Source code for pypesto.visualize.profiles

from typing import Sequence, Tuple, Union
from warnings import warn

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator

from ..result import Result
from .clust_color import assign_colors
from .misc import process_result_list
from .reference_points import ReferencePoint, create_references

[docs]def profiles( results: Union[Result, Sequence[Result]], ax=None, profile_indices: Sequence[int] = None, size: Sequence[float] = (18.5, 6.5), reference: Union[ReferencePoint, Sequence[ReferencePoint]] = None, colors=None, legends: Sequence[str] = None, x_labels: Sequence[str] = None, profile_list_ids: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 0, ratio_min: float = 0.0, show_bounds: bool = False, ): """ Plot classical 1D profile plot. Using the posterior, e.g. Gaussian like profile. Parameters ---------- results: list or pypesto.Result List of or single `pypesto.Result` after profiling. ax: list of matplotlib.Axes, optional List of axes objects to use. profile_indices: list of integer values List of integer values specifying which profiles should be plotted. size: tuple, optional Figure size (width, height) in inches. Is only applied when no ax object is specified. reference: list, optional List of reference points for optimization results, containing at least a function value fval. colors: list, or RGBA, optional List of colors, or single color. legends: list or str, optional Labels for line plots, one label per result object. x_labels: list of str Labels for parameter value axes (e.g. parameter names). profile_list_ids: int or list of ints, optional Index or list of indices of the profile lists to be used for profiling. ratio_min: Minimum ratio below which to cut off. show_bounds: Whether to show, and extend the plot to, the lower and upper bounds. Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.Axes The plot axes. """ # parse input results, profile_list_ids, colors, legends = process_result_list_profiles( results, profile_list_ids, colors, legends ) # get the parameter ids to be plotted profile_indices = process_profile_indices( results, profile_indices, profile_list_ids ) # loop over results for i_result, result in enumerate(results): for i_profile_list, profile_list_id in enumerate(profile_list_ids): fvals = handle_inputs( result, profile_indices=profile_indices, profile_list=profile_list_id, ratio_min=ratio_min, ) # add x_labels for parameters if x_labels is None: x_labels = [ name for name, fval in zip(result.problem.x_names, fvals) if fval is not None ] # plot multiple results or profile runs into one figure? if len(results) == 1 and len(profile_list_ids) > 1: # multiple profile runs per axes object color_ind = i_profile_list else: # multiple results per axes object color_ind = i_result # call lowlevel routine ax = profiles_lowlevel( fvals=fvals, ax=ax, size=size, color=colors[color_ind], legend_text=legends[color_ind], x_labels=x_labels, show_bounds=show_bounds, lb_full=result.problem.lb_full, ub_full=result.problem.ub_full, ) # parse and apply plotting options ref = create_references(references=reference) # plot reference points ax = handle_reference_points(ref, ax, profile_indices) plt.tight_layout() return ax
[docs]def profiles_lowlevel( fvals, ax=None, size: Tuple[float, float] = (18.5, 6.5), color=None, legend_text: str = None, x_labels=None, show_bounds: bool = False, lb_full=None, ub_full=None, ): """ Lowlevel routine for profile plotting. Working with a list of arrays only, opening different axes objects in case. Parameters ---------- fvals: numeric list or array Values to plot. ax: list of matplotlib.Axes, optional List of axes object to use. size: tuple, optional Figure size (width, height) in inches. Is only applied when no ax object is specified. size: tuple, optional Figure size (width, height) in inches. Is only applied when no ax object is specified. color: RGBA, optional Color for profiles in plot. legend_text: str Label for line plots. legend_text: List[str] Label for line plots. show_bounds: Whether to show, and extend the plot to, the lower and upper bounds. lb_full: Lower bound. ub_full: Upper bound. Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.Axes The plot axes. """ # axes if ax is None: ax = [] fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(*size) create_new_ax = True else: plt.axes(ax[0]) fig = plt.gcf() create_new_ax = False # count number of necessary axes if isinstance(fvals, list): n_fvals = len(fvals) else: n_fvals = 1 fvals = [fvals] # number of non-trivial profiles n_profiles = sum((fval is not None for fval in fvals)) # if axes already exists, we have to match profiles to axes if not create_new_ax: if n_fvals != len(ax) and n_profiles != len(ax): raise ValueError( "Number of axes does not match number of profiles. Stopping." ) elif n_fvals == len(ax) and n_profiles != len(ax): # we may have some empty profiles, which we have to skip n_plots = n_fvals else: # n_profiles == len(ax):, we have exactly as many profiles as axes n_plots = n_profiles else: n_plots = n_profiles if lb_full is None: lb_full = [None] * len(fvals) if ub_full is None: ub_full = [None] * len(fvals) # compute number of columns and rows columns = np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_plots)) if n_plots > columns * (columns - 1): rows = columns else: rows = columns - 1 counter = 0 for i_plot, (fval, lb, ub) in enumerate(zip(fvals, lb_full, ub_full)): # if we have empty profiles and more axes than profiles: skip if n_plots != n_fvals and fval is None: continue # handle legend if i_plot == 0: tmp_legend = legend_text else: tmp_legend = None # create or choose an axes object if create_new_ax: ax.append(fig.add_subplot(int(rows), int(columns), counter + 1)) else: plt.axes(ax[counter]) # plot if data if fval is not None: # run lowlevel routine for one profile ax[counter] = profile_lowlevel( fval, ax[counter], size=size, color=color, legend_text=tmp_legend, show_bounds=show_bounds, lb=lb, ub=ub, ) # labels if x_labels is None: ax[counter].set_xlabel(f'Parameter {i_plot}') else: ax[counter].set_xlabel(x_labels[counter]) if counter % columns == 0: ax[counter].set_ylabel('Log-posterior ratio') else: # fix pyPESTO/pyPESTO/pypesto/visualize/ # UserWarning: FixedFormatter should only be used # together with FixedLocator. Fix from matplotlib #18848. ax[counter].set_yticks(ax[counter].get_yticks()) ax[counter].set_yticklabels(['' for _ in ax[counter].get_yticks()]) # increase counter and cleanup legend counter += 1 return ax
