Source code for pypesto.visualize.ensemble

from typing import Optional, Tuple

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle

from ..ensemble import Ensemble

[docs]def ensemble_identifiability(ensemble: Ensemble, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, size: Optional[Tuple[float]] = (12, 6)): """ Visualize identifiablity of parameter ensemble. Plot an overview about how many parameters hit the parameter bounds based on a ensemble of parameters. confidence intervals/credible ranges are computed via the ensemble mean plus/minus 1 standard deviation. This highlevel routine expects a ensemble object as input. Parameters ---------- ensemble: ensemble of parameter vectors (from pypesto.ensemble) ax: Axes object to use. size: Figure size (width, height) in inches. Is only applied when no ax object is specified Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.Axes The plot axes. """ # first get the data to check identifiability id_df = ensemble.check_identifiability() # check how many bounds are actually hit and which ones none_hit, lb_hit, ub_hit, both_hit = _prepare_identifiability_plot(id_df) # call lowlevel routine whick works with np arrays only ax = ensemble_identifiability_lowlevel(none_hit, lb_hit, ub_hit, both_hit, ax, size) return ax
def ensemble_identifiability_lowlevel(none_hit: np.ndarray, lb_hit: np.ndarray, ub_hit: np.ndarray, both_hit: np.ndarray, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, size: Optional[Tuple[float]] = (16, 10)): """ Low-level identifiablity routine. Plot an overview about how many parameters hit the parameter bounds based on a ensemble of parameters. Confidence intervals/credible ranges are computed via the ensemble mean plus/minus 1 standard deviation. This lowlevel routine works with numpy arrays which define the confidence intervals/credible ranges of each parameter. Parameters ---------- none_hit: 2-dimensional array of confidence interval/credible ranges for identifiable parameters lb_hit: 2-dimensional array of confidence interval/credible ranges for parameters which hit the lower parameter bound ub_hit: 2-dimensional array of confidence interval/credible ranges for parameters which hit the upper parameter bound both_hit: 2-dimensional array of confidence interval/credible ranges for parameters which hit both parameter bounds ax: Axes object to use. size: Figure size (width, height) in inches. Is only applied when no ax object is specified Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.Axes The plot axes. """ # define some short hands for later plotting n_par = sum([none_hit.shape[0], lb_hit.shape[0], ub_hit.shape[0], both_hit.shape[0]]) x_both = len(both_hit) / n_par x_lb = len(lb_hit) / n_par x_ub = len(ub_hit) / n_par x_none = 1. - x_both - x_ub - x_lb patches_both_hit, patches_lb_hit, patches_ub_hit, patches_none_hit = \ _create_patches(none_hit, lb_hit, ub_hit, both_hit) # axes if ax is None: ax = plt.subplots()[1] fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(*size) # create axes object and add patch collections if patches_both_hit: ax.add_collection(patches_both_hit) if patches_lb_hit: ax.add_collection(patches_lb_hit) if patches_ub_hit: ax.add_collection(patches_ub_hit) if patches_none_hit: ax.add_collection(patches_none_hit) # plot dashed lines indicating the number rof non-identifiable parameters vert = [-.05, 1.05] ax.plot([x_both, x_both], vert, 'k--', linewidth=1.5) ax.plot([x_both + x_lb, x_both + x_lb], vert, 'k--', linewidth=1.5) ax.plot([x_both + x_lb + x_ub, x_both + x_lb + x_ub], vert, 'k--', linewidth=1.5) # add text if patches_both_hit: ax.text(x_both / 2, -.05, 'both bounds hit', color=COLOR_HIT_BOTH_BOUNDS, rotation=-90, va='top', ha='center') if patches_lb_hit: ax.text(x_both + x_lb / 2, -.05, 'lower bound hit', color=COLOR_HIT_ONE_BOUND, rotation=-90, va='top', ha='center') if patches_ub_hit: ax.text(x_both + x_lb + x_ub / 2, -.05, 'upper bound hit', color=COLOR_HIT_ONE_BOUND, rotation=-90, va='top', ha='center') if patches_none_hit: ax.text(1 - x_none / 2, -.05, 'no bounds hit', color=COLOR_HIT_NO_BOUNDS, rotation=-90, va='top', ha='center') ax.text(0, -.7, 'identifiable parameters: {:4.1f}%'.format(x_none * 100), va='top') # plot upper and lower bounds ax.text(-.03, 1., 'upper\nbound', ha='right', va='center') ax.text(-.03, 0., 'lower\nbound', ha='right', va='center') ax.plot([-.02, 1.03], [0, 0], 'k:', linewidth=1.5) ax.plot([-.02, 1.03], [1, 1], 'k:', linewidth=1.5) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) # plot frame ax.plot([0, 0], vert, 'k-', linewidth=1.5) ax.plot([1, 1], vert, 'k-', linewidth=1.5) # beautify axes plt.xlim((-.15, 1.1)) plt.ylim((-.78, 1.15)) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) return ax def _prepare_identifiability_plot(id_df: pd.DataFrame): """ Group model parameters based on an ensemble object . Can group into four categories, based on the mean of the parameter ensemble plus/minus 1 standard deviation: Parameters that hit both bounds, parameters that hit only the lower [or upper] bound, and