
New features and bug fixes are continuously added to the develop branch. On every merge to master, the version number in pypesto/ should be incremented as described below.

Versioning scheme

For version numbers, we use A.B.C, where

  • C is increased for bug fixes,

  • B is increased for new features and minor API breaking changes,

  • A is increased for major API breaking changes.

Creating a new release

After new commits have been added to the develop branch, changes can be merged to master and a new version of pyPESTO can be released. Every merge to master should coincide with an incremented version number and a git tag on the respective merge commit.

Merge into master

  1. create a pull request from develop to master

  2. check that all tests on travis pass

  3. check that the documentation is up-to-date

  4. adapt the version number in the file pesto/ (see above)

  5. update the release notes in doc/releasenotes.rst

  6. request a code review

  7. merge into the origin master branch

To be able to actually perform the merge, sufficient rights may be required. Also, at least one review is required.

Creating a release on github

After merging into master, create a new release on Github. In the release form:

  • specify a tag with the new version as specified in pesto/, prefixed with v (e.g. v0.0.1)

  • include the latest additions to doc/releasenotes.rst in the release description

Tagging the release commit will automatically trigger deployment of the new version to pypi.