Source code for pypesto.objective.amici_calculator

import numpy as np
from typing import Dict, List, Sequence, Union

from .constants import (
from .amici_util import (
    add_sim_grad_to_opt_grad, add_sim_hess_to_opt_hess,
    sim_sres_to_opt_sres, log_simulation, get_error_output, filter_return_dict,

    import amici
    import amici.petab_objective
    import amici.parameter_mapping
    from amici.parameter_mapping import ParameterMapping
except ImportError:

AmiciModel = Union['amici.Model', 'amici.ModelPtr']
AmiciSolver = Union['amici.Solver', 'amici.SolverPtr']

[docs]class AmiciCalculator: """ Class to perform the actual call to AMICI and obtain requested objective function values. """
[docs] def __init__(self): self._known_least_squares_safe = False
[docs] def initialize(self): """Initialize the calculator. Default: Do nothing."""
[docs] def __call__(self, x_dct: Dict, sensi_order: int, mode: str, amici_model: AmiciModel, amici_solver: AmiciSolver, edatas: List['amici.ExpData'], n_threads: int, x_ids: Sequence[str], parameter_mapping: 'ParameterMapping', fim_for_hess: bool): """Perform the actual AMICI call. Called within the :func:`AmiciObjective.__call__` method. Parameters ---------- x_dct: Parameters for which to compute function value and derivatives. sensi_order: Maximum sensitivity order. mode: Call mode (function value or residual based). amici_model: The AMICI model. amici_solver: The AMICI solver. edatas: The experimental data. n_threads: Number of threads for AMICI call. x_ids: Ids of optimization parameters. parameter_mapping: Mapping of optimization to simulation parameters. fim_for_hess: Whether to use the FIM (if available) instead of the Hessian (if requested). """ # set order in solver if sensi_order == 2 and fim_for_hess: # we use the FIM amici_solver.setSensitivityOrder(sensi_order-1) else: amici_solver.setSensitivityOrder(sensi_order) # fill in parameters amici.parameter_mapping.fill_in_parameters( edatas=edatas, problem_parameters=x_dct, scaled_parameters=True, parameter_mapping=parameter_mapping, amici_model=amici_model ) # run amici simulation rdatas = amici.runAmiciSimulations( amici_model, amici_solver, edatas, num_threads=min(n_threads, len(edatas)), ) if not self._known_least_squares_safe and mode == MODE_RES and \ sensi_order > 0: if not amici_model.getAddSigmaResiduals() and any( ((r['ssigmay'] is not None and np.any(r['ssigmay'])) or (r['ssigmaz'] is not None and np.any(r['ssigmaz']))) for r in rdatas ): raise RuntimeError('Cannot use least squares solver with' 'parameter dependent sigma! Support can be ' 'enabled via ' 'amici_model.setAddSigmaResiduals().') self._known_least_squares_safe = True # don't check this again return calculate_function_values( rdatas=rdatas, sensi_order=sensi_order, mode=mode, amici_model=amici_model, amici_solver=amici_solver, edatas=edatas, x_ids=x_ids, parameter_mapping=parameter_mapping, fim_for_hess=fim_for_hess)
def calculate_function_values(rdatas, sensi_order: int, mode: str, amici_model: AmiciModel, amici_solver: AmiciSolver, edatas: List['amici.ExpData'], x_ids: Sequence[str], parameter_mapping: 'ParameterMapping', fim_for_hess: bool): # full optimization problem dimension (including fixed parameters) dim = len(x_ids) # check if the simulation failed if any(rdata['status'] < 0.0 for rdata in rdatas): return get_error_output(amici_model, edatas, rdatas, sensi_order, mode, dim) nllh, snllh, s2nllh, chi2, res, sres = init_return_values(sensi_order, mode, dim) par_sim_ids = list(amici_model.getParameterIds()) sensi_method = amici_solver.getSensitivityMethod() # iterate over return data for data_ix, rdata in enumerate(rdatas): log_simulation(data_ix, rdata) condition_map_sim_var = \ parameter_mapping[data_ix].map_sim_var # add objective value nllh -= rdata['llh'] if mode == MODE_FUN: if not np.isfinite(nllh): return get_error_output(amici_model, edatas, rdatas, sensi_order, mode, dim) if sensi_order > 0: # add gradient add_sim_grad_to_opt_grad( x_ids, par_sim_ids, condition_map_sim_var, rdata['sllh'], snllh, coefficient=-1.0 ) if not np.isfinite(snllh).all(): return get_error_output(amici_model, edatas, rdatas, sensi_order, mode, dim) # Hessian if sensi_order > 1: if sensi_method == amici.SensitivityMethod_forward \ and fim_for_hess: # add FIM for Hessian add_sim_hess_to_opt_hess( x_ids, par_sim_ids, condition_map_sim_var, rdata['FIM'], s2nllh, coefficient=+1.0 ) if not np.isfinite(s2nllh).all(): return get_error_output(amici_model, edatas, rdatas, sensi_order, mode, dim) else: raise ValueError("AMICI cannot compute Hessians yet.") elif mode == MODE_RES: chi2 += rdata['chi2'] res = np.hstack([res, rdata['res']]) \ if res.size else rdata['res'] if sensi_order > 0: opt_sres = sim_sres_to_opt_sres( x_ids, par_sim_ids, condition_map_sim_var, rdata['sres'], coefficient=1.0 ) sres = np.vstack([sres, opt_sres]) \ if sres.size else opt_sres ret = { FVAL: nllh, CHI2: chi2, GRAD: snllh, HESS: s2nllh, RES: res, SRES: sres, RDATAS: rdatas } return filter_return_dict(ret)