
Versioning scheme

For version numbers, we use A.B.C, where

  • C is increased for bug fixes,
  • B is increased for new features,
  • A is increased for major or API breaking changes.

Deploy a new release

When you are done with the changes on your git branch, proceed as follows to deploy a new release.

Merge into master

First, you need to merge into the master:

  1. check that all tests on travis pass
  2. adapt the version number in the file pesto/
  3. update the release notes in doc/releasenotes.rst
  4. merge into the origin master branch

To be able to actualize perform the merge, sufficient rights may be required. Also, at least one review is required.

Upload to PyPI

After a successful merge, you need to update also the package on PyPI:

  1. create a so-called “wheel” via

    python bdist_wheel

    A wheel is essentially a zip archive which contains the source code and the binaries (if any).

  2. upload the archive to PyPI using twine via

    twin upload dist/pypesto-x.y.z-py3-none-any.whl

    replacing x.y.z by the latest version number.

The last step will only be possible if you have sufficient rights.