Rosenbrock banana

Here, we perform optimization for the Rosenbrock banana function, which does not require an AMICI model. In particular, we try several ways of specifying derivative information.

import pypesto
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

%matplotlib inline

Define the objective and problem

# first type of objective
objective1 = pypesto.Objective(fun=sp.optimize.rosen,

# second type of objective
def rosen2(x):
    return sp.optimize.rosen(x), sp.optimize.rosen_der(x), sp.optimize.rosen_hess(x)
objective2 = pypesto.Objective(fun=rosen2, grad=True, hess=True)

dim_full = 10
lb = -5 * np.ones((dim_full, 1))
ub = 5 * np.ones((dim_full, 1))

problem1 = pypesto.Problem(objective=objective1, lb=lb, ub=ub)
problem2 = pypesto.Problem(objective=objective2, lb=lb, ub=ub)


x = np.arange(-2, 2, 0.1)
y = np.arange(-2, 2, 0.1)
x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
z = np.zeros_like(x)
for j in range(0, x.shape[0]):
    for k in range(0, x.shape[1]):
        z[j,k] = objective1([x[j,k], y[j,k]], (0,))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(X=x, Y=y, Z=z)
plt.xlabel('x axis')
plt.ylabel('y axis')
ax.set_title('cost function values')
Text(0.5, 0.92, 'cost function values')

Run optimization


# create different optimizers
optimizer_bfgs = pypesto.ScipyOptimizer(method='l-bfgs-b')
optimizer_tnc = pypesto.ScipyOptimizer(method='TNC')
optimizer_dogleg = pypesto.ScipyOptimizer(method='dogleg')

# set number of starts
n_starts = 20

# save optimizer trace
history_options = pypesto.HistoryOptions(trace_record=True)

# Run optimizaitons for different optimzers
result1_bfgs = pypesto.minimize(
    problem=problem1, optimizer=optimizer_bfgs,
    n_starts=n_starts, history_options=history_options)
result1_tnc = pypesto.minimize(
    problem=problem1, optimizer=optimizer_tnc,
    n_starts=n_starts, history_options=history_options)
result1_dogleg = pypesto.minimize(
    problem=problem1, optimizer=optimizer_dogleg,
    n_starts=n_starts, history_options=history_options)

