interval[0] + (x - lb) / (ub - lb) * (scale_to_interval[1] - scale_to_interval[0])) for j, result in enumerate(results): # handle results and bounds (lb, ub, x_labels, fvals, xs) = \ handle_inputs(result=result, lb=lb, ub=ub, parameter_indices=parameter_indices, start_indices=start_indices) lb, ub, xs = map(scale_parameters, (lb, ub, xs)) # call lowlevel routine ax = parameters_lowlevel(xs=xs, fvals=fvals, lb=lb, ub=ub, x_labels=x_labels, ax=ax, size=size, colors=colors[j], legend_text=legends[j], balance_alpha=balance_alpha) # parse and apply plotting options ref = create_references(references=reference) # plot reference points for i_ref in ref: # reduce parameter vector in reference point, if necessary if len(parameter_indices) < results[0].problem.dim_full: x_ref = np.array(results[0].problem.get_reduced_vector( i_ref['x'], parameter_indices)) else: x_ref = np.array(i_ref['x']) x_ref = np.reshape(x_ref, (1, x_ref.size)) x_ref = scale_parameters(x_ref) # plot reference parameters using lowlevel routine ax = parameters_lowlevel(x_ref, [i_ref['fval']], ax=ax, colors=i_ref['color'], linestyle='--', legend_text=i_ref.legend, balance_alpha=balance_alpha) return ax
[docs]def parameter_hist( result: Result, parameter_name: str, bins: Union[int, str] = 'auto', ax: Optional['matplotlib.Axes'] = None, size: Optional[Tuple[float]] = (18.5, 10.5), color: Optional[List[float]] = None, start_indices: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None): """ Plot parameter values as a histogram. Parameters ---------- result: Optimization result obtained by '' parameter_name: The name of the parameter that should be plotted bins: Specifies bins of the histogram ax: Axes object to use size: Figure size (width, height) in inches. Is only applied when no ax object is specified color: RGBA color. start_indices: List of integers specifying the multistarts to be plotted or int specifying up to which start index should be plotted Returns ------- ax: The plot axes. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.subplots()[1] fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(*size) xs = result.optimize_result.get_for_key('x') # reduce number of displayed results if isinstance(start_indices, int): xs = xs[:start_indices] elif start_indices is not None: xs = [xs[ind] for ind in start_indices] parameter_index = result.problem.x_names.index(parameter_name) parameter_values = [x[parameter_index] for x in xs] ax.hist(parameter_values, color=color, bins=bins) ax.set_xlabel(parameter_name) ax.set_ylabel("counts") ax.set_title(f"Parameter {parameter_name}") return ax
[docs]def parameters_lowlevel( xs: Sequence[Union[np.ndarray, List[float]]], fvals: Union[np.ndarray, List[float]], lb: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, List[float]]] = None, ub: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, List[float]]] = None, x_labels: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, ax: Optional[matplotlib.axes.Axes] = None, size: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, colors: Optional[Sequence[Union[np.ndarray, List[float]]]] = None, linestyle: str = '-', legend_text: Optional[str] = None, balance_alpha: bool = True ) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes: """ Plot parameters plot using list of parameters. Parameters ---------- xs: Including optimized parameters for each startpoint. Shape: (n_starts, dim). fvals: Function values. Needed to assign cluster colors. lb, ub: The lower and upper bounds. x_labels: Labels to be used for the parameters. ax: Axes object to use. size: see parameters colors: One for each element in 'fvals'. linestyle: linestyle argument for parameter plot legend_text: Label for line plots balance_alpha: Flag indicating whether alpha for large clusters should be reduced to avoid overplotting (default: True) Returns ------- ax: The plot axes. """ # parse input xs = np.array(xs) fvals = np.array(fvals) # remove nan or inf values in fvals and xs xs, fvals = delete_nan_inf(fvals, xs, len(ub) if ub is not None else 1) if size is None: # 0.5 inch height per parameter size = (18.5, max(xs.shape[1], 1) / 2) if ax is None: ax = plt.subplots()[1] fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(*size) # assign colors colors = assign_colors(vals=fvals, colors=colors, balance_alpha=balance_alpha) # parameter indices parameters_ind = list(range(1, xs.shape[1] + 1))[::-1] # plot parameters ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) for j_x, x in reversed(list(enumerate(xs))): if j_x == 0: tmp_legend = legend_text else: tmp_legend = None ax.plot(x, parameters_ind, linestyle, color=colors[j_x], marker='o', label=tmp_legend) plt.yticks(parameters_ind, x_labels) # draw bounds parameters_ind = np.array(parameters_ind).flatten() if lb is not None: ax.plot(lb.flatten(), parameters_ind, 'k--', marker='+') if ub is not None: ax.plot(ub.flatten(), parameters_ind, 'k--', marker='+') ax.set_xlabel('Parameter value') ax.set_ylabel('Parameter') ax.set_title('Estimated parameters') if legend_text is not None: ax.legend() return ax
def handle_inputs( result: Result, parameter_indices: List[int], lb: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, List[float]]] = None, ub: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, List[float]]] = None, start_indices: Optional[Union[int, Iterable[int]]] = None ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, List[str], np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]: """ Computes the correct bounds for the parameter indices to be plotted and outputs the corresponding parameters and their labels Parameters ---------- result: Optimization result obtained by ''. parameter_indices: Specifies which parameters should be plotted. lb, ub: If not None, override, problem.problem.ub. Dimension either result.problem.dim or result.problem.dim_full. start_indices: list of integers specifying the multistarts to be plotted or int specifying up to which start index should be plotted Returns ------- lb, ub: Dimension either result.problem.dim or result.problem.dim_full. x_labels: ytick labels to be applied later on fvals: objective function values which are needed for plotting later xs: parameter values which will be plotted later """ # retrieve results fvals = result.optimize_result.get_for_key('fval') xs = result.optimize_result.get_for_key('x') # parse indices which should be plotted if start_indices is not None: start_indices = process_start_indices(start_indices, len(fvals)) # reduce number of displayed results xs_out = [xs[ind] for ind in start_indices] fvals_out = [fvals[ind] for ind in start_indices] else: # use non-reduced versions xs_out = xs fvals_out = fvals # get bounds if lb is None: lb = result.problem.lb_full if ub is None: ub = result.problem.ub_full # get labels x_labels = result.problem.x_names # handle fixed and free indices if len(parameter_indices) < result.problem.dim_full: for ix, x in enumerate(xs_out): xs_out[ix] = result.problem.get_reduced_vector(x, parameter_indices) lb = result.problem.get_reduced_vector(lb, parameter_indices) ub = result.problem.get_reduced_vector(ub, parameter_indices) x_labels = [x_labels[int(i)] for i in parameter_indices] else: lb = result.problem.get_full_vector(lb) ub = result.problem.get_full_vector(ub) return lb, ub, x_labels, fvals_out, xs_out