Source code for pypesto.result.predict

"""PredictionResult and PredictionConditionResult."""

import os
from pathlib import Path
from time import time
from typing import Dict, Sequence, Union
from warnings import warn

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..C import (
from ..util import get_condition_label

[docs]class PredictionConditionResult: """ Light-weight wrapper for the prediction of one simulation condition. It should provide a common api how amici predictions should look like in pyPESTO. """
[docs] def __init__( self, timepoints: np.ndarray, output_ids: Sequence[str], output: np.ndarray = None, output_sensi: np.ndarray = None, output_weight: float = None, output_sigmay: np.ndarray = None, x_names: Sequence[str] = None, ): """ Initialize PredictionConditionResult. Parameters ---------- timepoints: Output timepoints for this simulation condition output_ids: IDs of outputs for this simulation condition output: Postprocessed outputs (ndarray) output_sensi: Sensitivities of postprocessed outputs (ndarray) output_weight: LLH of the simulation output_sigmay: Standard deviations of postprocessed observables x_names: IDs of model parameter w.r.t to which sensitivities were computed """ self.timepoints = timepoints self.output_ids = output_ids self.output = output self.output_sensi = output_sensi self.output_weight = output_weight self.output_sigmay = output_sigmay self.x_names = x_names if x_names is None and output_sensi is not None: self.x_names = [ f'parameter_{i_par}' for i_par in range(output_sensi.shape[1]) ]
def __iter__(self): """Allow usage like a dict.""" yield 'timepoints', self.timepoints yield 'output_ids', self.output_ids yield 'x_names', self.x_names yield 'output', self.output yield 'output_sensi', self.output_sensi yield 'output_weight', self.output_weight yield 'output_sigmay', self.output_sigmay def __eq__(self, other): """Check equality of two PredictionConditionResults.""" def to_bool(expr): if isinstance(expr, bool): return expr return expr.any() if to_bool(self.timepoints != other.timepoints): return False if to_bool(self.x_names != other.x_names): return False if to_bool(self.output_ids != other.output_ids): return False if to_bool(self.output != other.output): return False if to_bool(self.output_sensi != other.output_sensi): return False if to_bool(self.output_weight != other.output_weight): return False if to_bool(self.output_sigmay != other.output_sigmay): return False return True
[docs]class PredictionResult: """ Light-weight wrapper around prediction from pyPESTO made by an AMICI model. Its only purpose is to have fixed format/api, how prediction results should be stored, read, and handled: as predictions are a very flexible format anyway, they should at least have a common definition, which allows to work with them in a reasonable way. """
[docs] def __init__( self, conditions: Sequence[Union[PredictionConditionResult, Dict]], condition_ids: Sequence[str] = None, comment: str = None, ): """ Initialize PredictionResult. Parameters ---------- conditions: A list of PredictionConditionResult objects or dicts condition_ids: IDs or names of the simulation conditions, which belong to this prediction (e.g., PEtab uses tuples of preequilibration condition and simulation conditions) comment: An additional note, which can be attached to this prediction """ # cast the result per condition self.conditions = [ cond if isinstance(cond, PredictionConditionResult) else PredictionConditionResult(**cond) for cond in conditions ] self.condition_ids = condition_ids if self.condition_ids is None: self.condition_ids = [ get_condition_label(i_cond) for i_cond in range(len(conditions)) ] # add a comment to this prediction if available self.comment = comment
def __iter__(self): """Allow usage like an iterator.""" parameter_ids = None if self.conditions: parameter_ids = self.conditions[0].x_names yield 'conditions', [dict(cond) for cond in self.conditions] yield 'condition_ids', self.condition_ids yield 'comment', self.comment yield 'parameter_ids', parameter_ids def __eq__(self, other): """Check equality of two PredictionResults.""" if not isinstance(other, PredictionResult): return False if self.comment != other.comment: return False if self.condition_ids != other.condition_ids: return False for i_cond, _ in enumerate(self.conditions): if self.conditions[i_cond] != other.conditions[i_cond]: return False return True