# Optimize second type of objective
result2 = pypesto.minimize(problem=problem2, optimizer=optimizer_tnc, n_starts=n_starts)
Function values from history and optimizer do not match: 0.2816653821914888, 0.5320236837009729
Parameters obtained from history and optimizer do not match: [0.98858861 0.98891374 0.98766938 0.98161879 0.9652898  0.93879652
 0.88306125 0.77229682 0.59072196 0.34463656], [0.98496582 0.99181314 0.98908854 0.97887796 0.9637969  0.92698863
 0.85833682 0.7281339  0.5100925  0.23030355]
Function values from history and optimizer do not match: 2.4964418432638706, 3.2754756228142554
Parameters obtained from history and optimizer do not match: [9.82288496e-01 9.66985425e-01 9.38419566e-01 8.78054852e-01
 7.69913490e-01 5.86275734e-01 3.34232174e-01 1.02020372e-01
 1.12463415e-02 8.92327778e-05], [ 9.77936483e-01  9.58866835e-01  9.18622429e-01  8.45125973e-01
  6.98308810e-01  4.68636934e-01  1.81161241e-01  1.56538059e-02
  1.25320748e-02 -3.42245429e-05]
Function values from history and optimizer do not match: 5.2801527327005155, 6.006584566765655
Parameters obtained from history and optimizer do not match: [ 8.97044955e-01  8.02352694e-01  6.38595532e-01  3.92952520e-01
  1.39352250e-01  1.46386081e-02  1.03838418e-02  1.04224904e-02
  9.87858840e-03 -3.10151313e-05], [8.53850657e-01 7.25968721e-01 5.02444501e-01 2.29720701e-01
 2.91937619e-02 1.04279105e-02 1.00588034e-02 9.91318272e-03
 1.01923977e-02 2.48830744e-04]
Function values from history and optimizer do not match: 1.9692004336022721, 2.7115798760594214
Parameters obtained from history and optimizer do not match: [ 0.99019497  0.97774137  0.9561126   0.91685931  0.84524646  0.70666505
  0.49175856  0.23072529  0.03408112 -0.00353803], [ 0.99027014  0.97935022  0.95186067  0.89016816  0.78796339  0.60782056
  0.3439489   0.082957    0.01236261 -0.0090733 ]
Function values from history and optimizer do not match: 8.168889493703478, 8.725825462780923
Parameters obtained from history and optimizer do not match: [-0.94088519  0.89001051  0.79111519  0.61462856  0.36442     0.11619655
  0.01427664  0.01024192  0.00981114  0.0030506 ], [-0.9055118   0.82811563  0.68759974  0.46924951  0.18965995  0.0303
  0.00988695  0.00686135  0.01131552  0.01232474]
Function values from history and optimizer do not match: 5.952343722253962, 6.6703631037412485
Parameters obtained from history and optimizer do not match: [ 8.43835312e-01  7.07958350e-01  4.88024405e-01  2.15876140e-01
  3.61965507e-02  1.06449763e-02  1.02201791e-02  1.01343248e-02
  1.00194415e-02 -4.24013443e-05], [ 7.73014395e-01  5.76458083e-01  3.06751296e-01  7.23116662e-02
  1.11101457e-02  1.04925729e-02  1.02198284e-02  9.31800098e-03
  1.00303338e-02 -3.35414249e-04]
Function values from history and optimizer do not match: 2.9695656384271043, 3.1184191036428834
Parameters obtained from history and optimizer do not match: [9.87034254e-01 9.72306804e-01 9.49987341e-01 8.93423068e-01
 8.17286050e-01 6.40113467e-01 3.50303066e-01 9.21040023e-02
 1.61619582e-02 1.07301208e-05], [0.97539345 0.96038658 0.92103141 0.84071849 0.69173518 0.46411457
 0.22535018 0.02137437 0.0140465  0.00187475]
Function values from history and optimizer do not match: 5.243703633002998, 5.815927741761821
Parameters obtained from history and optimizer do not match: [-0.98596483  0.98274868  0.97442973  0.9514248   0.90830696  0.82066704
  0.6645958   0.42265816  0.16754891  0.00843015], [-9.83776132e-01  9.76891471e-01  9.59822778e-01  9.25805546e-01
  8.61313435e-01  7.38255806e-01  5.36125583e-01  2.68900058e-01
  4.63857306e-02  5.55478747e-04]
Function values from history and optimizer do not match: 5.568452686104578, 6.240940426777619
Parameters obtained from history and optimizer do not match: [-0.98409971  0.97981689  0.96708475  0.93994779  0.882228    0.77067159
  0.58158721  0.3234338   0.08784476  0.00137899], [-9.80621630e-01  9.73220286e-01  9.49144994e-01  8.99631345e-01
  8.13904700e-01  6.72270174e-01  4.38458930e-01  1.59095121e-01
  1.36813582e-02  5.45995408e-04]
Function values from history and optimizer do not match: 0.036324365386529986, 0.09483254249425768
Parameters obtained from history and optimizer do not match: [0.99822004 0.99707243 0.99610909 0.99417929 0.99002028 0.98113164
 0.96153381 0.92444914 0.85179403 0.71878419], [0.99793405 0.9950185  0.99388555 0.99040659 0.98235824 0.966224
 0.93616269 0.87811711 0.77111827 0.58106498]
Function values from history and optimizer do not match: 0.6471617322900747, 1.0298609819176106
Parameters obtained from history and optimizer do not match: [0.99617777 0.9935325  0.98584858 0.97134588 0.94515948 0.88609812
 0.78352677 0.60468994 0.36020607 0.12888943], [0.99486306 0.99041659 0.98198154 0.96653722 0.93323387 0.86752936
 0.75275173 0.55276676 0.2795121  0.04110074]
CPU times: user 4.73 s, sys: 150 ms, total: 4.88 s
Wall time: 4.85 s

Visualize and compare optimization results

import pypesto.visualize

# plot separated waterfalls
pypesto.visualize.waterfall(result1_bfgs, size=(15,6))
pypesto.visualize.waterfall(result1_tnc, size=(15,6))
pypesto.visualize.waterfall(result1_dogleg, size=(15,6))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x126cfd6a0>

We can now have a closer look, which method perfomred better: Let’s first compare bfgs and TNC, since both methods gave good results. How does the fine convergence look like?

