Source code for pypesto.result.optimize

"""Optimization result."""

import warnings
from collections import Counter
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Sequence, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..objective import History
from ..problem import Problem
from ..util import assign_clusters, delete_nan_inf

OptimizationResult = Union['OptimizerResult', 'OptimizeResult']

[docs]class OptimizerResult(dict): """ The result of an optimizer run. Used as a standardized return value to map from the individual result objects returned by the employed optimizers to the format understood by pypesto. Can be used like a dict. Attributes ---------- id: Id of the optimizer run. Usually the start index. x: The best found parameters. fval: The best found function value, `fun(x)`. grad: The gradient at `x`. hess: The Hessian at `x`. res: The residuals at `x`. sres: The residual sensitivities at `x`. n_fval Number of function evaluations. n_grad: Number of gradient evaluations. n_hess: Number of Hessian evaluations. n_res: Number of residuals evaluations. n_sres: Number of residual sensitivity evaluations. x0: The starting parameters. fval0: The starting function value, `fun(x0)`. history: Objective history. exitflag: The exitflag of the optimizer. time: Execution time. message: str Textual comment on the optimization result. optimizer: str The optimizer used for optimization. Notes ----- Any field not supported by the optimizer is filled with None. """
[docs] def __init__( self, id: str = None, x: np.ndarray = None, fval: float = None, grad: np.ndarray = None, hess: np.ndarray = None, res: np.ndarray = None, sres: np.ndarray = None, n_fval: int = None, n_grad: int = None, n_hess: int = None, n_res: int = None, n_sres: int = None, x0: np.ndarray = None, fval0: float = None, history: History = None, exitflag: int = None, time: float = None, message: str = None, optimizer: str = None, ): super().__init__() = id self.x: np.ndarray = np.array(x) if x is not None else None self.fval: float = fval self.grad: np.ndarray = np.array(grad) if grad is not None else None self.hess: np.ndarray = np.array(hess) if hess is not None else None self.res: np.ndarray = np.array(res) if res is not None else None self.sres: np.ndarray = np.array(sres) if sres is not None else None self.n_fval: int = n_fval self.n_grad: int = n_grad self.n_hess: int = n_hess self.n_res: int = n_res self.n_sres: int = n_sres self.x0: np.ndarray = np.array(x0) if x0 is not None else None self.fval0: float = fval0 self.history: History = history self.exitflag: int = exitflag self.time: float = time self.message: str = message self.optimizer = optimizer
def __getattr__(self, key): try: return self[key] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(key) __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
[docs] def summary(self): """Get summary of the object.""" message = ( "### Optimizer Result \n\n" f"* optimizer used: {self.optimizer} \n" f"* message: {self.message} \n" f"* number of evaluations: {self.n_fval} \n" f"* time taken to optimize: {self.time} \n" f"* startpoint: {self.x0} \n" f"* endpoint: {self.x} \n" ) # add fval, gradient, hessian, res, sres if available if self.fval is not None: message += f"* final objective value: {self.fval} \n" if self.grad is not None: message += f"* final gradient value: {self.grad} \n" if self.hess is not None: message += f"* final hessian value: {self.hess} \n" if self.res is not None: message += f"* final residual value: {self.res} \n" if self.sres is not None: message += f"* final residual sensitivity: {self.sres} \n" return message
[docs] def update_to_full(self, problem: Problem) -> None: """ Update values to full vectors/matrices. Parameters ---------- problem: problem which contains info about how to convert to full vectors or matrices """ self.x = problem.get_full_vector(self.x, problem.x_fixed_vals) self.grad = problem.get_full_vector(self.grad) self.hess = problem.get_full_matrix(self.hess) self.x0 = problem.get_full_vector(self.x0, problem.x_fixed_vals)
[docs]class OptimizeResult: """Result of the :py:func:`pypesto.optimize.minimize` function."""
[docs] def __init__(self): self.list = []