parameters that hit no bounds. It returns them as four numpy arrays, together with their confidence intervals/credible ranges. Parameters ---------- id_df: Pandas dataframe with information about parameter identifiability, as created by pypesto.ensemble.check_identifiability() Returns ------- none_hit: 2-dimensional array of confidence interval/credible ranges for identifiable parameters lb_hit: 2-dimensional array of confidence interval/credible ranges for parameters which hit the lower parameter bound ub_hit: 2-dimensional array of confidence interval/credible ranges for parameters which hit the upper parameter bound both_hit: 2-dimensional array of confidence interval/credible ranges for parameters which hit both parameter bounds """ # prepare both_hit = [] lb_hit = [] ub_hit = [] none_hit = [] def _affine_transform(par_info): # rescale parameters to bounds lb = par_info['lowerBound'] ub = par_info['upperBound'] val_l = par_info['ensemble_mean'] - par_info['ensemble_std'] val_u = par_info['ensemble_mean'] + par_info['ensemble_std'] # check if parameter confidence intervals/credible ranges hit bound if val_l <= lb: lower_val = 0. else: lower_val = (val_l - lb) / (ub - lb) if val_u >= ub: upper_val = 1. else: upper_val = (val_u - lb) / (ub - lb) return lower_val, upper_val for par_id in list(id_df.index): # check which of the parameters seems to be identifiable and group them if id_df.loc[par_id, 'within lb: 1 std'] and \ id_df.loc[par_id, 'within ub: 1 std']: none_hit.append(_affine_transform(id_df.loc[par_id, :])) elif id_df.loc[par_id, 'within lb: 1 std']: ub_hit.append(_affine_transform(id_df.loc[par_id, :])) elif id_df.loc[par_id, 'within ub: 1 std']: lb_hit.append(_affine_transform(id_df.loc[par_id, :])) else: both_hit.append(_affine_transform(id_df.loc[par_id, :])) return np.array(none_hit), np.array(lb_hit), np.array(ub_hit), \ np.array(both_hit) def _create_patches(none_hit: np.ndarray, lb_hit: np.ndarray, ub_hit: np.ndarray, both_hit: np.ndarray): """ Create patches for identifiability analysis. Create matplotlib.patches.PatchCollection objects from numpy arrays with confidence intervals/credible ranges, which visualize identifiability properties of the model parameters. Parameters ---------- none_hit: 2-dimensional array of confidence interval/credible ranges for identifiable parameters lb_hit: 2-dimensional array of confidence interval/credible ranges for parameters which hit the lower parameter bound ub_hit: 2-dimensional array of confidence interval/credible ranges for parameters which hit the upper parameter bound both_hit: 2-dimensional array of confidence interval/credible ranges for parameters which hit both parameter bounds Returns ------- patches_both_hit: patches showing parameters which hit both parameter bounds in the ensemble (and are hence non-identifiable) patches_lb_hit: patches showing parameters which hit only the lower parameter bounds in the ensemble (and are hence non-identifiable) patches_ub_hit: patches showing parameters which hit only the lower parameter bounds in the ensemble (and are hence non-identifiable) patches_none_hit patches showing parameters which hit no parameter bounds in the ensemble (and are hence identifiable) """ # get total number of parameters n_par = sum([none_hit.shape[0], lb_hit.shape[0], ub_hit.shape[0], both_hit.shape[0]]) # start patches at the left end and increment by h = 1/n_par x = 0. h = 1. / n_par # creates patches for parameters which hit both bounds patches_both_hit = [] if both_hit.size > 0: for _ in both_hit: # create a list of rectangles patches_both_hit.append(Rectangle((x, 0.), h, 1.)) x += h patches_both_hit = PatchCollection(patches_both_hit, facecolors=COLOR_HIT_BOTH_BOUNDS) # creates patches for parameters which hit lower bound patches_lb_hit = [] # sort by normalizes length of confidence interval/credible range if lb_hit.size > 0: tmp_lb = np.sort(lb_hit[:, 1])[::-1] for lb_par in tmp_lb: # create a list of rectangles patches_lb_hit.append(Rectangle((x, 0.), h, lb_par)) x += h patches_lb_hit = PatchCollection(patches_lb_hit, facecolors=COLOR_HIT_ONE_BOUND) # creates patches for parameters which hit upper bound patches_ub_hit = [] # sort by normalizes length of confidence interval/credible range if ub_hit.size > 0: tmp_ub = np.sort(ub_hit[:, 0]) for ub_par in tmp_ub: # create a list of rectangles patches_ub_hit.append(Rectangle((x, ub_par), h, 1. - ub_par)) x += h patches_ub_hit = PatchCollection(patches_ub_hit, facecolors=COLOR_HIT_ONE_BOUND) # creates patches for parameters which hit no bounds patches_none_hit = [] # sort by normalizes length of confidence interval/credible range if none_hit.size > 0: tmp_none = np.argsort(none_hit[:, 1] - none_hit[:, 0])[::-1] for none_par in tmp_none: patches_none_hit.append( # create a list of rectangles Rectangle((x, none_hit[none_par, 0]), h, none_hit[none_par, 1] - none_hit[none_par, 0])) x += h patches_none_hit = PatchCollection(patches_none_hit, facecolors=COLOR_HIT_NO_BOUNDS) return patches_both_hit, patches_lb_hit, patches_ub_hit, patches_none_hit