[docs]def profile_lowlevel( fvals, ax=None, size: Tuple[float, float] = (18.5, 6.5), color=None, legend_text: str = None, show_bounds: bool = False, lb: float = None, ub: float = None, ): """ Lowlevel routine for plotting one profile, working with a numpy array only. Parameters ---------- fvals: numeric list or array Values to plot. ax: matplotlib.Axes, optional Axes object to use. size: tuple, optional Figure size (width, height) in inches. Is only applied when no ax object is specified. color: RGBA, optional Color for profiles in plot. legend_text: str Label for line plots. show_bounds: Whether to show, and extend the plot to, the lower and upper bounds. lb: Lower bound. ub: Upper bound. Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.Axes The plot axes. """ # parse input fvals = np.asarray(fvals) # get colors color = assign_colors([1.0], color) # axes if ax is None: ax = plt.subplots()[1] ax.set_xlabel('Parameter value') ax.set_ylabel('Log-posterior ratio') fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(*size) # plot if fvals.size != 0: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) ax.plot(fvals[0, :], fvals[1, :], color=color[0], label=legend_text) if legend_text is not None: ax.legend() if show_bounds: ax.set_xlim([lb, ub]) return ax
def handle_reference_points(ref, ax, profile_indices): """ Handle reference points. Parameters ---------- ref: list, optional List of reference points for optimization results, containing et least a function value fval ax: matplotlib.Axes, optional Axes object to use. profile_indices: list of integer values List of integer values specifying which profiles should be plotted. """ if len(ref) > 0: # loop over axes objects for i_par, i_ax in enumerate(ax): for i_ref in ref: current_x = i_ref['x'][profile_indices[i_par]] i_ax.plot( [current_x, current_x], [0.0, 1.0], color=i_ref.color, label=i_ref.legend, ) # create legend for reference points if i_ref.legend is not None: i_ax.legend() return ax def handle_inputs( result: Result, profile_indices: Sequence[int], profile_list: int, ratio_min: float, ): """ Retrieve the values of the profiles to be plotted. Parameters ---------- result: pypesto.Result Profile result obtained by ''. profile_indices: list of integer values List of integer values specifying which profiles should be plotted. profile_list: int, optional Index of the profile list to be used for profiling. ratio_min: int, optional Exclude values where profile likelihood ratio is smaller than ratio_min. Returns ------- fvals: numeric list Including values that need to be plotted. """ # extract ratio values values from result fvals = [] for i_par in range(0, len(result.profile_result.list[profile_list])): if ( i_par in profile_indices and result.profile_result.list[profile_list][i_par] is not None ): xs = result.profile_result.list[profile_list][i_par].x_path[ i_par, : ] ratios = result.profile_result.list[profile_list][ i_par ].ratio_path[:] # constrain indices = np.where(ratios > ratio_min) xs = xs[indices] ratios = ratios[indices] fvals_for_par = np.array([xs, ratios]) else: fvals_for_par = None fvals.append(fvals_for_par) return fvals def process_result_list_profiles( results: Result, profile_list_ids: Sequence[int], colors: Sequence[np.array], legends: Union[str, list], ) -> Sequence[int]: """ Assign colors and legends to a list of results. Takes also care of the special cases for profile plotting. Parameters ---------- results: list or pypesto.Result List of or single `pypesto.Result` after profiling. profile_list_ids: int or list of ints, optional Index or list of indices of the profile lists to be used for profiling. colors: list of RGBA colors colors for legends: list of str Legends for plotting Returns ------- profile_indices: list of integer values corrected list of integer values specifying which profiles should be plotted. """ # ensure list of ids if isinstance(profile_list_ids, int): profile_list_ids = [profile_list_ids] # check if we have a single result if isinstance(results, list): if len(results) != 1: # if we have no single result, then use the standard api results, colors, legends = process_result_list( results, colors, legends ) return results, profile_list_ids, colors, legends else: # a single results was provided, so make a list out of it results = [results] # If we have a single result, we may still have multiple profile_list_ids # which should be plotted separately: use profile_list_ids as results dummy _, colors, legends = process_result_list(profile_list_ids, colors, legends) return results, profile_list_ids, colors, legends def process_profile_indices( results: Sequence[Result], profile_indices: Sequence[int], profile_list_ids: Union[int, Sequence[int]], ): """ Clean up profile_indices to be plotted. Retrieve the indices of the parameter for which profiles should be plotted later from a list of pypesto.ProfileResult objects. """ # get all parameter indices, for which profiles were computed plottable_indices = set() for result in results: for profile_list_id in profile_list_ids: # get parameter indices, for which profiles were computed if profile_list_id < len(result.profile_result.list): tmp_indices = [ par_id for par_id, prof in enumerate( result.profile_result.list[profile_list_id] ) if prof is not None ] # profile_indices should contain all parameter indices, # for which in at least one of the results a profile exists plottable_indices.update(tmp_indices) plottable_indices = sorted(plottable_indices) # get the profiles, which should be plotted and sanitize, if not plottable if profile_indices is None: profile_indices = list(plottable_indices) else: for ind in profile_indices: if ind not in plottable_indices: profile_indices.remove(ind) warn( 'Requested to plot profile for parameter index %i, ' 'but profile has not been computed.' % ind ) return profile_indices