[docs] def write_to_csv(self, output_file: str): """ Save predictions to a csv file. Parameters ---------- output_file: path to file/folder to which results will be written """ def _prepare_csv_output(output_file): """ Prepare a folder for output. If a csv is requested, this routine will create a folder for it, with a suiting name: csv's are by default 2-dimensional, but the output will have the format n_conditions x n_timepoints x n_outputs For sensitivities, we even have x n_parameters. This makes it necessary to create multiple files and hence, a folder of its own makes sense. Returns a pathlib.Path object of the output. """ # allow entering with names with and without file type endings if '.' in output_file: output_path, output_suffix = output_file.split('.') else: output_path = output_file output_suffix = CSV # parse path and check whether the file exists output_path = Path(output_path) output_path = self._check_existence(output_path) # create output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False) # add the suffix output_dummy = Path(output_path.stem).with_suffix( f'.{output_suffix}' ) return output_path, output_dummy # process the name of the output file, create a folder output_path, output_dummy = _prepare_csv_output(output_file) # loop over conditions (i.e., amici edata objects) for i_cond, cond in enumerate(self.conditions): timepoints = pd.Series(name=TIME, data=cond.timepoints) # handle outputs, if computed if cond.output is not None: # create filename for this condition filename = output_path.joinpath( output_dummy.stem + f'_{i_cond}' + output_dummy.suffix ) # create DataFrame and write to file result = pd.DataFrame( index=timepoints, columns=cond.output_ids, data=cond.output ) result.to_csv(filename, sep='\t') # handle output sensitivities, if computed if cond.output_sensi is not None: # loop over parameters for i_par in range(cond.output_sensi.shape[1]): # create filename for this condition and parameter filename = output_path.joinpath( output_dummy.stem + f'_{i_cond}__s{i_par}' + output_dummy.suffix ) # create DataFrame and write to file result = pd.DataFrame( index=timepoints, columns=cond.output_ids, data=cond.output_sensi[:, i_par, :], ) result.to_csv(filename, sep='\t')
[docs] def write_to_h5(self, output_file: str, base_path: str = None): """ Save predictions to an h5 file. It appends to the file if the file already exists. Parameters ---------- output_file: path to file/folder to which results will be written base_path: base path in the h5 file """ # check if the file exists and append to it in case it does output_path = Path(output_file) filemode = 'w' if os.path.exists(output_path): filemode = 'r+' base = Path('.') if base_path is not None: base = Path(base_path) with h5py.File(output_path, filemode) as f: # loop over conditions (i.e., amici edata objects) if self.conditions and self.conditions[0].x_names is not None: f.create_dataset( os.path.join(base, PARAMETER_IDS), data=self.conditions[0].x_names, ) if self.condition_ids is not None: f.create_dataset( os.path.join(base, CONDITION_IDS), data=self.condition_ids ) for i_cond, cond in enumerate(self.conditions): # each conditions gets a group of its own f.create_group(os.path.join(base, str(i_cond))) # save output IDs f.create_dataset( os.path.join(base, str(i_cond), OUTPUT_IDS), data=cond.output_ids, ) # save timepoints, outputs, and sensitivities of outputs f.create_dataset( os.path.join(base, str(i_cond), TIMEPOINTS), data=cond.timepoints, ) if cond.output is not None: f.create_dataset( os.path.join(base, str(i_cond), OUTPUT), data=cond.output, ) if cond.output_sensi is not None: f.create_dataset( os.path.join(base, str(i_cond), OUTPUT_SENSI), data=cond.output_sensi, ) if cond.output_weight is not None: f.create_dataset( os.path.join(base, str(i_cond), OUTPUT_WEIGHT), data=cond.output_weight, ) if cond.output_sigmay is not None: f.create_dataset( os.path.join(base, str(i_cond), OUTPUT_SIGMAY), data=cond.output_sigmay, )
@staticmethod def _check_existence(output_path): """ Check whether a file or a folder already exists. Append a timestamp if this is the case. """ output_path_out = output_path while output_path_out.exists(): output_path_out = output_path_out.with_name( output_path_out.stem + f'_{round(time() * 1000)}' ) warn( 'Output name already existed! Changed the name of the output ' 'by appending the unix timestampp to make it unique!' ) return output_path_out