Source code for pypesto.sample.adaptive_parallel_tempering

"""AdaptiveParallelTemperingSampler class."""
from typing import Dict, Sequence

import numpy as np

from .parallel_tempering import ParallelTemperingSampler

[docs]class AdaptiveParallelTemperingSampler(ParallelTemperingSampler): """Parallel tempering sampler with adaptive temperature adaptation."""
[docs] @classmethod def default_options(cls) -> Dict: """Get default options for sampler.""" options = super().default_options() # scaling factor for temperature adaptation options['eta'] = 100 # controls the adaptation degeneration velocity of the temperature # adaption. options['nu'] = 1e3 return options
[docs] def adjust_betas(self, i_sample: int, swapped: Sequence[bool]): """Update temperatures as in Vousden2016.""" if len(self.betas) == 1: return # parameters nu = self.options['nu'] eta = self.options['eta'] betas = self.betas # booleans to integer array swapped = np.array([int(swap) for swap in swapped]) # update betas kappa = nu / (i_sample + 1 + nu) / eta ds = kappa * (swapped[:-1] - swapped[1:]) dtemp = np.diff(1.0 / betas[:-1]) dtemp = dtemp * np.exp(ds) betas[:-1] = 1 / np.cumsum(np.insert(dtemp, obj=0, values=1.0)) # fill in self.betas = betas