# plot one list of waterfalls
pypesto.visualize.waterfall([result1_bfgs, result1_tnc],
                            legends=['L-BFGS-B', 'TNC'],
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x126ddca00>
# retrieve second optimum
all_x = result1_bfgs.optimize_result.get_for_key('x')
all_fval = result1_bfgs.optimize_result.get_for_key('fval')
x = all_x[19]
fval = all_fval[19]
print('Second optimum at: ' + str(fval))

# create a reference point from it
ref = {'x': x, 'fval': fval, 'color': [
    0.2, 0.4, 1., 1.], 'legend': 'second optimum'}
ref = pypesto.visualize.create_references(ref)

# new waterfall plot with reference point for second optimum
pypesto.visualize.waterfall(result1_dogleg, size=(15,6),
                            scale_y='lin', y_limits=[-1, 101],
                            reference=ref, colors=[0., 0., 0., 1.])
Second optimum at: 3.986579113118511
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1275cbfd0>

Visualize parameters

There seems to be a second local optimum. We want to see whether it was also found by the dogleg method

pypesto.visualize.parameters([result1_bfgs, result1_tnc],
                            legends=['L-BFGS-B', 'TNC'],
                             start_indices=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1280b3df0>

If the result needs to be examined in more detail, it can easily be exported as a pandas.DataFrame:

df = result1_tnc.optimize_result.as_dataframe(
    ['fval', 'n_fval', 'n_grad', 'n_hess', 'n_res', 'n_sres', 'time'])
fval n_fval n_grad n_hess n_res n_sres time
0 0.000092 101 101 0 0 0 0.075175
1 0.117351 101 101 0 0 0 0.055569
2 0.201761 101 101 0 0 0 0.089948
3 0.455242 101 101 0 0 0 0.086691
4 0.532024 101 101 0 0 0 0.061193

Optimizer history

Let’s compare optimzer progress over time.

# plot one list of waterfalls
pypesto.visualize.optimizer_history([result1_bfgs, result1_tnc],
                                    legends=['L-BFGS-B', 'TNC'],
# plot one list of waterfalls
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x128611c70>

We can also visualize this usign other scalings or offsets…

# plot one list of waterfalls
pypesto.visualize.optimizer_history([result1_bfgs, result1_tnc],
                                    legends=['L-BFGS-B', 'TNC'],

# plot one list of waterfalls
pypesto.visualize.optimizer_history([result1_bfgs, result1_tnc],
                                    legends=['L-BFGS-B', 'TNC'],
                                    y_limits=[-1., 11.])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x129249d90>

Compute profiles

The profiling routine needs a problem, a results object and an optimizer.

Moreover it accepts an index of integer (profile_index), whether or not a profile should be computed.

Finally, an integer (result_index) can be passed, in order to specify the local optimum, from which profiling should be started.


# compute profiles
profile_options = pypesto.ProfileOptions(min_step_size=0.0005,

result1_bfgs = pypesto.parameter_profile(
    profile_index=np.array([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]),

# compute profiles from second optimum
result1_bfgs = pypesto.parameter_profile(
    profile_index=np.array([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]),
CPU times: user 2.81 s, sys: 17.2 ms, total: 2.83 s
Wall time: 2.84 s

Visualize and analyze results

pypesto offers easy-to-use visualization routines:

# specify the parameters, for which profiles should be computed
ax = pypesto.visualize.profiles(result1_bfgs, profile_indices = [0,1,2,5,7],
                           reference=ref, profile_list_ids=[0, 1])

Approximate profiles

When computing the profiles is computationally too demanding, it is possible to employ to at least consider a normal approximation with covariance matrix given by the Hessian or FIM at the optimal parameters.


result1_tnc = pypesto.profile.approximate_parameter_profile(
    profile_index=np.array([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]),
CPU times: user 27.8 ms, sys: 5.92 ms, total: 33.7 ms
Wall time: 20.9 ms

These approximate profiles require at most one additional function evaluation, can however yield substantial approximation errors:

axes = pypesto.visualize.profiles(
    result1_bfgs, profile_indices = [0,1,2,5,7], profile_list_ids=[0, 2],
    ratio_min=0.01, colors=[(1,0,0,1), (0,0,1,1)],
    legends=["Optimization-based profile", "Local profile approximation"])

We can also plot approximate confidence intervals based on profiles:

pypesto.visualize.profile_cis(result1_bfgs, confidence_level=0.95, profile_list=2)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x126ba6a30>