def __deepcopy__(self, memo): other = OptimizeResult() other.list = deepcopy(self.list) return other def __getattr__(self, key): """Define `optimize_result.key`.""" try: return [res[key] for res in self.list] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(key) def __getitem__(self, index): """Define `optimize_result[i]` to access the i-th result.""" try: return self.list[index] except IndexError: raise IndexError( f"{index} out of range for optimize result of " f"length {len(self.list)}." ) def __len__(self): return len(self.list)
[docs] def summary(self, disp_best: bool = True, disp_worst: bool = False): """ Get summary of the object. Parameters ---------- disp_best: Whether to display a detailed summary of the best run. disp_worst: Whether to display a detailed summary of the worst run. """ # perform clustering for better information clust, clustsize = assign_clusters(delete_nan_inf(self.fval)[1]) counter_message = '\n'.join( ["\tCount\tMessage"] + [ f"\t{count}\t{message}" for message, count in Counter(self.message).most_common() ] ) times_message = ( f'\n\tMean execution time: {np.mean(self.time)}s\n' f'\tMaximum execution time: {np.max(self.time)}s,' f'\tid={self[np.argmax(self.time)].id}\n' f'\tMinimum execution time: {np.min(self.time)}s,\t' f'id={self[np.argmin(self.time)].id}' ) summary = ( "## Optimization Result \n\n" f"* number of starts: {len(self)} \n" f"* best value: {self[0]['fval']}, id={self[0]['id']}\n" f"* worst value: {self[-1]['fval']}, id={self[-1]['id']}\n" f"* number of non-finite values: {np.logical_not(np.isfinite(self.fval)).sum()}\n\n" f"* execution time summary: {times_message}\n" f"* summary of optimizer messages:\n{counter_message}\n" f"* best value found (approximately) {clustsize[0]} time(s) \n" f"* number of plateaus found: " f"{1 + max(clust) - sum(clustsize == 1)}" ) if disp_best: summary += f"\nA summary of the best run:\n\n{self[0].summary()}" if disp_worst: summary += f"\nA summary of the worst run:\n\n{self[-1].summary()}" return summary
[docs] def append( self, optimize_result: OptimizationResult, sort: bool = True, prefix: str = '', ): """ Append an OptimizerResult or an OptimizeResult to the result object. Parameters ---------- optimize_result: The result of one or more (local) optimizer run. sort: Boolean used so we only sort once when appending an optimize_result. prefix: The IDs for all appended results will be prefixed with this. """ current_ids = set( if isinstance(optimize_result, OptimizeResult): new_ids = [ prefix + identifier for identifier in if identifier is not None ] if current_ids.isdisjoint(new_ids) and new_ids: raise ValueError( "Some id's you want to merge coincide with " "the existing id's. Please use an " "appropriate prefix such as 'run_2_'." ) for optimizer_result in optimize_result.list: self.append(optimizer_result, sort=False, prefix=prefix) elif isinstance(optimize_result, OptimizerResult): # if id is None, append without checking for duplicate ids if is None: self.list.append(optimize_result) else: new_id = prefix + if new_id in current_ids: raise ValueError( "The id you want to merge coincides with " "the existing id's. Please use an " "appropriate prefix such as 'run_2_'." ) = new_id self.list.append(optimize_result) if sort: self.sort()
[docs] def sort(self): """Sort the optimizer results by function value fval (ascending).""" def get_fval(res): return res.fval if not np.isnan(res.fval) else np.inf self.list = sorted(self.list, key=get_fval)
[docs] def as_dataframe(self, keys=None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get as pandas DataFrame. If keys is a list, return only the specified values, otherwise all. """ lst = self.as_list(keys) df = pd.DataFrame(lst) return df
[docs] def as_list(self, keys=None) -> Sequence: """ Get as list. If keys is a list, return only the specified values. Parameters ---------- keys: list(str), optional Labels of the field to extract. """ lst = self.list if keys is not None: lst = [{key: res[key] for key in keys} for res in lst] return lst
[docs] def get_for_key(self, key) -> list: """Extract the list of values for the specified key as a list.""" warnings.warn( "get_for_key() is deprecated in favour of " "optimize_result['key'] and will be removed in future " "releases." ) return [res[key] for res in self.list]